Phenological Assessments of Selected Wheat Genotypes in Different Agro-Environment
Phenological Assessments of Selected Wheat Genotypes in Different Agro-Environment
Rabia Goher, Inamullah and Mohammad Akmal*
Temperature (Min. & Max. in OC) and rainfall (mm) of the seasons 2017-18 (upper windows) and 2018-19 (lower windows) for agro-environment (AEP), (AEK) and (AEC) respectively.
Treatment interaction (genotypes x AE) in different windows (a) days to heading (b) days to anthesis and (c) days to maturity of wheat genotypes. LSD of mean is shown in vertical bars.
Treatment interaction (genotypes x AE) in different windows (a) tiller height (b) spike length (c) spike weight and (d) thousand grain weight (g) of wheat genotypes. LSD of means is shown in vertical bars.
Treatment interaction (genotypes x AE) in different windows (a) biological yield (kg ha-1),(b) harvest index (%) and (c) grain heat index (oC) of wheat genotypes. LSD of means is shown in vertical bars.