Effects of Various Colostrum Feeding Methods on Growth Performance and Immunity of Holstein-Friesian Calves
Effects of Various Colostrum Feeding Methods on Growth Performance and Immunity of Holstein-Friesian Calves
Ali Mujtab Shah1,2,3, Muhammad Naeem2, Muhammad Giasuddin Shah2, Muhammad Haaroon2, Quanhui Peng1 and Zhisheng Wang1,*
Effects of various colostrum feeding methods on serum IgG level in Holstein-Friesian calves. Different alphabets on means in colostrum show significant differences at P<0.05. IgG, Immunoglobulin G; ST, stomach tube feeding; NF, nipple feeding; NS, natural Suckling.
Effect of different methods of colostrum on morbidity rate of Holstein-Friesian calves. NS, natural suckling; NF, nipple feeding; ST, stomach tube feeding.