Defecating during Morning versus Afternoon: The Gut Microbiota of Zoo Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta)
Defecating during Morning versus Afternoon: The Gut Microbiota of Zoo Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta)
Jun-Dong Tian1,2, Wei-Jie Guo1,2, Han Yan1, Jie Zhang1, Shu-Liao Tian3 and Ji-Qi Lu1,2,*
Circos graphs at different taxonomic levels. A, Phylum; B, family; C, genus; AM, morning group; PM, afternoon group.
The indices of the diversity of the microbial community at OTU and family levels. AM, morning group; PM, afternoon group.
Principal component analysis of the microbial community at phylum (A), family (B), genus (C) and OTU (D) levels. AM, morning group; PM, afternoon group.
Bar plot for comparison of microbial communities between two groups at phylum (A), family (B), genus (C) and OTU (D) levels. AM, morning group; PM, afternoon group.