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Potential of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) Fed on Aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) under Controlled Conditions


Research Article

Potential of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) Fed on Aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) under Controlled Conditions

Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Imtiaz Khan1*, Ijaz Ahmad1, Javed Khan2, Shahid Sattar1, Bashir Ahmad Khan1 and Muhammad Salim1

1Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Corp Protection Sciences, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan; 2Insect Pest Management Program, Institute of Plant and environmental Protection, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Abstract | Life table attributes of Chrysoperla carnea (Steph.) fed on Myzus persicae (Sulzer) were investigated under controlled conditions at 25 °C, a relative humidity of 60 %, with a light-to-dark time ratio of 16:8, in 2018.The results regarding biological parameters indicate that larvae duration was 10.34 days. The larvae consumption rates were 379.2 aphids during their life span. Functional response of larval instars indicates that with increasing prey densities, the number of aphids consumed linearly increase and then become static after attain the asymptote level at certain densities were 25, 35 and 70 aphids per first, second and third instar larvae. The life table’s immature stage survival and female fecundity rate revealed that the stage of eggs had the greatest death rate, at 12%, followed by pre pupal stage. The lowest mortality was observed in 2nd instar stage. Sx was determined to be maximal during the second instar stage and minimal at the pre-pupal stage. The total mortality per generation (K-value) from all immature stages was 0.26. The total female fecundity was 379.0 eggs and the fertile eggs ratio were 144 and net reproductive rate (Ro) was 2.57 eggs per female/day. The intrinsic rate of natural growth (rm) was 0.34 female per female per day, with a mean generation time (T) of 3.06 days. 1.404948 females per female per day was the limited rate of growth (λ). The DT for the population was 2.06742 days. The approximate generation time (Tc)was 3.1 days and innate capacity for increase (rc) was 0.335371 days. The present finding indicates that C. carnea is a voracious predator which can very easily be utilized for the management of M. persicae.

Received | April 27, 2021; Accepted | March 20, 2023; Published | May 16, 2023

*Correspondence | Imtiaz Khan, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Corp Protection Sciences, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan; Email: [email protected]

Citation | Saljoqi, A.R.S., I. Ahmad, J. Khan, S. Sattar, B.A. Khan, M. Salim and I. Khan. 2023. Potential of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) fed on Aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) under controlled conditions. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 39(2): 479-489.


Keywords | Chrysoperla carnea, Myzus persicae, Life duration, Feeding potential, Life table

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The green peach aphid, Myzus persicae Sulzer, (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is economically the most important crop pest worldwide (Bass et al., 2014). A variety of characteristics contribute to this species reputation as a pest, including its ability to disseminate, host range, dispersal, harm methods, life cycle, and pesticide resistance. It causes harm by feeding directly on the host, resulting in the spread of essential plant viruses (Blackman and Eastop, 2007). Chemical pesticides have traditionally been used by growers to control M. persicae, but their widespread usage has resulted in the development of several types of resistance (Bartonm and Anthon, 2014). Biological control agents are getting a lot of attention in relation to the resistance issues with this pest species, particularly C. carnea, which is regarded as an important aphid predator in agricultural crops because of some of their unique attributes, including: a wide variety of prey, ravenous feeders, and show a rapid response (Dixon, 2000). The larvae of C. carnea fed on extensive kind of pests types whereas, the adults are able existing fed simply on sap, pollens and sweetie (Seirrafi et al., 2000). It acknowledged more attention from scientists as well as growers as possible biotic management agents (Al-Asady et al., 2010; Saljoqi et al., 2015). Attentiveness in using this valuable predator as the utmost vital components of IPM packages for field and nursery crops has newly better as farmers initiate substitutes to insecticides for controlling pest (Sattar et al., 2007). As according estimates, the introduction of C. carnea and the release of insect predators is responsible for up to one-third of successful biological control programs for insect pests (Sattar and Abro, 2011).

