Laboratory Evaluation of the Toxicity of Oxamyl against the Date Palm Mite, Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) (Acari:Tetranychidae)
Laboratory Evaluation of the Toxicity of Oxamyl against the Date Palm Mite, Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) (Acari:Tetranychidae)
Saleh S. Alhewairini
The difference between the average effect of QRD, HRD and RD of oxamyl only and mixing with the recommended dose (RD) of Injo200 or 1000ppm of Huwa-San TR50 on the mortality (A) and larvae hatching from eggs of O. afrasiaticus (B) under laboratory conditions after one week of exposure, expressed as a percentage of the control mortality in distilled water. Each colored bar indicated different treatment that is significantly different compared with control (distilled water). Each point is the mean ± SEM of 10 replicates.