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Controlling Bactrocera spp. (Diptera: Tephritidae) Through Release of Parasitoids and Mass-Trapping in Orchard Agro-Ecosystem of Sindh


Controlling Bactrocera spp. (Diptera: Tephritidae) Through Release of Parasitoids and Mass-Trapping in Orchard Agro-Ecosystem of Sindh

Zain-ul-Aabdin Abro1*, Naheed Baloch1, Raza Muhammard Memon2 and

Niaz Hussain Khuhro2

1Department of Zooogy, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan

2Nuclear Institute of Agriculture, Tando Jam, Pakistan


Fruit flies of genus Bactrocera are devastating pests of fruits and vegetables among them Bactrocera zonata and Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) are principal pests of mango and guava growing areas of Sindh. Field studies were conducted in mango and guava experimented orchards of Sindh to determine the effectiveness of Trybliographa daci and Diachasmimorpha longicaudata against Bactrocera flies in combination with mass trapping. Results shown significantly (P<0.05) maximum parasitization of T. daci (342.00±16.26, 320.00±14.85) respectively in EA-2 (guava) treated blocks at Hyderabad and Larkana. Whereas, minimum parasitization of both parasitoids were observed in the untreated blocks of mango at discrete regions. Furthermore, significantly (P<0.05) reduced number of B. dorsalis (510.00±118.57, 558.40±75.86) followed B. zonata (611.80±109.38, 680.00±40.50) respectively were found in EA-1(mango) treated blocks of Larkana and Hyderabad using mass-trapping technique for fruit flies. While higher number of both species of fruit flies were recorded in untreated blocks of guava at both experimental sites. Present Investigations suggested that in spite of expected results of both parasitoids releases and mass trapping other eco-friendly techniques are also necessary to reduce the amount of injuries caused by Bactrocera species in mango and guava orchards of Sindh.

Article Information

Received 09 December 2022

Revised 20 September 2023

Accepted 05 August 2023

Available online 27 October 2023

(early access)

Published 15 June 2024

Authors’ Contribution

ZUAA performed the experiments, analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript. NB supervised the study. RMM conceived the study. NHK designed the experiments.

Key words

Dipteran fruit flies, Beneficial insects, Experimental blocks, Discrete locations, Fruit orchards


* Corresponding author: [email protected]

0030-9923/2024/0004-1993 $ 9.00/0

Copyright 2024 by the authors. Licensee Zoological Society of Pakistan.

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The dipteran fruit flies of family Tephritidae genus Bactrocera consist of economically important species such as Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) and Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) are the major pest species of guava, mango, papaya, peach, pear etc. (Drew and Lloyd, 1989). These species have been distressing pests over 2000 and infestation caused by the larvae diminishes quality of the fruit (Kapoor, 1993). Various studies have been carried out to destroy these pests amongst the techniques applied to control fruit flies chemical control methods are extensively used nevertheless these chemicals has harmful influence on atmosphere and useful insects (Hardy, 1979). Sex pheromones for monitoring and managing Bactrocera flies have been used in Pakistan (Gillani et al., 2002; Mahmood and Mishkatullah, 2007; Abro et al., 2021). For the safety of beneficial insects the mass trapping technique has been developed as an important tool for managing fruit flies (Haniotakis et al., 1991; Montiel and Jones, 2002; Ragoussis, 2002). The use of parasitoids as bio-control agents has been developed and fruit flies parasitized by a number of parasitoid species (Clausen, 1978). The rearing tactics of parasitoids on factitious hosts have been conducted to develop and enable them against Bactrocera flies (Kapatos and Fletcher, 1984; Jimenez et al., 1990). Investigations on finding suitable host for rearing of parasitoids have been made in detail (Mohamed et al., 2007). In current studies we have made efforts to test combined efficacy of mass releases of T. daci and D. longicaudata along with mass-trapping tactic to manage B. zonata and B. dorsalis in orchard agro-ecosystem of Sindh.

Materials and methods

Field investigations were made to observe the combined efficacy of the parasitoids releases and mass-trapping against Bactrocera species in mango and guava orchards of Sindh.

The experiments were conducted in mango (Mangifera indica L.) and guava (Psidium guajava L.) orchards located at NIA. Experimental Farm (25º25’60N 68º31’60E) Hyderabad and Bakrani (27º26’46.66”N 68º11’07.11”E) Larkana. While the untreated (control) orchards were located at 2 Km distant. Experimental blocks at mango orchards of discrete locations were considered as experimental area-1 (EA-1), whereas experimental blocks at guava orchards were considered as experimental area-2 (EA-2) at both locations.The trees selected for the experiments was about 5-10 m in height and trees were planted at an average density of 100 trees/ha. The experiments were designed in randomized complete block design (RCBD) at each site 20 trees were selected for parasitoid releases and mass-trapping.

For parasitoids release the Trybliographa daci and Diachasmimorpha longicaudata were reared on third instar larvae of the Bactrocera species in NIA, Tando Jam and transported to the selected experimental sites. Approximately 10,000 parasitoids were released during study period in mango and guava fields. The parasitoids were released only during fruiting time. No other control measures were applied in experimental blocks during study period (Table I).

