Polymorphisms of the CSN1S1 Gene and its Protein Variants in River and Swamp Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
Polymorphisms of the CSN1S1 Gene and its Protein Variants in River and Swamp Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
Yongyun Zhang1, 2, Xinyang Fan1, Fangting Zhou1, Weizhen Li3, Yina Ouyang1,4 and Yongwang Miao1*
Nucleotide of the haplotype sequences in buffalo. Dots (.) denote identity with the Buffalo_hap1. Nucleotide substitutions are denoted by different letters. Missing information is demonstrated by a blank (-). The same hereinafter.
Network profile of 8 buffalo haplotypes of the CSN1S1 gene. The links are labeled by nucleotide positions to designate transition or transversions. Dotted line represents the haplotype generated from skipping exon 6 after transcription. The CSN1S1 haplotype frequency in buffalo was proportional to the circle area. Samples from river and swamp buffalo are indicated by white and black color, respectively.
Sequence differences of αS1-CN variants between buffalo and the species of Bos genus.
Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees constructed by using goat and sheep as outgroups. Support rates are estimated based on bootstrap test with 10,000 replicates.