Estimation Role of Spirulina Platensis Extract in Treatment Experimentally Infertility caused by Metronidazole in Rats
Estimation Role of Spirulina Platensis Extract in Treatment Experimentally Infertility caused by Metronidazole in Rats
Fatima Aziz Mahdi Al-Badry*
Shows normal sperm of control group (Eosin Stain) (40 X).
Abnormal sperm of Metronidazole group shows (A): lacking head (red arrow) absence tail (orange arrow) (B) : global head (black arrow) (Eosin Stain) (A) (40 X) (B) (100 X).
Abnormal sperm of Metronidazole group shows (A) : quirky tail (red arrow) lacking of head (orange arrow) (B) lacking of tail (black arrow) (Eosin Stain) (A) (40 X) (B) (100 X).
Abnormal sperm of Metronidazole group shows; (A) elliptical head (red arrow) (B) breakdown of sperm (orange arrow) (Eosin Stain) (A) (40 X) (B) (100 X).
Abnormal sperm of Metronidazole group shows : (A) sever malformations (lacking head and tail) (red arrow) (B) absence tail (orange arrow) (Eosin Stain) (A) (40 X) (B) (100 X).
Normal sperm of Spirulina platensis group (One and Two months) shows : (A) absence tail (red arrow) lacking of head (orange arrow) (B) absence tail (black arrow)(C) normal all sperm (green arrow)(Eosin Stain)(A),(B),(C) (40 X).