Life table studies of insect, existence and fecundity of a group of insect also delivers important data of inhabitant dynamic. A existence table is considered to estimate the suitability’s of a inhabitants as caused by dissimilar existing and dead reasons (Gaabre et al., 2005). It is best key to identify features similar development, differences in phases, eggs laying and destructive prospective for effective mass rearing of hunters in biotic management program (Chai and Lieu, 1985). Time, phase real living and dead of mature female fertility rate (mx), survivorship (lx) from start to finish age are the parameters of the tables (x). When the previously charted lx and mx additional limitations with a population’s mean age group time (T), repetition period (DT), net generative rate (R0) may be purposeful. As a result, the essential rate of normal rises (rc), which only best describes the expanding number of classes under mentioned circumstances (Mandouor, 2009).

Functional response of predator is the main factor in adaptable of the inhabitant’s undercurrents of chaser victim structure (Sinclair and pech, 1996). Functional reaction of hunter is excessive position which assistance to regulate up to level and in what way types are dependent to his host. Functional response hunters to victim depend on the bodily heterogeneity of the territory (Price, 1984). There are three sorts of efficient response. Type 1 functional response of predator is a distinctive reaction of predator in which hunters consume definite sum of victim in each unit time. The type 2 functional response of an entity in which the hunter hold on its target (Thompson, 1975). In type 3 functional response predator-prey link is sigmoid. Target control period becomes primary section in the existing time (Morozov and Petrovskii, 2013).

The purpose and novelty of the study was to construct life table parameters of C. carnea and to find out functional response on M. Persicae aphid and evaluate its potential as a bio-control agent against M. persicae.

Materials and Methods

The present studies were investigated on biological characteristics and life table factors of C. carnea fed on M. persicae s under laboratory condition at 25 ±1°C temperature, 60±5 % relative humidity and 16:8 hours photoperiods. The experiment was conducted at Bio Control Labs. at IPMP, NARC Islamabad during, 2018.

Sowing of host plants

To maintain culture of M. persicae, cabbage and potato plants were sown in glass houses on beds measuring (8×4) sq. feet. Normal approaches were used to raise the plants of both cabbage and potato in separate glasshouses in Insectary at NARC, Islamabad (Figure 1A).

Culture maintenance of M. persicae

The culture of M. persicae was maintained on cabbage and potato plants in separate glasshouses on beds. Initially the aphids were collected from potato field at National Agricultural Research Centre. The infected leave was only isolated from the planted plants and kept into the terminal portion of the new emergent host plants in glass houses. The colonies were maintained throughout the experimental duration (Figure 1A).


Rearing of C. carnea

C. carnea adults were reared in a rectangular cage, made of 6cm thick, transparent plastic sheet. The cage was 35cm long, 35 cm high and 20cm wide. Two circular windows each of 13 cm diameters covered with lids of the same material situated diagonally near opposite corners of a front wall of the cage are made for handling adults, as well as for cleaning sanitation and provision of water in Petri dish etc. Artificial foods containing yeast + sugar + honey + water (2:1:1:6) (Ulhaq et al., 2006) were provide in food strips of 0.5 centimeter width incised in upper side of 2 plastic rods of 4 mm thick and 22 cm length width wise at the opposite inside in the cage. A filter of round hole (2 mm in diameter) bored into the sidewalls to confirm appropriate aeration in the cage for well existence and fertility of adults a dark granulated sheet base the detachable upper of the firsthand cage as an oviposition substrate (Figure 2A).

Rearing of larvae

The newly hatched larvae of C. carnea were separated and kept in plastic containers. The newly emerged larvae were provided M. persicae inside the containers on infested leaves of potato and cabbage plants. The diet was replaced daily with fresh diet till the larvae convert in to pre-pupal and then pupal stage. The process was continuous till the larvae were convert in pupal stage. The pupae were collected and kept in another container for mature appearance. When adults appearance the adults were shifted in to adult rearing cages for further multiplication and maintenance of stock culture inside the laboratory throughout the experimental durations (Figure 2B).


