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Mohammad Aslam* is a substitute food commodity for wheat and may be promoted as such. Since level of significance is small, it may need sustained promotional efforts and appropriate policy measures on the part of the state. Moreover, wheat being a staple diet of people for centuries, switching over to rice may happen only over a long period of time.


 Naveed Jehan*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla**, Muhammad Shahzad*, Abid Hussain**, Muhammad Zahoor*, Majid Khan* and Ahmed Bilal*

...etting information about commodity prices in different markets. The farmers can get up-to-date information about various markets in different regions and can accordingly arrange transportation and labor services in time. The study was conducted to see the effect of timely information availability with mobile on productivity. The data was collected through well structured questionnaire by interviewing 60 farmers from district Charsadda. The data was analyzed th...

 Waqar Akhtar*, Muhammad Sharif**, Abdul Hayee Qureshi*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla*** and Muhammad Azeem Khan*

...ato as import substitute commodity. Results of Nominal Protection Coefficient (NPC) and Effective Protection Coefficient (EPC) indicated that combine effects of policies on output and tradable input market did not pass any protection to tomato farmers in the study area. Net effect of policy or market failure is reducing the profitability of tomato producers at farm level which indicates lack of motivation from policies for farmers to expand tomato production a...

Ali Bakhsh1*, Mashal Rehman1, Said Salman1 and Rehmat Ullah

...">Cotton is an important commodity that runs the textile industry of Pakistan. Under the present scenarios of climate change and water security cotton production is under threat so, it is imperative for plant breeders to develop cotton lines that can grow on minimum water availability. In this study performance of 23 cotton genotypes was compared for seed cotton yield and fiber quality traits under water stress and non-stress conditions. All the genotypes depi...

Irfan Ullah*, Abbas Ullah Jan, Muhammad Fayaz, Amjad Ali and Atta Ullah Shah 

... in the survey regarding commodity prices, quantity consumed, households’ food expenditures and demographic characteristics were considered for analysis. The uncompensated own price elasticity for milk, fruits, and baked products is greater than unity which suggests that these food groups are highly responsive to their own price change. Prices of these food products should be kept constant. Imposition of any sale tax could create a huge loss in consumpti...

Iqbal Javed1, Abdur Rehman2*, Farhana Khaliq1, Amar Razzaq3, Mudassar Yasin4, Ghulam Mustafa5, Allah Bakhsh6 and Raheel Saqib7 

... used in production of a commodity. Nominal protection coefficient (NPC) is projected for the time period of 2003 to 2016 for using as a dependent variable in the current study. To estimate the impact of different macroeconomic variables on basmati export competitiveness panel data set is used following Park’s Feasible Generalized Least Square (FGLS). According to the results of the study about the impact of macroeconomic variable on basmati competitiven...

Arjumand Nizami1, Muhammad Zulfiqar2*, Jawad Ali1, Naushad Khan2 and Imran Sheikh

...but it is also an export commodity earning precious foreign exchange for the country. However, rice is a water intensive crop compared to other cereal crops. In view of climate change, water management for agriculture encompasses all technologies and practices leading to water productivity enhancement to address increasing irrigation water demand and declining water resources. One of such technology known as laser land leveling was introduced in Pakistan in 19...

Naseem Zahra1* and Shajia Jabeen

...t and minerals rich food commodity. Due to its appearance, color and texture it is rarely used. Brown has a meek nutty flavor and may become rancid more rapidly, but it is extreme more nutritious as compared to processed rice. Brown rice is the whole grain rice and is high in fiber contents. Brown rice is also rich in phosphorous, magnesium, thiamin, selenium, manganese, niacin and vitamin B6. This review entails important and healthiest aspects of brown rice ...

Amjad Ali1, Hong Luo1, Khalid Saifullah Syed2, Muhammad Ishaq2

... composed of mass-market-commodity-off-the-shelf (M2COTS) computer hardware components interconnected via Ethernet. The parallelization is based on computational domain partitioning, making use of the well-known graph and mesh partitioning package METIS. Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) message passing parallel programming model has been employed, by making use of the de-facto industry standard Message Passing Interface (MPI) library. Fa...
Abdul Hameed1*, Ihtsham ul Haq Padda2 and Abdul Salam3
Estimating Food Consumption Patterns in Pakistan by Using Ideal Demand System
...ows that demand for most commodity items except for fruit, meat, sugar and other products is less than unit elastic to expenditure elasticity at the country and regional levels. Cross price elasticity assessment demonstrates that the most nutritious food items, such as fruit, milk and meat, are complementary products as compared to wheat, pulse and vegetables in Pakistan as well as urban and rural areas. The regional analysis indicates that the gross and net s...
Abdul Hafeez1*, Akhtar Nawaz Khan2 and Zahid Ullah3
...ational power offered by commodity graphics processing units (GPU) and accomplish the decision-making in real-time has gained traction in a gamut of recent biomedical applications. This review article investigates the use of state-of-the-art GPUs to benefit the biomedical community through real-time decision-making from huge amount of biomedical data mainly due to its massively parallel architecture. The recent advances in GPUs such as Fermi- and Kepler-based ...

Asfand Raheel1, Syed Zulfiqar Ali2, Muhammad Waris2, Muhammad Basharat2, Basheer Ahmed2, Muhammad Arshad Ullah3, Syed Ishtiaq Hyder4 and Taqi Raza4*

...d in a vast and specific commodity range to prevent great losses.


