Maize Growth in Response to Beneficial Microbes, Humic Acid and Farmyard Manure Application
Maize Growth in Response to Beneficial Microbes, Humic Acid and Farmyard Manure Application
Izaz Hussain, Ahmad Khan* and Habib Akbar
Rainfall (mm), temperature maximum (Max °C) and minimum (Min °C) of the study area during 2017 and 2018.
The interactive response of farmyard manure (FYM) and humic acid (HA) for plant height of maize over two years. The vertical bars are standard error of means.
The interactive response of beneficial microbes (BM) and humic acid (HA) for ear length of maize over two years. The vertical bars are standard error of means.
Correlation matrix of soil nitrogen status i.e. min-N (mineral nitrogen) and TN (total nitrogen) with maize growth parameters i.e. GY (grain yield), PM (plants m-2), LAI (Leaf are index), LA (Leaf area), LP (leaves plant-1), EL (ear length), and PH (Plant height) averaged over two years data of all treatments. The crossed ellipse represents non-significant (P ≤0.0) correlations, and thinner size ellipses have strong correlations.