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A New Species of the Genus Otacilia

Otacilia dadongshanica sp. nov., male holotype.

A New Species of the Genus Otacilia

Otacilia dadongshanica sp. nov., male holotype.

Population Dynamics and Stock Appraisal of Talang Queenfish (Scomberoides commersonnianus) from Balochistan Coast, Pakistan


Population Dynamics and Stock Appraisal of Talang Queenfish (Scomberoides commersonnianus) from Balochistan Coast, Pakistan

Zahid Ali1,2, Muhsan Ali Kalhoro1*, Nazeer Ahmed1,3, Muhammad Shafi1, Faisal Saeed1 and Abdul Majeed1

1Faculty of Marine Sciences, Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences, Uthal, Pakistan

2Pakistan Agriculture Research Council, Coastal Agriculture Research Institute, Lasbela, Balochistan, Pakistan

3Pakistan Agriculture Research Council, Agricultural Research Institute, Turbat, Balochistan, Pakistan


Scomberoides commersonnianus (Lacepede, 1801) commonly known as Talang queenfish and locally famous as Saram, belongs to the Carangidae family, widely distributed in the Indo-pacific oceans. S. commersonnianus is mainly pelagic fish and commercially important fishery resource from Pakistani waters. Study on population dynamics and stock appraisal is an important for the sustainable use of fishery resource. During current study the length-weight relationship, growth, mortality, and exploitation rate was estimated from Balochistan, Pakistan. The length frequency data (n=1635) and length-weight relationship (n=603) of fish was collected from three fish landing sites of Balochistan coast during 2022. The growth, mortality and exploitation of fish was evaluated after analyzing the length frequency distribution in to ELEFAN method. The length-weight relationship slope b from Sonmiani Daam, Gaddani and Kundmalir were estimated as 3.287 (R2=0.827), 3.384 (R2=0.819) and 3.487 (R2=0.819) respectively. However, all combined results were calculated as W = 0.0013 TL3.377 (R2=0.82). The growth parameters were estimated as L∞= 106.05cm (TL), growth curve K= 0.58 and t0= -1.620 during present study. Though, total mortality was as Z = 1.65 yr-1, natural mortality using sea surface temperature at 26oC at M = 0.848yr-1 whereas, fishing (F) was estimated as F=Z-M =0.802yr-1 and in continues the exploitation rate (E) was projected as F/Z =0.486 yr-1. Length-weight and growth parameters were also compared with previous studies and found close or similar to current study. However, the exploitation rate was higher at E=0.486yr-1 than previous studies especially from Pakistani waters (E=0.45) which shows that the fishing pressure is higher than previous results. Current study also reflects that exploitation rate is greater than the catch limit (E>0.4) suggested by Patterson (1992) which indicates that the fish is in overexploited state. Based on present findings it is recommended that the management steps should be taken for the sustainable use of this commercially important fish species from Balochistan coast, Pakistan.

Article Information

Received 18 December 2022

Revised 28 December 2022

Accepted 15 January 2023

Available online 05 May 2023

(early access)

Published 08 June 2024

Authors’ Contribution

ZA executed the experimental work and paper writing. MAK supervised the study and data analysis. NA, FS and AM helped in sample collection and paper writing. MS helped in writing and review process.

Key words

S. commersonnianus, Population dynamics, Exploitation rate, IUU fishing, Pakistan


* Corresponding author:

0030-9923/2024/0004-1733 $ 9.00/0

Copyright 2024 by the authors. Licensee Zoological Society of Pakistan.