Developmental time and age and stage specific life table parameters of immature stages C. carnea fed on M. percicae

Two hours fresh eggs of C. carnea were collected from stock culture maintained on M. persicae under controlled conditions. A total of 100 eggs of the same age were collected and count under binocular microscope and kept in Petri dishes. Ten eggs were kept in each vials (6 x 3) cm with 10 replications. Percent hatching and incubation period of eggs were calculated. After hatching, first instar larvae were transferred in vials separately. Enough volume of aphids was provided on infected leaves of cabbage and potato plants in every vial. The vials were covered with muslin cloth at the top tight with rubber band separately. After 24 hours the old diets were changed with fresh diet each morning throughout the observation. The insect was observed for age and period specific life table parameters for each stage. The data were collected on molting, survival/mortality during specific age and stage in different instars every day. The insect clearances through three larvae instars. The barn seen in each vial was evidence that the insects had progressed to the next instar. The method was employed till pupation.

The following parameters were recorded for data collection.

  • Eggs maturation duration in (days) and percent hatching of eggs
  • Time of development of different larval instars duration of pre- and pupal stages developmental time from egg to adult
  • Age and stage specific mortality/ survival rate from eggs to adults appearance
  • Amount of male and female C. carnea appeared/gender ratio

Statistical analysis

The data on developmental time and age and stage specific survival/mortality were subjected to analysis of variance with one way ANOVA using Statistix 8.1 package. Means were compared using LSD) test at 5% level of significance

Age and stage specific life table parameters

Age explicit life table parameters: The methodology used by (Ali and Rizvi, 2008) was followed with slighter modification. Active and late insects occurred from 100 eggs were calculated daily.


The given formulas were used for building of life tables parameters.


100 qx = Died in specific age interim x and calculated by formulation 100 q x = (d x/ l x)×100


x = age in (days) of the insect


lx = whereas insects lived at initial stage of his interval


dx = whereas insects deceased in each exact phase


ex = chance of existence or average life left over for individual of age x, and was calculated by ex = Tx / lx


Lx = Entitie active amongst life x and x +1, and was firm by Tx= lx + (lx+1) + (lx+2) upto +lw), where lw is the final life phase interval


Stage specific life table

To build specified period of life table the given method were used.


x = Show age of in insect.


lx= Complete number of entity lived at initial of the age time (x)


dx = Died during age time (x)


The data derived from overhead declarations were applied for manipulative the subsequent life table parameters.

Death rate/ Apparent mortality (102 qx) A.M = (dx/ lx) x 100

Existence Fraction (Sx): Sx of exact phase = lx of next step / lx of the certain phase.

Mortality Survivor Ratio (MSR)

The developments in inhabitants was firm by MSR = (Death in exact stage) / (lx of succeeding step)

Indispensable Mortality (IM)

IM = (No of adult developed) x (MSR of actual period)

K value

Killing power = killing power in Egg stage + k in Larvae1 + k in Larvae2 + k in Larvae3 + k in Pre-Pupal + k in Pupae, where k-values at egg, 1st to 3rd instar, pre-pupal, and pupal stage.

Biological attributes and life table parameters of adult female C. carnea

Upon adult emergence, a total of 31 female were paired with male C. carnea and kept in transparent small cages. The eggs laid by the female were kept for hatching and the larvae of each day were reared separately during the whole oviposition period. The procedure was continuous till the death of all pairs in rearing jars.

Figures were calculated on the next limitations:

  • Pre oviposition period
  • Oviposition period
  • Post oviposition time
  • No of eggs/ female
  • No of eggs/Female/ day
  • No of female progeny/female/ day

Life table parameters study

Life-tables parameters on adult female C. carnea were built through manipulative the figures of the section of early inhabitants for every pause quite active and total no of female offspring formed by females through every stage interval. In the table, the 1st pillar shows the sum age of group (x), the 2nd pillar list the existence portions (lx) of the early inhabitants quiet active at the last of every period interval (x), and the 3rd pillar give the usual no (mx) of female progeny formed every female/day quiet active at age x. Facts concerning female growing period, female portion in gender ratio and female fertility at specific life on regular base and existence for constructing life table were recorded.

