Determination of Polymorphisms in the GDF5 and EPS8 Genes by HRM Analysis in Holstein Cattle
Determination of Polymorphisms in the GDF5 and EPS8 Genes by HRM Analysis in Holstein Cattle
Zeynep Sonmez1 and Memis Ozdemir2,*
Agarose gel images of the PCR results of the EPS8 and GDF5 gene regions.
Normalized high resolution melting curves. A, EPS8 exon 1_1; B, EPS8 exon 1_2; C, EPS8 exon 2; D, GDF5 exon 1; E, GDF5 exon 1; F, GDF5 intron 2.
The clusters by PCA of HRMA of the gene regions.
Polymorphic sites in EPS8 exon 1.
Polymorphic site in EPS8 exon 2.
Polymorphic sites in GDF5 exon 1.
Polymorphic site in GDF5 exon 2.