Spatial and Seasonal Distribution of Culicoides Species in Morocco in Relation to the Transmission of Bluetongue Viruses
Spatial and Seasonal Distribution of Culicoides Species in Morocco in Relation to the Transmission of Bluetongue Viruses
Youssef Lhor1*, Mounir Khayli1, Mohamed Bouslikhane2, Mehdi El Harrak3, Ouafaa Fassi Fihri2
Email: [email protected]
Locations where the traps were used to collect Culicoides midges
Geographical Distribution of Culicoides midges April 2009-March 2010
Characteristics of disease-vector interaction in 2009
Interactions of C. imicola life stages and Bluetongue in 2009
Interactions of the Newsteidi-imicola Complex and the Disease.