Temporal Niche Overlap of Medium Sized Herbivores in the Seoraksan and Jirisan National Parks, South Korea
Temporal Niche Overlap of Medium Sized Herbivores in the Seoraksan and Jirisan National Parks, South Korea
Tae-Kyung Eom1, Jae-Kang Lee1, Dong-Ho Lee1, Ho-Kyoung Bae1, Hyeongyu Ko1, Kyu-Jung Kim1, Sung-Cheol Jung2, Jong-Hwan Lim2 and Shin-Jae Rhim1*
Overlap of the daily activity rhythms of water deer, roe deer, and Amur goral shown as kernel density estimates throughout a 24-h cycle in the Seoraksan (a) and Jirisan (b) National Parks.
Comparison of the daily activity patterns of water deer (a) and roe deer (b) between the Seoraksan and Jirisan National Parks.