Energy Requirement for Growing Mink Fed on Diets of Different Energy Levels
Energy Requirement for Growing Mink Fed on Diets of Different Energy Levels
Ying Yang 1,2,3, Tietao Zhang 1,2,3, Min Rong 1,2,3, JiaPing Xu 1,2,3 and Xiumei Xing 1,2,3*
Effect of the energy levels on the body weights (A) and the growth rates (B) of mink. (Energy level as the level of metabolic energy in feed dry matter, growth rate as [(logW2-logW1)/(t2-t1) x2.303x100,where W2 and W1 are the individual weights, in kg, at the beginning and end, respectively, of a period, and t2-t1 is the duration of the period in weeks]).
Body weight of mink relative to the total energy of daily voluntary feed intake. Each point represents mean of groups.
Voluntary daily feed intake (g/ kg0.75/ day) of mink relative to the energy level; Each point represents mean of groups.
N input/output relationships for mink; values are represented as the mean of groups.