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Stephen Kershnar

...s a comprehensive and in-depth study of the literature, devastating criticisms of rival theories, and a restructuring of the issues in a way that will shape future discussions of the field. It is also well-written, including interesting-and-enjoyable references to historical figures (for example, Mother Theresa, Adolf Hitler, and Paul Gauguin), artists (for example, Aldous Huxley and Woody Allen), and works of art (for example, Groundhog Day and Guernica). In ...

Suresh V Kuchipudi* and Kin-Chow Chang


...hich warrants further in-depth investigations.



Mushtaq Ahmad1*, Habib Akbar1, Mohammad Tariq Jan1, Muhammad Jamal Khan Khattak2 and Abdul Bari3 the effect of seeding depth, nitrogen placement method and biochar on the growth, yield and its related parameters of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) at Sugar Crops Research Institute Mardan during 2011-12 and 2012-13. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with split plot arrangement in four replications. Sugar beet was sown at the rate of 6 kg ha-1 at four seeding depths from 1 to 4 cm. Nitrogen...

 Farmanullah Khan, Samad Khan, Wiqar Ahmad and Imran Khan

...oth at 0-15 and 15-30 cm depths. Effect of fertilizer sources either alone or in integrated form was non-significant on Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn concentration. Economic analysis showed that NPK75FYM20 rewarded the maximum net income of Rs. 43108 ha-1, indicating its superiority for profitable wheat yield under rain-fed conditions. It can be concluded from these results that the application of plant nutrients from a variety of natural and manufactured fertilizer sourc...

Wang Tian1, Huayong Zhang1,*, Jian Zhang2, Lei Zhao1, Mingsheng Miao3 and Hai Huang1

...temperature, Secchi disk depth (SD), total phosphorus and phytoplankton biomass were the most significant factors that influenced zooplankton. Strong correlations between SD and Brachionus leydigi, Chrysophyta and Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum, Cryptophyta and Theopilium, Ascomorpha ovalis, Hexarthra mira were observed during the CCA. These zooplankton species may be used as indicators of relevant variables. Results in this research are very useful in gu...
Yaoguo Li1,2 and Maoxian He1 been characterized in-depth. In this study, we firstly investigated the associations of genome methylation level and growth traits inpearl oyster, Pinctada fucata (P. fucata). The incidence of type II locus (hemi-methylation locus) was significantly correlated with the shell height and the shell length, with Pearson correlation coefficients of 0.204 and 0.233, separately. The incidence of type IV locus (super methylated locus) on the other han...
Mürşide Dartay*, Tuncay Atessahin and Erdal Duman
...r temperature, and water depth. CPUE values were found to be higher at 24.5 °C water temperature and 13.7 m water depth with multi-monofilament gillnets with a result of 15.23 g/m, and the lowest was with multifilament gillnets with a result of 3.95 g/m (0.5); however, multi‑monofilament gillnets had a result of 23.28 g/m and multifilament gillnets 14.58 g/m (0.67) in July, respectively. Depending on the water temp...
Mousa Keshavarz1*, Maryam Soyuf Jahromi2
...e low tide and a maximum depth of 5 m. In the current study, it was monitored monthly 217 individuals from Bandar Lengeh (26˚32ʹ28̋ N, 54˚52ʹ28̋ E; water depth: 0.5 to 1 m) during March to September, 2014. Their genders were obtained by dissection. The aim of this study was to determine the sexual ratio in their population and to see if they effect the operational sex ratio (OSR). The number of ...
Ali Karabacak1, Senol Celik2, Adile Tatliyer3, Ismail Keskin1, Yakup Erdal Erturk4, Ecevit Eyduran5, Yasir Javed6 and Mohammad Masood Tariq7,*
...thers height (WH), chest depth (CD), body length (BL), hearth girth (HG) and leg circumference (LC)) measured from five sheep breeds (Akkaraman (9), Dağlıç (10), Kivircik (10), Merinos (10) and Karacabey Merino (8)) reared in Konya province conditions located in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. For measuring the predictive performance of three algorithms in Models I and II, goodness of fit criteria (coefficient of determination (R2<...
Mohammad Umar Farooq1*, Sarfaraz Ahmad2, Ghulam Nabi1, Ijaz Ali1 and Imtiaz Ahmad1
...e area was dug up to the depth of root zone for each grass and the root portion was separated, weighed, oven dried at 60 Co for estimating below ground pytomass carbon Mg C ha-1. Carbon pool in above ground phtyomass was 0.08 MgCha-1 while below ground phytomass carbon was estimated as 0.05 MgCha-. In grazed and un-grazed sites, the SOC (%) MgCha-1 decreased depth wise a...
Mubashir Hussain1,Safdar Ali1, Muhammad Naveed Tahir1, Ghulam Abbas Shah1, Ijaz Ahmad2*, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar3 and Sohail Latif4
...-20 cm and 21-30 cm soil depth. Two soil weed seed bank determination techniques were compared viz., sieving method and seedling emergence method. The data were collected on the seed density m-2, seed frequency, diversity of weed species and relative importance value. The input and output data was also collected to find out the socioeconomic feasibility of the techniques. The comparative analysis of seed bank extraction methods revealed higher weed ...
Liushuai Hua1,3, Shiping Gong1,*, Xiangjing Zhong2, Jun Tao2, Yu Chen2 and Jieming Deng2 
...mental conditions (water depth and availability of sand beds) on changes in body weight and health status in captive big-headed turtles before and after hibernation were evaluated. Results showed that providing a suitable sand bed during hibernation have a significant effect on turtle health (P< 0.05), but makes no significant contribution to body weight maintenance. An appropriate water depth (less than three time...
Anan Kenthaoand Pornpimol Jearranaiprepame*
...o the characters of head depth, body length, body depth, caudal peduncle length and depth. In discriminant function analysis (DFA), the first two discriminant functions accounted for 72.00% of total variation, and discriminated fish samples into three major groups following to their collecting drainages. Furthermore, 96.29 and 90.56% of fish samples were correctly classified into their res...
İbrahim Aytekin1,*, Ecevit Eyduran2, Koksal Karadas3, Rifat Akşahan4 and İsmail Keskin1
... rump width (BRW), chest depth (CD) and chest circumference (CC). Also, the breed factor was considered as a nominal predictor and fattening period (FP) was accepted as an ordinal predictor. To obtain the prediction equation, the results of Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) data mining algorithm as a non-parametric regression technique was implemented. To measure predictive accuracy of MARS, model evaluation criteria such as coefficient of determ...

