Geographic Variation of the Large Red Flying Squirrel, Petaurista albiventer (Gray, 1834) (Rodentia: Sciuridae), with a Description of a New Subspecies in Southwestern China
Geographic Variation of the Large Red Flying Squirrel, Petaurista albiventer (Gray, 1834) (Rodentia: Sciuridae), with a Description of a New Subspecies in Southwestern China
Song Li1,* and Zuojian Feng2
Comparison of the pelage characteristics of Petaurista albiventer, Petaurista philippensis and Petaurista petaurista.
Sketch map indicating 15 cranial measurements in the study. GLS, greatest length of skull; CBL, condylobasal length; BL, basal length; ONL, occipitonasal length; PL, palatal length; PBL, length of palatal bridge; LIF, length of incisive formina; BIF, breadth of incisive formina; LUTR, length of upper tooth row; LUM, length of upper molars; GUMB, maximum upper molars breadth; HCPM, heigth of coronoid process of mandible; LLMR, length of lower molar row; LTR, lower tooth row and MH, mandibular height.
Scatterplots of the samples for principal component factors 1 vs. 2 and 2 vs. 3, respectively.
Type specimens of Petaurista albiventer muzongensis Li and Feng, subsp. nov. and Petaurista albiventer nigra.
Geographic localities of samples examined in this study (star indicates type locality).