The following population parameters were calculated for construction life table parameters.

Gross reproductive rate (GRR= Σmx)

Net reproductive rate (R = Σ lxmx)

Approximate generation time (Tc) days Tc= Σ Σ

Innate capacity for increase rc (innate capacity for increase) =inroo/t Rm Euler’s calculation, Σ e-r x l x. m x =01

λ (Finite rate of increase) leads that the female progeny bentfemale-124 hrs-1, formulated as λ=e r c

T(Generational time) =Ro / r cc

Doubling time (DT)

The (Doubling time) is the times need by inhabitants to twice in figures and considered by DT = ln2/rc (Biirch, 1948).

Predatory potential of different larval instars of C. carnea fed on M. persicae

A total of 20 newly emerged first instar larvae were collected and shifted into transparent vials separately. The data were recorded on number of consumed, dead and unconsumed aphids in each vials daily under binocular microscope and the old diet was changed with fresh one each day during the time of observation. The process was continued till all larval instars convert in to pre pupal and pupal stage.

Functional response study of C. carnea larval instar against M. persicae

Experiments were conducted to analyze the efficient response of different larval instar of C. carnea fed on dissimilar prey densities of M. persicae. First and second nymphal instars of aphids of the similar physical ages were used for nourishing to 1st, 2nd and 3rd instar larvae of C. cornea. The target densities, for different larval instars were different. For first instar larvae, the target density were 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 aphids per vials each with 10 replicates while for second instar larvae the prey density were 15, 25, 35, 45 and 55 aphids, respectively. While for third instar larvae the prey densities were 30, 50, 70, 90 and 110 aphids per larvae. Every target mass was duplicated 10 periods for every larvae instars. The larvae of C. carnea were kept in vials for 24 hours starvation without diet in plastic rearing vials. After starvation the larval instars were released in vials, consists different densities of prey insects. The vials was covered with muslin cloth and kept for 24 hours. After 24 hours the larvae were replaced from vials and the number of consumed, dead and unconsumed aphids were calculated.

The following observations were recorded with six-hour interval.

Number of consumed and unconsumed aphids per each larval instars fed on five constant prey densities.

Statistical analysis

The data on consumed and unconsumed aphids per every target density for each larvae instar were subjected to analysis of variance with one way ANOVA using Statistix 8.1 package. Means were compared using LSD) test at 5% level of significance.

Results and Discussion

Developmental time of immature stages of C. carnea

Developmental time of immature stages of C. carnea indicate that incubation period was recorded 4.51±0.07 days. Similarly, the duration of 1st, 2nd and 3rd instar of C. carnea were found 3.06±0.053, 2.89 ±0.017 and 4.38±0.10 days, respectively. Total larvae duration was noted 10.34±0.19 days. The recorded pre-pupal and pupal duration was 1.08 ± 0.05 and 5.43±0.10 days. The entire duration of egg to adult emergence was 21.36 ±0.18 days, respectively (Table 1).


Table 1: Developmental time (days) ± SE of immature stages of Chrysoperla carnea (stephens) fed on Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (1st to 3rd) nymphal instars.

Developmental stages

Developmental time ±SE

Min. and Max. duration in days




1st instar



2nd instar

2.89 ±0.08a


3rd instar






Pre pupae

1.08± 0.05





Egg to adult emergence

21.36 ±0.18



Developmental time of adult male and female C. carnea

The result regarding adult biological parameters of C. carnea indicate that pre oviposition period was 5.0 ± 0.29 and oviposition period was 31.0±1.22 and post ovi- position period was 7.0±0.48 days (Table 2). The result shown that pre oviposition, oviposition and post ovi position period are significantly different from each other. The results regarding female and male C. carnea total duration from the day of emergence to mortality were 43.0 ± 1.46 and 28.0 ± 1.67 days respectively (Table 2). The results regarding female of C. carnea different developmental stages indicate that the duration time were significantly different from each other except pre and post oviposition period (Table 2). Similarly, the duration of adult male and female C. carnea were significantly different from each other. The longevity of the female was longer higher than male C. carnea (Table 2).


