Stock Assessment of Two Parrotfish, Hipposcarus harid and Scarus ferrugineus in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Stock Assessment of Two Parrotfish, Hipposcarus harid and Scarus ferrugineus in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Ahmad Osman Mal1 and Mohamed Hosny Gabr1,2,*
Map showing Jeddah fisheries in the Red Sea.
Total length–otolith radius relationship and the residuals plot of H. harid (A) and S. ferrugineus (B) collected from Jeddah fisheries.
Mean back-calculated lengths at ages (estimated by three different methods) and von Bertalanffy growth curve for H. harid (A) and S. ferrugineus (B).
Growth in length and annual increment of H. harid (A) and S. ferrugineus (B) collected from Jeddah fisheries.
von Bertalanffy growth curve for H. harid (A) and S. ferrugineus (B) collected from Jeddah fisheries.
Length-weight relationship of H. harid (A) and S. ferrugineus (B) collected from Jeddah fisheries.
Growth in weight and annual increment of H. harid (A) and S. ferrugineus (B) collected from Jeddah fisheries.
Length at first capture Lc of H. harid (A) and S. ferrugineus (B) collected from Jeddah fisheries.
Linearized Length-converted catch curve of H. harid (A) and S. ferrugineus (B) collected from Jeddah fisheries (closed circles represent the data points used in the regression analysis).
Yield (red lines) and biomass (blue line) per recruit of H. harid (A) and S. ferrugineus (B) collected from Jeddah fisheries.
The annual check marks (S1, S2, S3) on the scales of H. harid (A) and S. ferrugineus (B) collected from Jeddah fisheries (F, focus; S, scale radius).