Safdar Ali1*, Ghulam Abbas Shah1, Muhammad Naveed Tahir1, Shahid Mehmood2, Asim Gulzar3 , Ijaz Ahmad4 and Bashir Ahmad Khan5 

... higher at 30-45 cm soil depth as compared to top soil (0-30 cm; P ≤ 0.05). Besides, higher soil moisture content was measured at wheat developmental stage relative to other stages (P ≤ 0.05). Soil porosity was significantly higher and bulk density was significantly lower under two statistically similar treatments, i.e. 1 MBP + 8 CS as well as 1 MBP + 4 CS.The wheat production was significantly affected by deep tillage systems having highest and statisti...

Muhammad Khalid, Muhammad Naeem*

...), body girth (BG), body depth (BD), Dorsal fin length (DFL), pectoral fin length (PtFL), pelvic fin length (PvFL), anal fin length (AFL), eye diameter (ED), caudal fin length (CFL), caudal fin width (CFW) of farmed collected Ctenopharyngodonidella were studied to know their correlation with reference to size (TL and W), and types of growth pattern. Correlation coefficient (r) value (0.984) shows high significant relationship between total length and wet body ...
Muhammad Usman Saleem1, Saima Masood1,*, Hafsa Zaneb1, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Asim Aslam3, Kamran Ashraf4, Habib-ur-Rehman5, Muti-ur-Rehman3 and Muhammad Shabir Shaheen6
...ombination whereas crypt depth decreased significantly (p < 0.05) after the selected supplementation in all small intestinal segments compared to control group. Level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) was increased significantly (p < 0.05) by the dietary treatments under study individually and in combination. It is concluded that supplementation of MOS and OAB in combination is beneficial compared to their individual effects in broiler chicks.
Senol Celik1,* and Orhan Yilmaz2 height (RH) and chest depth (CD) can significant effect the body weight. Quantitatively, it was identified that values of WH > 62.500 cm and RH > 67.500 cm can positively correlated with the highest body weights. On the other hands, MARS model’s finding showed that the dogs which had the values of WH > 51 cm can be expected to have the highest body weights. The calculated model evaluation criteria of CART algorithm was R2=0.6889, Adj. R2=0.68...