Table 2: Developmental time (days) ± SE of adult male and female Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) under controlled conditions.

Developmental Stage of C. carnea female

Duration in days + SE

Pre-Oviposition period

5.0 ± 0.29

Oviposition period

31. 0± 1.22

Post Oviposition period

7.0 ± 0.48

Female Longevity time

43.0 ± 1.4

Male Longevity time

28.0 ± 1.67

Mean No of eggs per female


Mean No of fertile eggs per female



Stage specific life table of C. carnea fed on M. persicae

The apparent (noticeable) mortality at egg, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instars larvae were (12, 7.95, 4.93 and 10.38%, respectively (Table 3). The survival fraction (Sx) for eggs, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instars larvae were (0.88, 0.92, 0.95 and 0.89, respectively. While the (Sx) of pre-pupa and pupal stage were 0.88 and 0.91 respectively. Maximum (Sx) were found in 2nd instar larvae while minimum was found in pre pupal stage (Table 3). MSR at egg, 1st, 2nd and 3rd instars larvae were 0.12, 0.07, 0.04 and 0.10 respectively, while (MSR) of pre pupal and pupal stage were 0.11 and 0.08, respectively (Table 3). IM for egg, 1st, 2nd and 3rd instars larvae were 6.72, 3.92, 2.24 and 5.6, respectively. The (IM) for pre pupa and pupae were 6.16 and 4.48, respectively (Table 3). The ex for egg stage was greatest (4.54) and lowest for pupal stage (1.19), respectively. The life expectancy (ex) for 1st, 2nd and 3rd instars larvae were 4.09, 3.40 and 2.20, respectively (Table 3). The K - value k-value at egg phase was highest (0.06) and lowest (0.02). The k value for 1st, 2nd and 3rd instars larvae were (0.04, 0.02 and 0.05), respectively. The total K value for the whole generation was 0.26, respectively (Table 3).

Adult female fertility (mx) and survival (lx) of C. carnea female

The 1st exact fertility (mx) was observed at the time of day 6 and then gradually the number of mx per female were increased and maximum mx were observed at day 22 of female C. carnea (Figure 3). The maximum range was observed from day 19 to 25 days with maximum mx of 66 during this age. The first mortality was observed on day 7 and maximum mortality were 3 and 4 females died on day 16 and 29 age. The female laid their eggs up to the day of 36 and then further no eggs were observed in any pairs. The total duration was 43 days. The survivorship curve indicates that gradually decrease and after the age of 30 drastic mortality was observed in (Figure 3).


Table 3: Stage specific life table parameters of C. carnea fed on M. persicae aphid.

Stage X









Log lx















1st instar












2nd instar












3rd instar









































Fertility life table parameters of adult female C. carnea

The results regarding female life table fecundity values of C. carnea are created in (Table 4). The results lead that Gross reproductive rate (∑mx) of adult female C. carnea was (144) and net reproductive rate was 2.83 when fed on M. persicae (Table 4). The results showed that R is greater > 1 and the population increase positively. The results regarding approximate generation time (Tc) was 3.1 and the innate capacity for increase (rc) was 0.335371. The intrinsic rate of natural increase was 0.34 and finite rate of population rise (λ) was 1.404948. The mean generation period was 3.06 days and the population doubling time was 2.07 days (Table 4).


Table 4: Estimated life table parameters of C. carnea fed on M. persicae under controlled conditions.

Life/ Fertility table statistics



Gross reproductive rate, GRR (Fertile eggs/ female)

∑( mx)


Net reproductive rate, R

∑ (


Approximate generation time, Tc



Innate capacity for increase, rc

ln R/Tc


Intrinsic rate of natural increase, rm

Σe-rx (Euler equation)


Finite rate of increase, λ



Mean generation time, T



Doubling time, DT





Feeding efficiency of larval instars/ larvae of C. carnea fed on mix nymphal instars of M. persicae

The results regarding total feeding efficiency of different larval instars and larvae fed on M. persicae indicate that first, second and third instars consumed 46.8±1.04, 86.9±2.05 and 246.2±6.53, respectively and total larval feeding efficiency were 379.9±9.5894 aphids during their life span. The results indicate that feeding efficiency of all larval instars and larvae was significantly changed from each other. The data also revealed that third instar larvae ingested the most aphids when compared to the other two instars (Figure 4).


