Nephroprotective Effect of Alcholic Extraction of Tribulus terrestris Against Lead Acetate Toxicity on Kidney in Male Rats
Nephroprotective Effect of Alcholic Extraction of Tribulus terrestris Against Lead Acetate Toxicity on Kidney in Male Rats
Mayada Sahib Hassan1*, Hayder Talib Mahdi1, Sajaa R. Al-Saedi1, Ali Farid Shakir1, Ali J. Al-Nuaimi1, Marwa Sabah Majed1, Ridha Adel Fahad1, Karar Ali Kadhim1, Mustafa Ali Noor1, Ameer Hameed Kadhim1, Hussein Ali Mohammed Hadi1, Zainab Amori Oribi2, Mazin Talib Abbas3, Mahdi S. Hassan4
Tribulus terrestris Linn natural habitat (Chaudhary et al., 2023).
Tribulus terrestris Linn dried fruitsm (Chaudhary et al., 2023).
A: (10X H and E) sections of kidney from male rats (control group) showed the normal renal glomerulus (black arrow) and showed the normal renal tubules. B: sections of kidney (T. terrestris extract group), showed focal interstitial nephritis appears as aggregations of inflammatory cells (Black arrow) some tubules appears loosen its lumen and desquamated epithelial lining due to necrosis (Red arrow). C: Sections of kidney treated with (lead acetate group) showed hyaline casts appears with hemorrhagic changes enclosed to focal aggregation of monocytes (Yellow arrow), (40X H and E). D: Sections of kidney treated with (lead acetate + T. terrestris extract group) fibrosis appears very clear near to inflammatory cells foci which reveals presence of chronic inflammation (Blue arrow), (40X H and E).