First Record of Eotragus noyei from the Late Miocene Siwaliks of Pakistan
First Record of Eotragus noyei from the Late Miocene Siwaliks of Pakistan
Abdul Majid Khan1,*, Muhammad Tahir Waseem1, Rana Manzoor Ahmad2, Ayesha Iqbal1, Hafiza Imrana Naz1, Amtur Rafeh1 and Muhammad Ameen1
Map of the Siwaliks of Pakistan with the studied locality and magnetostratigraphic chart (modified from Barry et al., 2002; Morgan et al., 2009).
Eotragus noyei. PUPC 16/353, left maxillary fragment having M1-3. A, occlusal view; B, lingual view; C, buccal view.
Eotragus noyei. PUPC 16/354, right maxillary fragment having P2-M3. A, occlusal view; B, lingual view; C, buccal view.
A, Eotragus noyei. PUPC 16/355, upper left second premolar (P2). a, occlusal view; b, lingual view; c, buccal view; B, Eotragus noyei. PUPC 16/356, lower left third molar (m3). a, occlusal view; b, lingual view; c, buccal view.
Eotragus noyei. PUPC 16/357, right mandibular fragment having P4-M3. A, occlusal view; B, lingual view; C, buccal view.