Intraspecific Diversity Analysis of Rice Frogs, Fejervarya multistriata (Anura: Ranidae), Based on mtDNA D-Loop Sequences, in Tongren, Guizhou Province, China
Intraspecific Diversity Analysis of Rice Frogs, Fejervarya multistriata (Anura: Ranidae), Based on mtDNA D-Loop Sequences, in Tongren, Guizhou Province, China
Zhen-Yang Wu1, Guang-Xin E2,*, Hui Ran1, Da-Hui Wang1 and Tian-You Yang1
Geographic information of sampling location of ten Tongren rice frogs populations.
Molecular phylogenetic analysis of 18 rice frogs mtDNA D-Loop haplotype by maximum likelihood method.
Network and frequency profile of the 18 rice frogs haplotypes with mtDNA D-loop.
Average number of nucleotide differences between populations (Kxy) among ten rice frogs populations.