 Ali Raza Shah**, Muhammad Saffar Mirjat**, Abdul Quadir Mughal***, Inayatullah Rajper** and Asif Ali Mirani****

... and effective ploughing depth was maximum (P<0.05) under CT followed by MT, CTF and minimum under ZT. Similarly the operating speed was significantly higher (P<0.05) under CTF and lower under CT whereas, wheel slippage/travel reduction was significantly minimum (P<0.05) under CTF and maximum under CT. Significantly, higher field capacity was recorded under CTF and lower (P<0.05) under CT. The maximum fuel consumption (P<0.05) was recorded under...

Samina Ashraf1*, Ghulam Haider2 and Maimoona Ashraf

...ries of detailed and in- depth interview of 60 to 90 minutes were conducted from the participants. On the basis of collected data the researchers have given textural description and a structural description of the experiences, and ultimately provide understanding of the common experience of the participants. Finally from the structural and textural description, the researchers wrote a composite description that to present the essence of the phenomena. 

Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Abdul Malik2*, Muhammad Shahzad Khattak2, Naveedullah1, Naeem Ijaz3 and Ishaq Ahmad4 

...ges in groundwater table depths due to withdrawal and the water quality parameters and to find the effect of small dams on recharge of ground water aquifer. Water table depths data from the ground surface, discharge of the wells, water quality parameters such as Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) and Electrical Conductivity (ECw) were determined. Suitability of groundwater for irrigation purposes was evaluated following various c...

Imran Khan1, Zahir Shah2, Wiqar Ahmad3*, Farmanullah Khan2 and Muhammad Sharif lime resurfacing from depth and keeping the applied amendments concentrated in surface layer. 

Zeqin Fu, Yunfang Tian, Yingying Ye*, Pengzhi Qi and Changwen Wu
...ture and provide more in-depth understanding of Mytilus coruscus.
Abdur Rahman1,*, Ibrahim Sadi Cetingul2, Ismail Bayram2, Cangir Uyarlar2, Abdil Burhaneddin Akkaya2, Eyup Eren Gultepe2, Hikmet Keles3, Aykut Ulucan4 and Zafar Hayat1
...rol group, whereas crypt depth was significantly higher in all supplemented groups specifically remarkable in group D. Thickness of the tunica muscularis was higher in group C while other groups like D, E and F showed reduction in thickness compared to control group. Overall, this study data suggest that group D, which was supplemented with 3% dried oregano leaves, showed better performance than control. We conclude here that Oregano dried leaves may have the ...

Muhammad Javed Iqbal and Muhammad Naeem* 

...h 8.27±0.44, Body depth 2.64±0.16 and Body girth 5.28±0.33. Pectoral fin length, pelvic fin length, dorsal fin length and caudal fin length also showed highest values; 1.56±0.09, 1.36±0.09, 1.72±0.15 and 2.27±0.13 respectively in T1. Length-weight increment order in various treatment groups was T1>T2>T3>T4>T0. Highly significant correlations (p<0.01) were noted when log total length and log wet we...
Naila Chand1, Shamsullah1, Rafiullah1, Rifat Ullah Khan2, Muhammad Mobashar3, Shabana Naz4,*, Ebrahim Rowghani5 and Murad Ali Khan2
...her villus height, crypt depth and goblet cell count was recorded with MOS-100 while values lower with MOS-0 treatment. It was concluded that improvement in growth performance, intestinal histomorphology and relative weight of lymphoid organs in broiler chicks during starter phase was attributed to the supplementation of MOS.
Mouslim Bara1,2,* and Luciano N. Segura3 temperature and water depth on bird abundance and two ecological diversity indices (Shannon and Shannon E). Significant inter-annual fluctuations in bird abundance were recorded. Maximum values were always recorded during autumn. Water depth correlated positively with bird abundance and Shannon index. Field samplings indicated that bird abundance was frequently higher than 1000 individuals, which suggests that this site i...
Tariq Mahmood1,*, Ijaz Ahmad1, Faraz Akrim1, Abdul Hamid1, Muhammad Waseem1, Abid Hussain1 and Muhammad Sajid Nadeem2
... and downy feathers. The depth of nest ranged between 5-10 cm. Clutch size ranged from 8-20 eggs while the incubation period was found to be 22-24 days. Hatching success was up to 85% (range 75 to 85%) in different nests. The dense vegetation consisting of Dodonaea viscosa and Poa annua provided shelter, cover and abundant supply of insects to the chicks. The study concludes that the breeding season of Chukor partridge in Dir Lower starts from Fe...

