Dorcatherium (Mammalia: Tragulidae) from Lower Siwaliks of Dhok Bun Amir Khatoon, Punjab, Pakistan
Dorcatherium (Mammalia: Tragulidae) from Lower Siwaliks of Dhok Bun Amir Khatoon, Punjab, Pakistan
Muhammad Akbar Khan1,*, Sayyed Ghyour Abbas1, Muhammad Adeeb Babar1, Sabah Kiran1, Ayesha Riaz2 and Muhammad Akhtar1
Map of Potwar Plateau (Northern Pakistan) encircling the study locality and a generalized stratigraphic section of the major Siwalik Group formations showing succession and ages.
Dorcatherium minus: A. PUPC 13/08, right P2; B. PUPC 13/15, left M2; C. PUPC 13/13, partial left M2; D. PUPC 13/11, left p3; E. PUPC 13/16, right m1; F. PUPC 13/19, right mandible fragment with m2. Dorcatherium sp. G. PUPC 13/12, partial right 3rd molar. Views: a, Occlusal; b, Lingual; c, Labial.
Bivariate plots showing size variation in the cheek teeth of D. minus.