Effect of Deficit Irrigation under Different Furrow Irrigation Techniques on Cauliflower Yield and Water Productivity in Mardan, Pakistan
Effect of Deficit Irrigation under Different Furrow Irrigation Techniques on Cauliflower Yield and Water Productivity in Mardan, Pakistan
Fazal Subhan1,2, Abdul Malik1, Zia Ul Haq1 and Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,3*
Map of the study area (District Mardan).
Climatic data recorded during the study period.
Layout of the experiment.
Bed (Furrow) preparation for cauliflower.
Relative decreases in yield of cauliflower due to furrow irrigation system.
Relative decreases in cauliflower yield due to the interactive effect of irrigation system and irrigation level.
Relative Increases in IWUE of cauliflower due to furrow irrigation system.
Relative increases in IWUE of cauliflower due DI20 and DI40