Muhammad Tahir Amin, Khalid Usman*, Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik and Nishter Ali

...tavator at 7–10 cm depth). Five irrigation intervals (7th, 10th, 13th, 16th and 19th day) and phosphorus levels (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg P2O5 ha-1) were kept in main- and subplots, respectively in RCBD with split plots arrangement with three replications. Results revealed that irrigation intervals significantly affected all the parameters such as plant height, sympodial branches, seed cotton yield, and quality-related traits such as fiber length, fibe...
Muhammad Tufail1, Naila Chand1, Rafiullah1, Shakoor Ahmad2, Rifat Ullah Khan2, Muhammad Mobashar3 and Shabana Naz4,*
...her villus height, crypt depth and goblet cell count were recorded in MOS-100. It was concluded from the results that improvement in growth performance, intestinal histomorphology and relative weight of lymphoid organs in broiler chicks during finisher phase was attributed to MOS at the level of 100 mg/kg.

Arshad Farooq* and Muhammad Zafarullah Khan setts treatment, depth of furrows in case of D.I. Khan district while high knowledge gap in cane setts treatment, depth of furrows and seed quantity per acre in farmers of Mardan district. The results further showed that majority (73.68%) farmers had medium (26.56%) knowledge gap while 13.33 percent farmers were found with low (13.46%) knowledge gap whereas ...
...esses. This led to an in-depth investigation by the Editorial Team and Executive Council of Zoological Society of Pakistan. The editorial team had written confidentially to all the reviewers at their official addresses, the list of which was provided by the corresponding author at the time of online submission of the manuscript. The editorial team was flabbergasted by the responses of scientists whose names were exploited and proven the intentional fraudulent ...
Sun Hong1, Zhang Yifeng1, Wang Baishi2, Li Yangwei1, Xu Wenbo1, Mao Runkun1 and Wang Zhenglong1,*
...results show that 1) the depth and complexity of the burrow were higher during summer than during spring; 2) maximal CO2 levels (2.55%) and minimal O2 levels (16.04%) were recorded in the underground burrows during summer; and 3) the temperature and humidity in the underground burrows were relatively stable during spring and summer. In conclusion, mandarin voles face hypoxic/hypercapnic stress predominantly during summer. The humidity and...
Mohsen M. El-Sherbiny1,2,*, Reny P. Devassy1, Erinn M. Muller3, Abdulmohsin A. Al-Sofyani1 and Ali M. Al-Aidaroos1
...l peak was observed at a depth of 70m. Diatoms dominated the phytoplankton community in terms of both density and diversity followed by dinoflagellates. A total of 138 phytoplankton species (80 diatoms and 57 dinoflagellates) contributed to the phytoplankton diversity during the study. Zooplankton exhibited clear diel variation in distribution with higher abundance during night. Among the thirty-zooplankton taxa observed, Copepoda formed the dominant taxa. Of ...

Shumaila Sadiq1,2*, Abdul Saboor2, Fouzia Jamshaid3, Abdul Qayyum Mohsin2 and Azeem Khalid

...le to climate change. In depth analysis of variables of sub-indices suggested that weather related hazards, coupled with extreme cold and hot months were much higher in Punjab. Drought impact was found higher in KPK and Balochistan followed by Sindh. Increasing share of small farmers and food insecure population also resulted in an increase in the sensitivity of farming community almost in all agro-climatic zones. Poor farm economy and lack of education were i...
Muhammad Saeed1,2,*, Tariq Mukhtar1 and Malik Abdul Rehman3
...icantly at both the soil depths. The populations were significantly higher at a depth of 30 cm as compared to 45 cm throughout the year at both the orchards. Similarly, females per gram of roots also followed the same pattern. The number of nematodes in the soil and females in the roots were the higher during the months of April to June and August-September showing two peaks throughout the year. The regression analysis betwe...

