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Histomorphological and Histochemical Study of Esophagus and Stomach in the Neonate Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus)

Histomorphological and Histochemical Study of Esophagus and Stomach in the Neonate Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus)

Manar Neamah Al-Shreefy*, Suhaib A.H. Al-Taai 

Department of Anatomy and Histology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.

*Correspondence | Manar Neamah Al-Shreefy, Department of Anatomy and Histology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq; Email: [email protected] 

Figure 1

Topographic photograph in newborn guinea pig shows (A): The esophagus(E), stomach(S), small Intestine(Si),large Intestine(Li), esophagus cervical section (Ce), esophagus thoracic section (Th), esophagus abdominal section (Ab), esophageal hiatus (H), diaphragm (D), esophageal sphincter muscle (Sm). (B1_PS): stomach parietal surface: gastroesophageal junction (Gj), pyloric antrum (Pa), lesser curvature (Lc), greater curvature (Gc). (B2_VS): stomach visceral surface: stomach cardiac region (Ca), stomach fundic region (Fu), stomach pyloric region (Py), esophagus sphincter muscle (Es), cardiac opening (Co), pyloric opening (Po), rugae (R). 

Figure 2

Histological cross section of the esophagus in neonate guinea pig shows 1. Lumen (L), mucosa (M), submucosa (Sm), muscularis mucosa (me), and adventitia (Ad). X4, H&E stain. 2. Keratin layer (K), Stratified squamous epithelium (E), muscularis externa (Me), Submucosa (Sm), and muscularis mucosa (Mm). X10, H&E stain. 3. Mucosa (M), epithelium (E), stratum corneum(1), stratum granulosum(2), stratum spinosum (3). X40, H&E stain. 4. Lamina propria (Lp), collagen fibers )Cf). X4, Masson’s trichrome stain. 5&6. Keratin layer (K), Stratified squamous epithelium (E), collagen fibers)Cf), Lamina propria (Lp), muscularis mucosa (Mm), and muscularis externa (Me) three layers1,2,3. X40, Masson’s trichrome stain. 7&8. No esophageal glands. X10, Alcian blue and PAS stains. 

Figure 3

Histological cross section of the stomach in neonate guinea pig shows: 9,10. Tunica mucosa(M), tunica submucosa(Sm), tunica muscularis (Me), Serosa(S), gastric pit(Gp). X10, X40 H&E stain. 11,12. Lamina propria (Lp), collagen fibers)Cf), gastric pit(Gp), blood vessel(Bv). X10, X40 Masson’s trichrome stain. 13,16. The cardiac region: cardiac glands(Cg), mucous cell (Mc), and parietal cells (Pc). X10, X40 Alcian blue and PAS stain. 14,17. The fundic region: chief cells(Cc), parietal cells(Pc), mucous neck cells(Mc). X40 Alcian blue and PAS stain. 15,18. The pyloric region: gastric pit(Gp), pyloric glands(Pg). X40 Alcian blue and PAS stain. 

Journal of Animal Health and Production


Vol. 12, Iss. 4, Pages 258-653


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