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Pakistan coast is about 1001 km from Iranian to Indian border with an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 350 nautical miles (n.m), about 299,000 km2 (UN, 2015; Pakistan Navy, 2016). The continental shelf was 200 n.m while it was extended up to 350 n.m during 2015 (UN, 2015) from which Pakistan can explore and exploit its marine resources (Fig. 1). Pakistan coast comprises on Balochistan and Sindh provinces and are rich in fishery resources which is one of the backbone of national economy. Sindh coastline starts from Indian border to Hub River in Balochistan about 366.5 km (Pakistan Navy, 2016). Sindh coast has freshwater inflow from Indus River which creates network of small and large channels and creeks that makes rich mangrove ecosystem (FAO, 2009). Mangroves ecosystem provides best breeding, nursery and protecting ground for the fin and shellfish fisheries. Sindh coast bottom is generally sandy and muddy. However, Balochistan coast is extended from Hub River to Iranian border about 734.5 km (Pakistan Navy, 2016), this coast also has mangroves ecosystem at Sonmiani (Miani Hor), Kalmat and Gawater bay from which Sonmiani (Miani Hor) is the only place where diversity of mangrove species observed (Rasool et al., 2002). Balochistan coast bottom is uneven and its continental shelf starts just 10-30 n.m and about 200 m deep. Balochistan coastal waters bottom is generally rocky. Balochistan coast has Charna (border of Sindh and Balochistan) and Astola Islands which have coral reef ecosystem that provides breeding and nursery ground for many shellfish and finfish resources.


Queenfish is a popular name for the Scomberoidae family and found from tropical regions like Indian and Pacific Ocean, generally pelagic species and commonly found in estuaries and reefs commonly close to shore to offshore waters (Griffiths et al., 2005). The Talang queenfish (Scomberoides commersonnianus), the lesser queenfish (Scomberoides lysan), the barred queenfish (Scomberoides tala), and the needle skin queenfish (Scomberoides tol) commonly exists in Scomberiodes group. The Talang queenfish (S. commersonnianus), locally known as Saram which is mostly found in reefs and open waters generally in groups. Mostly inhabits at shelf area at water depths ranges 80–200 m, however in some areas juveniles occasionally grown-ups along the coast (Fischer and Bianchi, 1984). Number of studies have been conducted on length-weight relationship, stock assessment and population dynamics of finfish and shellfish using length frequency and fish catch (M.T) and efforts (number of fish boats) data applying different models and methods. The outcomes of those results indicating the stock status and reconmeded management steps to maintain the stock of different fish species from Pakistan (Kalhoro et al., 2013, 2014a, b, 2015a, b, 2017a, b, 2018; Memon et al., 2015, 2016; Afzaal et al., 2016, 2018; Nadeem et al., 2017; Razzaq et al., 2019; Baloch et al., 2020; Majeed et al., 2022; Ahmed et al., 2022). However, few studies on biological aspects and stock evaluation of Talang queenfish have been conducted from worldwide like Australia (Griffiths et al., 2005), Iran (Masoomizadeh et al., 2018) and Kenya (Mbaru et al., 2010). Though, limited work on length-weight relationship, stock analysis, fecundity and feeding habits have been conducted from Pakistan (Panhwar et al., 2013a, b, 2014; Qamer et al., 2018; Azam and Naeem, 2021). Study on population dynamics, size composition, growth and mortality parameters are significant parameters for the fisheries management (Asadi et al., 2017). Fisheries are living resources and could be utilized for long term if exploited at sustainable way. It is important to evaluate the status of fisheries stock and environmental factors to regulate the fisheries resource. Pakistan maritime and interior fishing resources are abundant which needs to be managed at sustainable way.

Fisheries statistical data of catch and values of different fish groups from Balochistan coast was 555309.098 Matric tons (M.T) while value was Rs. 83233.29 (Million) during 2018 to 2021. However, total quantity (M.T) and value (Rs.) of Talang queenfish was 18067.82 (M.T) and Rs. 2018.28 (Million), respectively (Fig. 2). Fisheries statistically data indicates that there is significant share of Talang queenfish catch and value which specifies the economic important of this species from Balochistan coast, Pakistan (Balochistan Fisheries Department, 2022). Overall fish catch is in species groups while Talang queenfish catch is separately indicated shows the economic importance of this fish species from Balochistan coast, Pakistan (Fig. 2). However, in contrast limited work has been done on the stock status of Talang queenfish from Pakistan, particullay from Balochistan coast, which is about 73% coast of Pakistan (Pakistan Navy, 2016).