Muhammad Sohail Memon1*, Khadim Ullah1, Altaf Ali Siyal1,2, Naimatullah Leghari1, Ahmed Ali Tagar1, Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto1, Syed Tahir Ata-ul-karim3, Muhammad Tahir4 and Noreena Memon1 

...ples were collected from depth desired depth to analysis the Physical chemical properties before and after the trial. Irrigation water was measured through cutthroat flume at each irrigation interval and the total water consumed by ridge ground was 500 mm. The solute transport and soil water content in the root zone was also simulated by HYDRUS-2D. The results reveal that the salts moved upward to the top (upper layers) and ...
R. Yasmeen1*, S. Shaheen1, B.N. Khan2, S.S. Bokhari1, U. Rafi1 and A.W. Qurashi1
...collected from different depths (6, 12, 18 inches) to study deposition patterns of metals. Samples were chemically digested and finally analysed by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometery (FAAS) for four heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu. The results showed all the metals were in safe range in feed samples, a very negligible amount was present in water samples and small concentrations were noticed in soil samples. The amounts of Zn and Cu in feed were refle...
Jun Yan Bai*, Xiao Hong Wu, Shuai Yang, You Zhi Pang, Heng Cao, Hong Deng Fan, Xue Yan Fu, Kun Peng Shi and Xiao Ning Lu
...ght, tibia length, chest depth, chest width, sternum length, body length and tibia circumference of 3-5 weeks old meat quails were measured.The results showed that the at 3-5 weeks of age, the body weight, chest depth, body length, shank length, and sternum length of the French giant female quail were significantly higher than those of the Savimite female quail (P<0.05), while only the body weight of the French giant male...

 Muhammad Rafay1,*, Ghafoor Ahmad1, Tahira Ruby2, Muhammad Abdullah3, Fahad Rasheed4, Muhammad Abid1, Sohail Akhtar5, Zulfiqar Ahmad6 and Riaz Hussain7

...heral and core diameter, depth of nest was 13, 9 and 7 cm, respectively. Breeding completed in 36 days including incubation, nestling, post nestling and fledgling stages of 13, 5, 4, and 14 days, respectively. Overall predation during these stages was 57%. Adults consumed grains, insects, termites and flies during morning and evening frequently while providing insects, flies and larvae to their young ones. Highly sensitive video camera was arranged to check th...
Min Lv1, Hui Gan2, Zhide Ruan1, Huizan Yang1, Rui Wang1, Laiba Shafique3, Huma Naz4 and Huawei Ma1,
...2 m × 1.6 m; water depth 1.2 m) with dissolved oxygen concentrations above 5.2 ± 0.3 mg/l, and pH 6.5–8.1. Water flow in the ponds was poor. The amount of feed increased from 0.81 ± 0.35 to 13.42 ± 1.89 g/fish-day throughout the experiment. Samples were collected between mid-March and October 2016, and we monitored the Cd, Cr, and Hg concentrations in gills, large intestines, small intestines, intestine
Imran Khan1, Muhammad Nawaz1,*, Aftab Ahmad Anjum1, Mansur-ud-Din Ahmad2, Adnan Mehmood1, Masood Rabbani1, Amina Mustafa1 and Muhammad Asad Ali1 (villus height, crypt depth and villus height to crypt depth ratio) were studied at day 35. Broiler administered with IKP23, IKP111 and IKP333 significantly improved villus height and villus height to crypt depth ratio as compared to positive control. D-xylose absorption was also enhanced in groups administered with probiotics. It is concluded that IKP23, IKP111 and IKP333 may improve g...

Bala Gambo Jahun1,2*, Muhammad Yamin2,3, Desa Bin Ahmad2, Muhammad Razif Mahdi2, Shamsuddin Suleiman4 and Salihu Ahmad Abdulkadir5 

...ades affect the mulching depth and may damage the shallow roots of oil palms. This study investigates the influence of blade lifting angles, tractor’s forward speed and tractor’s PTO speed in predicting mulching depth. Four blades with lifting angles of 0°, 60°, 120°, and 150°; 02 tractor’s PTO speeds of 540 and 1000 RPM and 03 tractor’s forward speeds of 1, 3, and 5 km/h were assessed...

Mujahid Khan1*, Mohammad Tufail2, Muhammad Fahad1, Hazi Muhammad Azmathullah3, Muhammad Sagheer Aslam1, Fayaz Ahmad Khan4, Asif Khan5 

...tterns in terms of scour depth
and its extent in lateral direction for circular and square pier models. For this purpose a number of experiments
were conducted in the physical modeling laboratory of River Engineering and drainage control, USM, Malaysia.
The study shows that the pier scour depth and affected area around pier increase with the increase in pier size.
The study further demonstrates th...

