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Crustacean Fauna in Association with Common Algae of Karachi Coastal Waters

Crustacean Fauna in Association with Common Algae of Karachi Coastal Waters

Ehsan Elahi Valeem1, Quddusi B. Kazmi2*, Farhana S. Ghory2 and Shazia Sadiq2

1Institute of Marine Science, University of Karachi, Karachi
2Marine Reference Collection and Resource Centre, University of Karachi, Karachi
* Corresponding author: [email protected]

Fig. 1.

a, Sacodiscus littoralis (Sars, 1904) Female 1.2 mm entire specimen, dorsal view; b, Metamphiascopsis hirsutu (Thompson and Scott, 1903). Female 1.3 mm. entire specimen, lateral view; c, Laophonte cornuta Philippi, 1840. Female 1mm entire specimen, lateral view; d, Porcellidium fimbriatum fimbriatum Claus, 1863. Male 0.5 mm. entire specimen, dorsal view; Female 0.7 mm entire specimen, dorsal view; e, Ancohenia robusta (Brady, 1890). Male length 1.5 mm, height 0.80 mm; f, Cylindroleberis bacescui Kornicker and Caraion, 1974. Female length, 4.0 mm, height, 1.7 mm.

Fig. 2.

a, Atarbolana setosa Javed and Yasmeen, 1989. Male 8.5 mm. entire specimen, dorsal view; b, Paranthura latipes Barnard, 1955. Male 7.0mm entire specimen, dorsal view; c, Paracilicaea keijii Javed, 1990. Male 11 mm. entire specimen, dorsal view; d, Synidotea indicus Javed and Yasmeen,1994. Male 15mm. entire specimen, dorsal view; e, Paraimene tuberculata Javed and Roshan, 1988. Male 3.5 mm. entire specimen. dorsal view; f, Bodotria arenosa Goodsir, 1843. Male 3.2 mm, entire specimen, lateral view.

Fig. 3.

a, Protohyale (Boreohyale) rubra (Thomson, 1879). Male 10.5 mm. entire specimen, lateral view; b, Apohyale ayeli (Barnard, 1955). Male 8mm, entire specimen, lateral view; c, Cymadusa filosa Savigny, 1816. Male 12.5mm, entire specimen,lateral view; d, Cyproidea ornata Haswell, 1879. Male 4.0 mm. entire specimen, lateral view; e, Elasmopus pectinicrus (Bate, 1862). Male 8.5 mm. entire specimen, lateral view; f, Cirolana manorae Bruce and Javed, 1987. Male 11 mm. entire specimen, dorsal view.

Fig. 4.

a, Tanaid sp.; b, Acanthonyx inglei Tirmizi and Kazmi, 1988. Male cl. 20 mm, cb. 13 mm; c, Hippolyte ventricosa H. Milne Edwards, 1837. Ovigerous female 5.3 mm in carapace length, lateral view; d, Acanthonyx limbatus A. Milne Edwards, 1862. Female el. 9.0 mm, cb.7.0 mm; e, Palaemon pacificus (Stimpson, 1860). female 22mm in carapace length, lateral view.

Fig. 5.

Monthwise abundance of amphipods (A), isopods (B), copepods (C), ostracods (D), carideans (E), brachyurans (F), cumaceans (G), tanaidaceans (H) on algal species in Buleji.

Fig. 6.

Monthwise abundance of amphipods (A), isopods (B), copepods (C), ostracods (D), carideans (E), brachyurans (F), cumaceans (G), tanaidaceans (H) on algal species in Manora.

Table II.
Relative abundances (%) of epizoic fauna collected from the twenty-two algal species at Manora and Buleji (June 1990 - May 1991).

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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