Feeding efficiency of larval instars of C. carnea fed on constant prey density of M. persicae after 24 hours starvation

The findings regarding the impact of constant prey densities on the feeding effectiveness of first instar larvae show that the number of aphids consumed increases linearly with increasing prey densities before becoming static once it reaches the asymptote level at density, 25 Aphids vial-1 for 24 hours. The results indicate behind 25 aphid’s density further increase in aphids have no significant increase while with further increase in prey density, significantly decreased the number of aphids consumed as compared to asymptote level. The graphical presentation revealed the first instar larvae exhibit type 2 functional response, which causes the rate of food consumption to first increase before becoming static at asymptote level (Figure 5). The results regarding consumption efficiency of second instar larvae of C. carnea on constant target density indicate with increasing prey density the number of aphids consumed increased. The second instar larvae attain the asymptote level at density 35 aphids per vials. The results further lead behind 35 aphids per vials extra surge in prey densities has no significant effect on food feeding rate. The second instar larvae also show type 2 functional response, in which the rate of food consumption surges initially before becoming static at encrypting level and that the subsequent surge in prey densities has no discernible impact on the rate of food consumption after a 24-hour fast (Figure 5). The results regarding effect of constant prey density on 3rd instar larvae food consumption rate indicate the same results as it found in previous two instars. The findings show that the quantity of aphids taken improves linearly with the increase of prey density to become fixed when it reaches the securing level at 70 bugs/ vial. The findings also indicate that when the asymptote level is reached, additional increases in target densities have no appreciable influence on the rate at which food is ingested. The results indicate that maximum (66.1) aphids were consumed at density 90 but it was non significantly different from density 70 and 110 aphids per vials. The results also indicates that 3rd instar larvae of C. carnea also exhibit type 2 functional response as recorded for previous two larval instars, (Figure 5).



The preceding sections have described the results regarding life table parameters and feeding efficiency of C. carnea fed on M. persicae. C. carnea also known as aphid lions are big hunters of extensive range of soft bodied arthropods including insects i.e., aphids, larvae, leafhopper, whiteflies, thrip and insect eggs (Carillo and Elanov, 2004). The current study was initiated investigate life table parameters of immature stages and feding efficiency of larval instars against M. persicae the aim of the study was to explore biological parameters and feeding efficiency of the predator. Previous authors indicate the developmental time of C. carnea on different hosts (Khan et al., 2017), they reported the larval developmental duration was 12.0 ± 0.092 days with 85.05 survival rate. Similarly, Saljoqi et al. (2015) indicated that the larval developmental duration was 12.7±0.67, 11.7±0.69 and 10.6±0.66 days at 20, 24 and 28±1 °C, respectively when feeding on Brevicoryne brassicae aphids. Sattar et al. (2011) reported 8.50±0.32 days for larva when fed on Aphis gossypi aphids under controlled conditions. The slighter difference may be due to differences in their host insects as they used or may be due to different environmental conditions or strain of C. carnea they used in their experiments (Sayyed et al., 2008).

The results of regarding the duration of the female are in line with previous workers data of Saljoqi et al. (2015) indicates that the duration of female C. carnea were 64.2±0.02, 50.1±0.02, 42.3±0.02 and 31.4±0.02 days at 20, 24, 28 and 32 ± 1 °C respectively. Similarly, Manan et al. (1997) investigated the biology of C. carnea on A. gossypi and M. persicae. The female survived extensive up to 35.70 and 38.80 days then male 32.20 and 35.80 days on 2 host insects respectively. The results of the present study are very close with Saljoqi et al. (2015) results only at 28 ± 1 °C and different from other tested temperatures. Similarly, the results are at little par with Manan et al. (1997) These differences likely may due to changed host insects they used and may be different ecological situations. The results of the present and that of the past workers who conducted experiments on biology of C. carnea indicate that developmental duration and survival rate are influenced by host insects, environmental condition such as temperature, relative humidity, photoperiod and food quantity Adane and Gautam (2002).