Nasir Ahmad1*, Jehad Ali2, Khalil Khan3, Muhammad Naeem4, Usman Ali5 

...gnition from RGB images, depth images and then we combine both RGB and depth maps i.e. concatenate
different Modalities to improve the accuracy of recognition. Depth maps have holes and noise induced from camera
sensors, therefore we process them to remove these distortions and then we apply the face recognition algorithm.
Experimental results reveal that the accuracy ...

Bibi Safia Haq1,2, Hidayat Ullah Khan3, Abdul Shakoor4, Shahnaz Attaullah5, Ishrat Rahim1 

different pulses were also measured by scanning the sample using a Dektak KLA-Tencor and the surface statistics of
the ablated keratin sample have been analysed using a white light interferometer WYKO NT1100. 


Muhammad Kaleem Sarwar1, Zulfiqar Ali Chaudary2, M.Tousif Bhatti3, Daulat Khan 

... flow velocity and water depth at the aerator were measured by changing operating
conditions. Non-dimensional jet length (λ), air entrainment co-efficient (β) and non-dimensional cavity pressure (Pn)
were computed to evaluate the performance of the aerator against ramp angle and air vent size. Results noted an
improvement in the performance of aerator with the increase of air vent size. However, the ramp initially improved

Muhammad Ibrahim1, ShahidMaqsood1, Rafiullah Khan2, Muhammad Amjad2, SakhiJaan2 

...arameters on penetration depth
and bead width. Taguchi L25 orthogonal array was used for the design of experiments. Welding experiments were
performed on stainless steel specimens. Pilot experimentations were conducting to define the range of variables.
Optimal parameters were determined through signal to noise (S/N) ratio approach. Significant factors have been
determined through analysis of variance approach. The results showed th...

 Muhammad Khurram Ali*, Raft Javed Qureshi**, Mirza Jahanzaib***

...aints has provided an in depth scenario evaluation which has added value to the degree of reliability and confidence regarding acceptability of results. The paper is a unique contribution for strategic managers of the cement sector being an aid tomake ...
Naeem Ejaz*, Daulat Khan**, Usman Ali Naeem*, Muhammad Ali Shamim*, Muhammad Fiaz Tahir*, Faisal Shabbir*, Jawad Hussain*
...ns to find the corrosion depth. By visual inspection the corrosion depth and residual compressive strength were observed according to the modified ASTM C267& C39 respectively. Reaction products of gypsum remained on the surface of concrete samples absorbed in diluted sulfuric acid, while reaction products of gypsum were not seen on the surfaces of concrete samples absorbed in static as well as dynamic...

Muhammad Irfan*, Saeed Gul*, Mohammad Younas*

...parameters such as water depth in still, average day temperature and average water temperature in still were studied experimentally and verified statistically though ANOVA (analysis of variance). It was found that the water temperature in the still is the most significant parameter that largely affects the evaporation rate. The fresh water with 240 mg/L dissolved salt has been extracted from the model sea water having dissolved salts of 350...

Shahida Nasreen Zakir*, Samina Siddiqui*, Nasreen Ghaffar* and Zia Ul Haq**

...r samples at 1.5 to 30 m depths were collected in triplicate during wet and dry seasons. All samples were analyzed for pH, EC, TDS, SO4 2-, HCO3 -1, CO3 -2,Cl-1, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ , Fe+3 and K+ The result of this study showed that according to water quality index (WQI) of WHO all groundwater samples were categorized as good water and considered suitable for drinking apart from a few exceptions. The Sodium Adsorption Ratio of all groundwater was less th...

Usman Ghani*, Naeem Ijaz* and Daulat Khan**

... slope and overbank flow depth. There were two overbank flow depths for each bed slope. In this study a rectangular main channel flanked by floodplains on both sides has been considered. The simulation was carried out by solving 3D continuity and Reynolds averaged Navior Stokes equations using a finite volume based numerical code. The turbulence closure was achieved through standard k - turbulence mode...

Zahid Hassan Tarar1, Muhammad Salik Ali Khan2*, Shahzada Munawar Mehdi3, Raza Salim4, Irfan Ahmad Saleem1, Saima Nazar5, Munir David2, Tahir Majeed6, Muhammad Sufyan Mughal7, Muhammad Saleem8, Umer Iqbal9, Muhammad Mazhar Iqbal10 and Muhammad Khalid Shaheen

...ples were collected at a depth of 0-15cm maintaining a sampling grid cell size of 10-acres (40469 m2) throughout the sampling area. These samples were analyzed for plant available Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn) following Diethylenetriamine Penta-Acetate (DTPA) extraction methodology. Quantification was carried out by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). Hot water-soluble (HWS) Boron (B) was determined spectrophotometrically. Additiona...

