Comparison between Biological and Chemical Management of Sugar Beet Nematode, Heterodera schachtii
Comparison between Biological and Chemical Management of Sugar Beet Nematode, Heterodera schachtii
Manzoor Hussain*, Miloslav Zouhar and Pavel Rysanek
Phytotoxic effects of nematicide, Basamid (G) on leaves of sugar beet. Chlorotic spots are shown with the help of arrows.
Effects of Lecanicillium muscarium on Heterodera schachtii and growth of sugar beet, (A) in comparison of control (with nematodes treated) plants (B)
Effects of nematicides, Vydate (A), Basamid (B), and calcium cyanamide (C) on Heterodera schachtii and growth of sugar beet.