Shumaila Nazir1, Iqbal Javed1, Muhammad Luqman2* and Azra3

...e population as a Kinnow commodity importing nation. Stable exchange rates include the involvement of strong government pricing policies to make Mandarin more competitive on world markets. The issue of Pakistan’s low export-to-production ratio needs to be addressed. It is proposed that Pakistan seek to improve the environment of exports with countries close to Pakistan and its neighbors. Policymakers should address the problems of Kinnow export and formu...
Syarif Husen1*, Devi Dwi Siskawardani2, Setiawan Deny Rexmardi1, Erny Ishartati1, Muhidin Muhidin1, Jumpen Onthong3 and Ivar Zekker4
...n>astrategichorticulturalcommodityintendedforcrop productioninIndonesia,essentialforfooddiversification.However,potato productivityin Indonesiaisconsideredlow (15tha–1)comparedto high-qualitypotatoseedsplantedby thefarmers.Inincreasingpotatoproductivity,innovativetechnologyinpotatoseed productionintubersorseedscuttingisrequisite.Thisresearchinvestigatestheeffectof growingmediacompositiononthepro...

Imran Muhammad Siddique1, Naseem Sharif1*, Abdul Ghaffar2, Mudassar Naseer1, Ammara Noreen3, Naseem Akhtar4 and Safeer ud Din5

...on besides an exportable commodity. Presence of large seed number in Kinnow is big issue for fresh consumption and as well as for processing industry in the international markets. Visualizing such compulsions of international markets, a systematic study was undertaken by Horticultural Research Station, Sahiwal with identification of five less seeded kinnow strains (1-6 seeds). Results depicted that less seeded kinnow strain, encoded LSKS-2, produced superior e...

Ijaz Haider1,2*, Muhammad Riaz2, Sikandar Ali2, Qurban Ali1, Ali Noman3, Dilbar Hussain1, Imran Nadeem1, Muhammad Faheem Akhtar1, Aqsa Abbas1, Asad Aslam1, Hafiz Saad Bin Mustafa2, Ejaz Ul Hassan2, Muhammad Zubair2, Muhammad Saleem1 and Muhammad Kamil Malik1

...p of Pakistan and export commodity. Yield of cotton crop is affected by many factors but insect pests especially whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) is destroying cotton crop yield and quality in recent times. Many control measures are adopted against this pest including chemical control methods. Due to certain environmental issues and insecticide resistance problems, adoption of alternate methods of insect control is imperative. In this experimen...

Yuliaty*, Brigida A. Correia, LigiaT. Correia, Joao Americo, Mateus Da Cruz De Carvalho, Joana da C. Freitas 

... Moench), is a strategic commodity as a staple food, feed and industrial raw materials. Even with good nutritional content, sorghum can replace rice. However, in Timor-Leste, planting has not been as intensive as staple food crops such as rice, corn and other popular food sources. Many technological innovations to produce high sorghum crop productivity have been produced such as using fertilizer and planting distance set. The research aims to investigate produ...

Aeni Nurlatifah1, Anita Hafid1, Pradita Iustia Sitaresmi1, Santoso Santoso1, Rahma Isatirna Anwar1, Mohammad Firdaus Hudaya1, Diana Andrianita Kusumaningrum1, Nurul Azizah1, Dimar Sari Wahyuni1, Herdis Herdis1, Florentina Bety Indah Lupitasari1, Desiana Ade Mahari1, Muhammad Rizal2

Muhammad Afzal and Muhammad Hafeez
...ood is becoming a scarce commodity in Pakistan. Productive land is also becoming short due to essential colonization for excessive population. Moreover, to feed this increasing population,more and more land is being put under food-production. The above situation leaves no way to increase the area under wood production. So, to cater for wood demand in the country, there exists no alternative except the immediate adoption of agroforestry (Rashid & Hafe...
K. M. Siddiqui and Mohammad Amjad
...wood is a non-tradeable commodity in rural areas. The land owners obtain its supplies from their farmlands and other people collect it as a free good from the waste lands and public forests. But the situation in urban areas is altogether different. Here people purchase all fuels from the market to meet their domestic energy needs. They mostly use commercial fuels such as natural gas, kerosene oil and liquified petroleum gas (LPG). Those who use fue...

Fitrini1*, Masyhuri2, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto2, Tri Anggraeni Kusumastuti3

...e potential as a leading commodity and the development strategy of agropolitan areas in Padang Pariaman Regency. The research was conducted using a descriptive qualitative method, namely research that is focused on problems based on facts and carried out by means of observation, interviews, and studying documents. The respondents were determined purposively with the provisions of farmers who specifically raise local beef cattle in 3 districts which are the agr...

Rakhmad Hidayat1,2*, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto3, Lestari Rahayu Waluyati3 and Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo3 justify;">The pepper commodity as a high-value product has the potential to be developed in West Kalimantan but is hampered by low productivity. The use of local pepper varieties and foot rot disease have caused a decrease in the production and efficiency of pepper farming. Farmers have adopted improved varieties called “Bengkayang pepper.” However, no studies have specifically examined the effect of adopting the Bengkayang pepper on the produc...

Fahrul Ilham1, Sahmin Noholo2, Haris Singgili3, Fahrudin Zain Olilingo4*

...timizing the beef cattle commodity market chain in Gorontalo Province to meet the logistical needs of the IKN in East Kalimantan. It employed a descriptive quantitative approach. The study locations include Gorontalo Province, as well as Balikpapan City and Penajam Paser Utara Regency in East Kalimantan. A total of 26 respondents were selected as the observational sample, consisting of key players in the beef cattle supply chain from production to distribution...

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., Vol. 13, Iss. 3,


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