Kamran Ghasemi1*, Mostafa Emadi2, Asghar Bagheri3 and Mehdi Mohammadi1

Casing Material and Thickness Effects on the Yield and Nutrient Concentration of Agaricus bisporus were observed in 4 cm depth casing. No significant deference was observed in the phosphorus and potassium concentration of treated mushrooms but nitrogen concentration was affected by casing layer soil materials and thickness. The lowest nitrogen concentration was in 4 cm depth of CP casing layer that was not significantly different with 2 cm depth of CP casing layer. As ...
Zhi Yijin, Shao Mingqin* and Li Quanjiang
... of 2019, habitat, water depth utilization and niche separation of wading birds in Poyang Lake, China, was assessed. A total of 38 bird species, including 4 class I and 3 class II Chinese nationally protected bird species were identified. Of six habitats, 64% (15,435 individuals) of the total number of wading birds counted occurred in water-covered areas. The common crane Grus grus has the widest habitat niche (0.727), utilizing grasslands and farmland ...

Tasleem Akhtar1, 2, Ghazanfar Ali1,* and Nuzhat Shafi2

... line, head length, dead depth and pre anal length were observed in S. niger followed by S. esocinus and two other species. Overall value of “b’ fluctuated from 1.183 to 2.711 which did not follow the cube law (b=3) and indicated the negative allometric (b<3) growth pattern. Studies on condition factor (K) of Schizothorax species revealed the lowest values. High pollution load and environmental stress on these species seems to be v...
...bottom set gill net at a depth of 12 m on 26 March 2019. It was male measuring 42.0 cm in total length, 17.2 cm in carapace length and weighed 3.15 kg. Description of morphological characters and illustrations are presented.

Numan Habib1*, Muftooh Ur Rehman Siddiqi1 and Riaz Muhammad2

Thermal Simulation of Grain During Selective Laser Melting Process in 3D Metal Printing
...ution on grain along the depth. Center of the lower surface of the grain is chosen as a focus point and values are recorded and compared. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental work conducted in literature. For 1µm grain size melting of aluminum 7075 and AM100A Magnesium is achieved with all scanning speed except UNS C85500 Yellow Brass.

Wentao Wang1,2, Xu Lin3, Jianshu Zhuo3, Dongjie Zhang2, Xiuqin Yang3* and Di Liu1, 2*
...and provide basis for in-depth functional research.
Kamran Baksh Soomro1*, Sina Alaghmand2, Sanyogita Andriyas3, Muhammad Rehmatullah Khan4, Naveedullah5 and Amin Talei6
...ry at all three sampling depths, under both irrigation treatments, after the crop end. The benefit-cost Ratio (BCR) per hectare in season 1 was 1.90 and 1.69 under IT1 and IT2, respectively. While for season 2, the BCR was 1.89 and 1.59 under IT1 and IT2,respectively. In terms of crop yield, overall, IT1 showed better results as compared to IT2 irrigation treatments.
Bram Brahmantiyo1,*, Henny Nuraini2,3, Astari Wibiayu Putri3, Maizirwan Mel4,5 and Cecep Hidayat6 

...characteristics of chest depth of Hycole and Hyla rabbits were higher than New Zealand White. Hycole and Hyla rabbits showed high body size at Head height, Ear length, Ear width, Chest depth, Radius Ulna, Femoris, Length of the spine. Crossing of these rabbits with New Zealand White rabbit have potential to develop broiler rabbits that adapted in tropic.
Ahmed Saud Alsaqufi1, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman2,3*, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis1,2, Md. Moshiur Rahman3,4 and Muhammed Aslam Pathiri2
...l fin length, total body depth, dorsal fin length, pre dorsal distance, pre anal distance, pre ventral distance, head width, head length, eye diameter, maxillary barbell length, inter orbital length, and specific growth rate) than all other treatments, while no significant variation was found among other treatments. Although shelter did not show any significant role in the overall growth, it significantly reduced the larval mortality than those reared without ...
Muhammad Mohsin1, Yin Hengbin2*, Qian Chong3 and Bohyun Kim4
...ed to conduct further in-depth studies in this regard.
Muhammad Arslan Akbar1, Khalid Javed2, Asim Faraz3* and Abdul Waheed3
...tail length (TL), barrel depth (BD), sacral pelvic width (SPW), birth weight (BiW), Live body weight (BW), teat length (TEL), teat diameter (TED), testes length (TsL), testes width (TsW) and scrotal circumference (ScD). Male and female animals were placed in two separate groups. The correlation coefficients among most of the morphometric traits were high and significant (P≤ 0.01) particularly among withers height, body length, heart girth and live body weig...
Muhammad Arsalan1, Muhammad Aman Ullah1 and Abdul Waheed2,*
...n live weight and barrel depth, the best regression model was on barrel depth with a high R2 of 0.938. The simple regression analysis shows that barrel depth is best predictor of live body weight.

