Why Do Herdsmen Not Support Deratization? A Survey on the Awareness of Rodent Control in the Tibetan Areas of Sichuan Province, China
Why Do Herdsmen Not Support Deratization? A Survey on the Awareness of Rodent Control in the Tibetan Areas of Sichuan Province, China
Ming Wang1, Nan Yang2, Xiaolin Zhang2 and Wei Liu1*
Distribution map of plateau rodent infestation in different countries in Tibeatan areas of Sichuan.
Effect of herdsmen’s age on the support of deratization.
The consciousness towards deratization among the herdsmen with different.
The composition of educational level among the herdsmen of different ages.
Consciousness for killing among the herdsmen with different deratization attitude.
Consciousness for killing among the herdsmen with different education levels.