First Application of Extracellular Enveloped Viral Glycoprotein Gene Based DIVA - Approach with Molecular Characterization of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus in Al-Sharqia, Egypt
First Application of Extracellular Enveloped Viral Glycoprotein Gene Based DIVA - Approach with Molecular Characterization of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus in Al-Sharqia, Egypt
Hend E.M. Elsheikh1*, Mamdouh F. El-Mekkawi1, A.A. Abou-Zaid1 and Amal M. Abd El-Raof2
Moderate and severe form of LSDV infection: (A, B) Multiple intradermal nodules distributed all over the animal bodies. (C) Widespread sloughed skin lesions in severely diseased animals. (D) Severe lacrimation, mucopurulent and bloody nasal discharge in diseased calves. (E) Edema in face and dewlap.
Development of characteristic LSDV sit fast.
Development of characteristic LSDV sit fast.
Conventional PCR by EEV Glycoprotein gene: LSDV (amplicon of approximately 953 bp): 1000 bp DNA ladder (L), Positive control (P), Negative control (N). Lane (1, 2, 3, 4, 5): Revealed positive LSDV amplicons.
phylogenetic tree based on LSDV strains taken from two sick cows and other LSDV strains from various countries, based on partial EEV glycoprotein gene sequences. The red circles indicate the two sequences discovered from this investigation. LSDV, SPPV, and GTPV sequences from Gene Bank were also examined. This study’s three kinds of vaccines (MEVAC-SPV, MEVAC- LSDV and Al-Abassya LSDV) are all labeled in blue color.
Nucleotide sequence alignment of the partial EEV Glycoprotein gene of the 2 LSDV from 2 diseased cows and Al-Abbasya (AL-LSDV vaccine) revealed the presence of 27 nucleotides that were absent in Romanian ME-SPV and ME-LSDV (highlight yellow color).
The pairwise sequencing distance for the EEV Glycoprotein gene of local LSDV strains from two diseased cows in the governorate of AL-Sharqia and three types of live attenuated vaccines (MEVAC-SPV, MEVAC- LSDV and Al-Abassya LSDV) used in Egypt with the references LSDV, Sheeppox virus, and goatpox virus available in Genbank.