Effects of Propofol and Vitexin on Apoptosis in Rat Liver Ischemia Reperfusion Injury
Effects of Propofol and Vitexin on Apoptosis in Rat Liver Ischemia Reperfusion Injury
Jie He* and Ren Yang
Effect of propofol and vitexin on serum ALT(A), AST(B), LDH(C) levels in each group (n=10). compared with sham group (aP<0.05), model group (bP<0.05), propofol group and vitexin group (cP<0.05).
Effect of propofol and vitexin on changes in apoptoxic index (AI) of liver tissue 6 h after reperfusion (n=10). aP<0.05 vs sham group; bP<0.05 vs model group; cP<0.05 vs propofol group and vitexin group.
Effect of propofol and vitexin on Bcl-2, Bax and caspase-3 proteins expression level in liver tissue 6 h after reperfusion (n=10). aP<0.05 vs sham group; bP<0.05 vs model group; cP<0.05 vs propofol group and vitexin group.