In this content present study is focus on to evaluate the status of commercially important Talang queenfish species. Estimation of fish stock and production potential was crucial for better fishery management and important tool for the sustainable use of fishery resources (Pauly and Manuro, 1984; Issac, 1990; Bramick, 2002). Current study is to evaluate the population dynamics i.e. length-weight relationship, growth parameters, growth performance index, exploitation rate and mortality parameters of this species from Balochistan coast, Pakistan. The findings should be applied for better fishery and recommend some management steps to maintain the stock of this commercially important fish species from Balochistan, Pakistan.


Sample collection and analysis

The fish samples were collected from three landing sites i.e., Gaddani, Sonmiani (Daam) and Kundmalir from April to December, 2022 from Balochistan coast, Pakistan (Fig. 1). Length-weight and length frequency distribution data were gathered, length was measured as total length (TL) in cm and weight were taken in g. Length frequency samples during different months were measured in April 202, May 229, August 250, September 252, October 218, November 233 and in December 251. Total of 1635 length frequencies were collected from Balochistan coast to study the growth, mortality and exploitation rate. However, total of 603 pair of length-weight relationship were measured from which 200 pairs from Sonmiani Daam, 203 Gaddani and 200 from Kundmalir site. Daam, Sonmiani has MianiHor which receives seasonal freshwater from different Rivers that creates mangrove ecosystem which provides shelter and nursery grounds for the fin and shellfish fishery. Bottom of the MianiHor is muddy and sandy. Small and large size of fishing boats are operating from this area and have small jetty for fish landing. While, Gaddani area is located near to Hub River, bottom of this area is sandy and rocky. However, Kundmalir is famous clean beach area from which number of fishing boats operating, and coastal area bottom is generally sandy and rocky.

Length-weight relationship

The length-weight relationship was calculated by the equation W = aLb, wherever a is the conditional factor, b is the slope, L indicate the TL and W indicate the weight in g (Le-Cren, 1951; Froese, 2006).

Growth parameters

Growth parameter were estimated using length frequency distribution data (n = 1635) in to von Bertalanfy growth function (VBGF) applying in length frequency analysis (ELEFAN) method using equation:

Where L is length infinity, K is growth curve and t is magnitude of age and t0 is theoretical age at zero (Haddon, 2011) which were determined by Paulys (1983) formula:

Mortality parameters

Length converted catch curve method was used to calculate the total mortality (Z) applying length frequency data (n=1635). Pauly’s empirical equations was used to analyze natural mortality (M):

L∞ and K was used to estimate the natural fish death (M), where K signifies VBGF growth parameters and T denotes yearly average sea surface temperature (26oC). While, fishing mortality was estimated as F =Z-M. The exploitation rate (E) was assessed through E = F / Z, in this formula F is fishing mortality and Z is total mortality (Pauly, 1983).

Performance index of growth

Pauly and Munro (1984) equation was used to determine the performance growth index (ᴓ’) of Talang queenfish from Balochistan coast, Pakistan:


Length frequency analysis

Total of 1635 length frequency distribution data from April to December 2022 were collected during present study. Length frequency were assembled in 5 cm length class interval ranging from 21 to 105 cm (TL). The length class of 31-60 cm showed the largest number of frequency (Fig. 3).

Length-weight relationship

Overall, 603 pair of length-weight relationships with minimum and maximum length and weight ranging from 19-104±16.84 cm and 0.54-5071±1203 g, respectively. Total of 200 pairs with minimum and maximum length and weight ranging from 19-104±16.72 cm to 0.54-5071±1156.52 g, respectively from Sonmiani Daam, 203 pairs from Gaddani with ranging from 20-89±15.39 cm TL and 0.56-7560±1221.31 g, respectively, and 200 from Kundmalir ranging from 19-103±18.17 cm 5060-0.48±1229.55 g, respectively.


However, length-weight relationship slope ‘b’ was calculated from Daam, Sonmiani as W = 0.0018 TL3.287 with R2 = 0.827 (Fig. 4A). Whereas, slope ‘b’ values from Gaddani were W = 0.0013 TL 3.384 (R2=0.819) (Fig. 4B) and slope ‘b’ values from Kundmalir was W = 0.0008 TL3.487 (R2=0.819) (Fig. 4C). All combine data results from Balochistan coast were determined as W = 0.0013 TL3.377 (R2=0.82) (Fig. 4D).


