Microsatellite DNA Markers Revealed Low to Moderate Level of Genetic Diversity in Domestic Stocks of Catla catla
Microsatellite DNA Markers Revealed Low to Moderate Level of Genetic Diversity in Domestic Stocks of Catla catla
Tanveer Ahmed1,2*, Khalid Abbas1*, Huma Naz3, Sajid Abdullah1,
Syed Qaswar Ali Shah3, Adnan Khalil4, Muhammad Sarfraz Ahmed1,
Hina Amjad1 and Shahbaz Ahmad1
Log data likelihood L(K) for each k values ranging from 1 to 5 for the model of admixture and correlated frequencies (averaged over six separate sequences) for the C. catla populations.
Delta k values for each of the k inferred clusters of C. catla with a maximum value obtained at k = 2.
Neighbour joining tree base on Nei’s genetic distance showing the relationship and clustering patterns between hatchery captive populations of C. catla.
Patterns of genetic structuring among hatchery stocks of C. catla (A) as revealed by PCA analysis (B).