For mass trapping, eco-traps were used. These traps of a 15-20 cm plastic jars containing protein hydrolysate (50 g) and Nulure (50 g) food attractants with a small cotton wick dipped with water to maintain the moisture inside the traps were dispersed on trees at EA-1 and EA-2 at both locations at 2 m height in the shade without coming in contact with leaves. Five eco-traps were placed in each experimental area. Each trap was considered as a replicate. This application was intended to decrease the fruit flies population before releasing parasitoids. The data on combined effectiveness of parasitization and mass-trapping were observed.

Statistix® version 8.1, Analytical Software, Inc., and Tallahassee, FL, USA were used for statistical analyses of the data. Two-ways ANOVA for different parameters were performed followed by Fisher’s (LSD) Test to check the significance of data.


Results revealed significantly (P<0.05) maximum parasitization of T. daci (342.00±16.26, 320.00±14.85) followed by D. longicaudata (204.20±9.65, 196.20±14.83), respectively in guava treated blocks at Hyderabad and Larkana. Whereas, minimum parasitization of both parasitoids were observed in the untreated blocks of mango at discrete regions (Table II, Fig. 1).


Table I. Total number of parasitoids released separately in experimental areas located at Larkana and Hydraabad.



No. of parasitoids released/month

Average no. of parasitoids released/tree/month

T. daci

D. longicaudata


EA-1 Mango



10 ♀ 10 ♂

EA-2 Guava



10 ♀ 10 ♂


EA-1 Mango



10 ♀ 10 ♂

EA-2 Guava



10 ♀ 10 ♂




4,800 ♀ 4,800 ♂


Table II. Effectiveness of combined parasitoids releases and mass trapping in mango and guava treated and untreated fields of Larkana and Hyderabad.




Mass trapping

T. daci

D. longicaudata

B. zonata

B. dorsalis


EA-1 Mango

210.00±30.66 a

156.00±13.17 a

611.80±109.38 a

510.00±118.57 a


30.40±3.11 a

16.20±2.22 b

926.00±43.20 a

684.00±78.65 b

EA-2 Guava

320.00±14.85 a

196.20±14.83 b

791.00±33.44 a

587.60±78.84 a


39.20±2.08 a

23.80±2.18 b

1020.00±18.97 a

867.60±37.52 b


EA-1 Mango

281.60±15.38 a

175.40±3.78 b

680.00±40.50 a

558.40±75.86 a


37.40±1.50 a

18.40±1.66 b

980.00±25.69 a

780.00±29.50 b

EA-2 Guava

342.00±16.26 a

204.20±9.65 b

853.00±39.00 a

650.60±47.19 b


44.00±1.52 a

27.80±2.08 b

1046.00±14.35 a

910.00±36.19 b

Means (±SE) in the column followed by same letters are not significantly (P < 0.05) different by (LSD) analysis.



Furthermore, significantly (P<0.05) reduced number of B. dorsalis (510.00±118.57, 558.40±75.86) followed B. zonata (611.80±109.38, 680.00±40.50) respectively were found in mango treated blocks of Larkana and Hyderabad using mass-trapping technique for fruit flies. While higher number of both species of fruit flies were recorded in untreated blocks of guava at both experimental sites (Fig. 2).

Additionally maximum parasitization percentage were recorded in guava by T. daci at both experimental sites (Fig. 3).



We have experimented the combined efficacy of field releases of T. daci and D. longicaudata alongside mass-trapping of fruit flies which proved effective and no such studies on parasitoids releases along with mass-trapping have been reported and published yet in Pakistan thus our results are in similarity with that of Loni and Canale (2005) who successfully examined the releases of P. concolor beside with eco-traps to achieve control against med fly. In Greece, Mazomenos et al. (2002) carried out studies by releasing P. concolor with mass traps during 2004 in olive trees against Bactrocera oleae which shown 38% parasitization in the treated plots 10% control the ratio resembles with our findings on treated and untreated blocks. Mcinnis et al. (2004) and Vargas et al. (2004) released Psyttalia fletcheri (Silvestri) with sterile flies to supress Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillet) in Hawaii to check field efficacy of the parasitoids, just as we determined the use of combined techniques to suppress fruit flies in agro-ecosystem are in agreement with above researchers.

In recent years combined effectiveness of augmentative field releases of parasitoids and mass trapping of fruit flies using eco-traps in Turkey were observed by Hepdurgan et al. (2009) who suggested combination of different tactics to control fruit flies on area wide basis is more operative and environmentally harmless. We also suggest the application of different fruit flies controlling techniques along with biocontrol technology are essential for eco-friendly management of fruit flies in orchard agro-ecosystem.


T. daci proved dynamic in parasitizing fruit flies under field conditions in both climatic regions of Sindh. Furthermore, reduced number of B. zonata and B. dorsalis were recorded from treated blocks of guava and mango that shown the effectiveness of released parasitoids. T. daci may be mass reared on B. zonata given suitable lab conditions could be successfully used as biological control agent in environmental conditions of Sindh.


Author grateful to Mr. Muhammad Yousuf Memon, Ex-Director Nuclear Institute of Agriculture, Tando Jam who kindly allowing to use laboratory and conduct studies.

IRB approval

Authors would like to confirm that the study protocol for this study was reviewed and approved by the independent ethics committee.

Ethics Statement

The authors comply with all laws and regulations that apply to science and profession during the period of studies.


The work embodied in the article is part of Ph.D dissertation and not funded.

Statement of conflict of interest

The authors have declared no conflict of interest.


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