Growth parameters

The length frequency distribution data (n=1635) were used into VBGF growth curve applying electronic length frequency analysis (ELEFAN) method to estimate the growth rate parameters. The estimated length infinity (L∞) was 106.05 cm (TL) and growth curve (K) was 0.58, the black and white bars showing positive and negative deviation of length ranges (length measured and length predicted) and curves signify the fish length over time (Fig. 5). The theoretical age at zero was estimated as t0= -1.620, and the growth performance index was estimated as ᴓ’= 3.814 during present study.



Mortality parameters

Length converted catch curve method was used applying length frequency data (n=1635) from Balochistan coast. The total mortality (Z) was evaluated as Z= 1.65 with confidential interval at CI=1.18-2.13. The black dots selected to calculate mortality, yet yellow dots were indicating small size class of fish which were excluded from estimation (Fig. 6). Whereas, natural mortality (M) was calculated using Pauly empirical formula applying average sea surface temperature at 26 oC from Pakistani waters. The natural mortality was estimated as M= 0.848 though, fishing mortality (F) was estimated as F=Z-M =0.802 and in continues the exploitation rate (E) was estimate as F/Z=0.486.


Length-weight relationship

Length-weight relationship is the basic information to understand the population structure and stock evaluation of fish (Attia, 2018; Kalhoro et al., 2014). Stock assessment is the part of fisheries sciences that studies the stock status as well as possible outcomes for better fishery management. The outcomes indicates that the stock is overexploited or below or above the catch limit. Basic purpose of stock assessment is to provide advice on the optimum exploitation of aquatic living resources (Sparre and Venema, 1992). The overall values from all sites of Balochistan coast indicating the fish has isometric growth rate. The slope b values from different locations from Balochistan like Daam was 3.287, Gaddani 3.384, Kundmalir, 3.487 indicating similar pattern of growth and isometric growth, however little change in values maybe catching method or time of sample collection make difference in values. While, the combine slope ‘b’ value in the current study was b=3.377 (R2= 0.82), is indicating that fish has isometric growth from Balochistan, Pakistan.

The results of earlier investigations from various parts of the world were compared to the current study (Table I). The value from Pakistan (Azam and Naeem, 2021; Panhwar et al., 2014), Australia (Griffiths et al., 2005), and from Iran (Masoomizadeh et al., 2018) were lower or close to present study. Though, results from Kenya was higher than the current study (Mbaru et al., 2010). Although, majority of slope b values are comparable to or close to current studies (Table I). During present study the data was gathered from different locations and different time interval from Balochistan coast. Fishermen caught fish by using different fishing methods from inshore and offshore waters which may change in length and weight ranges from Balochistan coast. Based on this phenomena the change in result may be possible, however there is little difference in values to previous findings. However, greater values of slope b indicates that Pakistani waters biotic and abiotic factors are more suitable for the growth of this species which may cause of change in values. This slight difference in slope b values could be the reason of various factors that impact on the growth rate (length and weight) of fish or collection time and number of samples analyzed (Froese, 2006; Baloch et al., 2020; Majeed et al., 2022; Kalhoro et al., 2014).

Growth parameters

The von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) method was introduced by Von Bertalanffy (1938) predict the length and growth of fish. It is simplest method to estimate growth parameters using length frequency data. Estimation of fish stock and production potential was crucial for sustainable use and better fishery management (Bramick, 2002). Knowledge of fish population structure is beneficial for the better fishery resources planning and decision. The productivity of fish stocks in water body was primarily affected by human activities and population growth. Maximum length size, length-weight relationship, growth, mortality and exploitation rate characteristics of population dynamics that simplify the population change (Spare and Venema, 1992).


Table I. Length-weight relationship values compared with earlier findings.












Azam and Naeem, 2021


Both (FL)




Griffiths et al., 2005


Male (FL)




Griffiths et al., 2005


Female (FL)




Griffiths et al., 2005


Both (TL)




Panhwar et al., 2014


Both (TL)




Mbaru et al., 2010


Both (FL)




Masoomizadeh et al., 2018


Both (TL)




Present work


Table II. Growth rate parameters results also compared with previous studies conducted from different areas of the world.



