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Occurrence of Larval Dicrocoelium dendriticum and Brachylaima sp. in Gastropod Intermediate Hosts from Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan

Occurrence of Larval Dicrocoelium dendriticum and Brachylaima sp. in Gastropod Intermediate Hosts from Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan

Abdurakhim Kuchboev1, Mehmonjon Egamberdiev2, Rokhatoy Karimova1, Oybek Amirov1 and Mitsuhiko Asakawa3,*

1Institute of Zoology, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 100125, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2Namangan State University, 160119, Namangan, Uzbekistan
3School of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University, Ebetsu, Hokkaido 0698501, Japan

*     Corresponding author: [email protected]



The occurrence of larval Dicrocoelium dendriticum and Brachylaima sp. is described with molecular evidences in gastropod intermediate hosts from Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan. Larvae of D. dendriticum were detected in 28 (10.7%) out of 262 Xceropicta candacharica, and 8 (9.7%) of 82 Angiomphalia gereliana. Brachylaima sp. larvae were found in 3 (1.6%) of 95 Pseudonapaeus sogdiana. The total number of larvae per snail varied from 8 to 110 individuals. Alignment of the first four sequences of 28S rDNA was revealed a 99-100% similarity to D. dendriticum. Larvae from P. sogdiana snails were 98% similar to Brachylaima sp. In this study, it was confirmed that 2 species of terrestrial snail, X. candacharica and A. gereliana, act as the first intermediate hosts of D. dendriticum, and P. sogdiana snail play a role of intermediate host of Brachylaima sp. in the Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan.

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Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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