Detection and Phylogeny of Fowl Adenovirus Associated with Hydropericardium Hepatitis Syndrome in Broilers
Detection and Phylogeny of Fowl Adenovirus Associated with Hydropericardium Hepatitis Syndrome in Broilers
Nida Zia1, *, Ayesha Maqbool2, Muhammad Safdar3, Umm-I-Habiba1, Altaf Mehmood4, Muhammad Usman5, Zahid Iqbal6, Javed Iqbal6, Shahid Mehmood6, Amanullah Khan7 and Sajid Umar8
Electrophoresis of the hexon gene from FAdVs. L= 100 bp DNA Ladder, positive samples =1 to 8, P= Positive control. N= negative control
Hexon gene based phylogeny showing FAdVs in black circles which have been detected in present study. The evolutionary comparison was inferred sing Neighbor-Joining method. MEGA.5 software was used for evolutionary analysis and phylogeny.