Length (L∞ (cm)

Growth (K)





Both (FL)




Griffiths et al., 2005


Male (FL)




Griffiths et al., 2005


Female (FL)




Griffiths et al., 2005


Both (TL)





Panhwar et al., 2014


Both (FL)




Masoomizadeh et al., 2018


Male (FL)




Masoomizadeh et al., 2018


Female (FL)




Masoomizadeh et al., 2018


Both (TL)





Present Study


FL, fork length; TL, total length.


During present study the ELEFAN method was used to estimate the growth parameters applying length frequency distribution data and most of the previous studies used the same method (Table II). Present study findings (L∞= 106.05yr-1 (TL) and K= 0.58yr-1) were also compared with previous studies from different regions of the world (Table II). Length infinity (L∞) and growth rate parameters (K) are correlated with each other, higher the K values are usually lower the L∞ values and vice versa (Pauly and Morgan, 1987). Which indicates that fish grows faster during the earlier stage of life (Sparre and Venema, 1998). Mostly fish stock assessment is estimated using length frequency distribution data (Sparre and Venema, 1998) because the age-structure method using otoliths and scales are more difficult and laborious to collect reading (annuli) and interpret data (Morales-Nis and Panfili, 2005). Overall, length were measured in TL and FL and in centimeters from the previous studies of different regions compared with present findings. Difference in values may be because of sample size and measurement methods. However, study conducted from Pakistani waters (Panhwar et al., 2014) in which length was measured in TL similar to the present study (Table II). The growth parameter values from Australia and Iran (Griffiths et al., 2005; Masoomizadeh et al., 2018) are higher than current findings or close to the current study. Several ecological, biological factors, sample collection methods, fishing method by fishermen and time for sample collection that may have impact on fish growth. While, growth parameters from Pakistan (Panhwar et al., 2014) are smaller to current findings but L∞ value is greater than the present study. This may be due to biotic and abiotic factors or time of sampling effecting on the fish growth. The t0 values are close to the values from Iranian waters (Masoomizadeh et al., 2018). However, the growth performance index during present study was ᴓ’= 3.814 which is close to previous study from Pakistan (Panhwar et al., 2014) (Table II). Population dynamics have features such as growth rate, mortality rate, maximum length, length-weight connection parameters, and exploitation rate that aid in population development. Fish catches are becoming less varied, which is a sign that stocks are declining (Welcomme, 2001). The difference in values with current study also may be because of collecting methods, sampling time and localities.

Mortality parameters

Mortality defines as the loss of fish from fish populations due to certain reasons in natural waters during definite intervals. The fish mortality composed of natural and fishing mortalities, natural causes could be defined in many ways like predation, ecological biotic and abiotic factors, pollution and diseases while, fishing mortality is defined the fish mortality by the human activities using different catching methods. The calculated mortality parameters were estimated at, the total mortality Z=1.65yr-1, natural as M=0.848 yr-1, and fishing as F=0.802 yr-1 were. However, the exploitation rate was E=0.486 yr-1 during present study. The obtained results were also compared with previous studies conducted from different areas of the world (Table III).


Table III. Mortality parameters and exploitation rate compared with earlier studies from different regions of the world.












Panhwar et al., 2014






Griffiths et al., 2005






Current Study


Z, total mortality; M, natural mortality; F, fishing mortality.


Mortality rate parameters (Z, M and F) were also compared with previous findings from different regions like from Pakistan were 1.17, 0.4 and 0.76 yr-1 respectively (Panhwar et al., 2014). While, from Australia were Z= 0.484 and M= 0.213 (Griffiths et al., 2005). Current study using length converted catch curve predicted the higher mortality rates in smaller fish size classes during the age of 2–3 years. Overall values from other parts of the world are close and similar with current studies. The exploitation rate values during present study were E=0.486 which is higher than previous study from Pakistan (Panhwar et al., 2014). Conferring to Patterson (1992) the exploitation rate must be sustained at 0.4yr-1 level. The current values (E=0.486) are higher than the suggested standard values which indicate that the stock of Talang queenfish is in stress condition and high exploitation state. The exploitation rate values conducted from Pakistani waters are lower than the current study indicate that the fishing pressure on this commercially important fish species has increase from 0.45 to 0.486 yr-1. These findings indicates that this species is more overexploited in recent findings compared to previous study (Panhwar et al., 2014). Due to this reason the fishing pressure for this commercially important fish species may be reduces, as recommended for sustainable use (Patterson, 1992).

