Molecular Characterization of Plasmodium relictum in Four Common Bird Species in India
Molecular Characterization of Plasmodium relictum in Four Common Bird Species in India
Gautam Patra1*, Ana Sahara2, Sonjoy Kumar Borthakur1, Parthasarathi Behera3, Subhamoy Ghosh1, Apurba Debbarma4 and Seikh Sahanawaz Alam5
Trophozoite of P. relictum in the erythrocytes.
Identification on 1.5% agarose gel of 712 bp products of amplification of the cyt-b gene of P. relictum after colony PCR; L1–Negative; L2, L3–Positive amplification (712bp); M–100bp DNA ladder.
Distance matrix of cyt-b gene sequence of P. relictum with the available sequences from GenBank.
Phylogenetic tree of P. relictum isolates including the outgroup (P. falciparum).
Neighbour joining tree of P. relictum sequences without an out group.