Comparative Biochemical and Genetic Analysis of Two Species of Ghost Crabs, Ocypode rotundata and Ocypode ceratophthalmus from the Coast of Pakistan
Comparative Biochemical and Genetic Analysis of Two Species of Ghost Crabs, Ocypode rotundata and Ocypode ceratophthalmus from the Coast of Pakistan
Sahir Odhano1*, Michael S Rosenberg2, Noor Us Saher3, Guan Yang Zhang4 and Mustafa Kamal5
Gonopod structure of male ghost crab O. ceratophthalmus (A) and O. rotundata (B) through the electron microscope.
Stridulating ridge of male ghost crabs O. ceratophthalmus and O. rotundata (modified from Sakai and Türkay, 2013)
A Bayesian inference (BI) tree of the Ocypode species from the Sandspit, Karachi, and outgroups of the combined 12S, 16S, and COI genes (1994) bp. Probability values at nodes represent bootstrap support for Bayesian inferences.
A combined data set tree (12S, 16S, COI) obtained using Maximum Likelihood (A) and Maximum Parsimony (A) for Genus Ocypode from Sandspit area.