The variation in results may also be due to the growth pattern, which differs according to sexes, length classes and seasons. It may also be caused by the time of sample collection and sampling sites. During Panhwar et al. (2014) study the fish samples were collected from Karachi fish harbor, Pakistan however, current study samples were collected from Balochistan coast may cause in change in mortality and exploitation results. It is well known that sampling time, sampling method and fishing method from different regions may change the values. The findings of higher exploitation rate during current study also indicates the increasing economic importance of this species. Due to that it also increases the fishing pressure on this commercially important fish species from Balochistan coast. In nature, maintaining the growth pattern over an individual lifespan is uncommon. This phenomena is influenced by variables like seasonal shifts, geographic location, sex, species type, rate of eating, and environmental conditions specific to the species (Bagenal, 1978; Kalhoro et al., 2014).


Present study on population dynamics and stock appraisal of Talang queenfish (Scomberoides commersonnianus) was conducted from Balochistan coast, Pakistan. The length-weight relationship values indicate the fish has isometric growth pattern from Pakistani waters. While, present study also compared with previous findings showing the same growth pattern which indicates that Pakistani waters are also very much suitable for the growth of this species. Whereas, growth parameters are different from previous studies it may be because of time and collection method and study area for the sampling change the values. The size may be vary depend on the fishing technology used from different localities directly influences the results of growth parameters. The variation in results may also cause by biotic and abiotic factors effecting on the fish growth. Furthermore, the mortality parameters and exploitation rate is also close and similar to previous studies conducted from other regions. While, exploitation values during present study (E=0.486) is slightly higher then then previous findings conducted from Pakistani waters (E=0.45) indicate that the trend of fishing pressure particularly for this commercially important fish is increasing maybe because of increasing commercial importance in local and international markets. Based on present finding it may also advised that the fishing pressure may be reduced for the sustainable use of this species from Balochistan, Pakistan. It may also be suggested that fishing practices may also be monitored time to time to avoid illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities in Pakistani waters. Fishing net with larger mesh size maybe used to protect the smaller size of fish species so they grow up to mature stage in order to breed once in their life span. Fishing ban period should be set on the species group according to their breeding season. It may also be suggested that the vessel monitoring system (VMS) should be installed on every vessel to monitor fishing boat activities. Government agencies should allocate the catch quota system for each fishing boat owner and control the registration of new fishing vessels. Based on scientific knowledge marine protected areas (MPAs) must be declared to protect the nursery grounds of fisheries. Further studies should be conducted on maturity stage and spawning season to set the fishing ban season for this species. Government agencies should ban on trawling to reduce the bycatch killing of non-targeted species and save seafloor habitat. It is also recommended that continuous stock monitoring maybe conducted along with other biotic and abiotic factors influence on fish stock. Government should give incentives to the fishermen for better livelihood particularly during fishing ban period. Government should also promote marine aquaculture to reduce the fishing pressure on wild fisheries. All stakeholders and government agencies should work together for well fishery management.


The authors are grateful to worthy Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Dost Muhammad Baloch, Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences, Uthal. Author would like to thank Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aslam, Dean Faculty of Marine Sciences and other laboratory technical staff. First author also likes to thank Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (CARI) Lasbela, Balochistan for providing opportunity for further studies and technical support.


The present work was supported by Higher Education Commission (HEC) funded project of National Research Program for Universities awarded to Dr. Muhsan Ali Kalhoro. No: 7508/Balochistan/NRPU/R&D/HEC/2017.

IRB approval

All fish samples were collected according to instructions of Animal Ethics Committee of Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences (LUAWMS), Faculty of Marine Sciences, Uthal, Pakistan.

Ethical statement

The study was approved from Committee of University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences (LUAWMS), Uthal, Pakistan. Notification. 0135/Notif/REG-ACAD/LUAWMS/339-3403 Dated:09-12-2022.

Statement of conflict of interest

The authors have declared no conflict of interest.


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