Effect of Zinc and Boron using Different Application Methods on Yield of Citrus (Sweet Orange) in Calcareous Soils
Effect of Zinc and Boron using Different Application Methods on Yield of Citrus (Sweet Orange) in Calcareous Soils
Yousaf Noor*, Zahir Shah and Muhammad Tariq
Interactive effect of methods of micronutrients application on June drop (%) of citrus fruit at different sites.
Interactive effect of micronutrients and year on June drop (%) of sweet orange fruits.
Interactive effect of micronutrients their methods of application and years on June drop (%) sweet orange fruit.
Interactive effect of years, sites and treatments on June drop of sweet orange fruit.
Interactive effect of micronutrients application methods and sites on fruit retain (%) till harvest of citrus.
Interactive effect of micronutrients application methods and treatments on fruit yield of citrus (t ha-1).