The life data parameters results of the present studies indicates that apparent mortality, Survival fraction, life expectancy and the total killing power per generation (k) values are similar to that Khan et al. (2017) on life table of C. carnea reare on Corcyra cephalonica eggs which indicated that life expectancy were maximum 5.24 and minimum 1.24 days during eggs and pupal stages. The results of gross and net reproductive values were 144 and 2.57. The approximate generation time for multiplication and innate capacity for increase were 3.1 and 0.335371. The intrinsic rate for increase was 0.34 and finate rate of increase were 1.404. Elsiddig et al. (2006), who fed Mallala boninensis (Neuropetra: Chrysopidae) when fed on C. cephalonica eggs, the obtained values for life table were determined values as (Ro = 139.117, GRR = 225.42), but higher than the Alasady et al. (2010) who determined Ro = 2.28, GRR = 19.48, λ=1.02. Khan et al. (2017) indicates that when C. carnea was fed on C. cephalonica eggs the gross reproductive and net reproductive rate were 176.5 and 44.35. Sultan et al. (2017) indicated that when C. carnea were fed on Sugarcane whitefly that the gross reproductive and net reproductive rate were mx (138) and Ro were 65.89. The results of the present study showed variation with that of the previous workers. These differences may be due to different host insects and due to different environmental condition, they used in their experiments. The results regarding feeding efficiency of different larval instars indicate that 3rd instar larvae consumed maximum aphids. While some previous authors reported that C. carnea consumption rate was different when on different host insects. i e. Jagadish and Jayaramaiah (2004), mentioned that the 3rd instar larvae of C. carnea had consumed about 67.14 aphids. Michaud (2001), The maximum aphid consumption rate were 242.25 was obtained by feeding Brevicoryne brassicae and Brevenia rehi 230.25, Aphis craccivora 237.25. Rana and Sriivastav (1998) declared that the larvae of C. carnea can consume up to 349.80 aphids which showed relatively high rate of predates in comparison to present findings which may be near to Rana and Sriivastav (1998) prey density. The result of the present study shows variation with that of previous authors. These changes may due to changed ecological factors, different host insect they used in their experiments.

The results regarding functional response of C. carnea shown a great predation potential to the M. Persicae, but 3rd instar larvae of C. carnea was found extra effective on this prey. The potential concerning the consumption rate of the 3rd instar larvae of the C. carnea was found greater than of the 1st and 2nd. Batool et al. (2014) and Hany et al. (2010) stated greater predations on the 3rd instar of C. carnea stage as compared with the young one. The greater predations of the 3rd instar is reasonable reflections of its bigger size and ensuring better voracity. Before experiment starvation for fixed time interval may a significantly influenced the larval stages of the C. carnea.

Conclusions and Recommendations

It is concluded from the life table data and biological attributes that the population of C. carnea can successfully multiplied on M. persicae. The existence, reproduction and predacious potential of different stages were quite high. Present finding offers valued data for set up mass rearing techniques of C. carnea. In addition to aphids, C. carnea may be a useful bio-control predator, according to the results of the recent investigations. Additional research should also be done in the field to fully understand the biology, ecology, and role of this economically significant insect pest in the IPM program.

Novelty Statement

The novelty of the study is the use of C. carnea against M. persicae, which will help in minimize the use of toxic insecticides against M. persicae.

Author’s Contribution

Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi : Design the experiment.Imtiaz Khan: Wrote the manuscript.

Javed Khan: Analyzed the data.

Shahid Sattar and Bashir Ahmad Khan: Review the manuscript.

Muhammad Salim and Ijaz Ahmad: Performed the experiment.

Conflict of interest

The authors have declared no conflict of interest.


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