Two Novel Missense Tbx22 Mutations Frequently Cause Non-Syndromic Cleft Palate in Pakistani Population
Two Novel Missense Tbx22 Mutations Frequently Cause Non-Syndromic Cleft Palate in Pakistani Population
Asma Basharat1, Abdul Wajid2*, Andleeb Batool1, Tayyeba Batool3, Abdul Basit4, Kamran Abbas5, Aziz Ullah1 and Mahmood Shaukat6
Chromatogram of a novel mutation A) C→A (P180Q) in the TBX22 gene, upper sequences of amino acids of unaffected individual and the lower of affected individual B) Patient images during surgery, C) G→T (S328I) in the TBX22 gene, the upper sequence belong to unaffected individual and below of affected individual.
Location of the novel missense substitutions, P180Q and S328I (red arrow), in the TBX22 gene.