Niamat Ullah Khan1*, Umbreen Shahzad2, Azhar Abbas Khan2, Sami Ullah2, Muhammad Arshad Farooq2, Muhammad Kashan2 and Shitab Khan2

... systems [reduced (10 cm depth, one tiller followed by rotavator) and conventional (20 cm depth, including disc plough, cultivator, rotavator, and levelling operations)] and five irrigation intervals (10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 days) on cotton yield and lint percentage. Total irrigation water used in irrigation treatments, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 days intervals were 1125, 750, 560, 450 and 360 mm, respectively. Results indicated th...

Anguara Khatun1*, Sachchidananda Das Chowdhury1, Bibek Chandra Roy2, S.M. Shafikul Gani3, Bipul Chandra Ray1, Tanvir Ahmed1 

... width and reduced crypt depth (p<0.01). The jejunum and ileum villi height and width were significantly increased in the multi-enzymes supplemented group but showed a reduction in crypt depth (p<0.01). Feeding multi-strain probiotics to broilers were more cost-effective. In conclusion, multi-strain probiotics and multi enzymes in diet enhances growth performance, improves feed efficiency, intestinal morphology, and in...

Oce Astuti1, La Sara2*, Muzuni3 and Safilu4

...s (station C), and water depth of > 30 m (station D) using collapsible crab pots and gillnets were recorded, identified its species, sexed, counted its number, and analyzed its spatial and temporal CC and SR. The Chi-square test (α = 0.05) was used to test significant differences of expected 1: 1 SR. It was 12 DC species had been identified which BSCs were found at the entire stations and all years round. It had high CC at each station ranging 21.561&...

Sajjad Khan*, Naila Chand, Abdul Hafeez, Nazir Ahmad 

...i height (VH), low crypt depth (CD) and high VH:CD was recorded at 1.5% GA in different parts of intestine. Similarly, count of E. coli, Salmonella and C. perfringens was significantly low in ileum, caecum and colon. It was concluded that supplementation of GA at 1.5% resulted in significantly (P<0.05) improved growth performance, visceral organs along with improved histomorphology and limited growth of pathogenic bacteria in broiler chickens.


Nzube Thaddeus Egboka1*, Olajire Fagbola2, Ugochukwu Nnamdi Nkwopara1, Nnaemeka Henry Okoli1, Akaninyene Isaiah Afangide1 and Tochukwu Victor Nwosu3

...with land use type, soil depth and location. The study investigated the density of the AMF and nutrient status of soils in selected land use types and soil depths. Soil samples were collected from some fallow, cassava and pineapple fields in Ibadan and Ikwuano areas of Nigeria at 0-15, 15-30 and 30-45 cm depths and analyzed in the Laboratory. Spore densities of AMF varied significantly (P ...

Phassakon Nuntapanich1*, Hathaichanok Nuntapanich2 and Woraman Maicharoen3

...nterview was used for in-depth study in the community. Trapping ponds in paddy fields have developed and transferred from the old generation as local wisdom. It is the tools considering as an appropriate technology, which enables the ecosystem to continually provide services to the farmer (e.g., local food security, household income, surface water supply for rice production and enhance soil nutrients for rice crop) without damaging the ecosystem’s capaci...
Manatsanun Nopparatmaitree1*, Pornpan Saenphoom1, Sittichai Bunlue1, Silchai Washiraomornlert1, Warangkana Kitpipit2,3,4, Soranot Chotnipat1 surface area, and the depth of the crypt of Lieberkühn of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum (p < 0.01). Moreover, TABP combined with probiotic supplementation significantly affected the feed intake and average daily gain of broilers (p < 0.05). The data showed that minimum supplementation of synbiotics from TABP at 10 g/kg in combination with probiotics (2 g/kg) in diets has the potential to improve digestibility, gut ecology, and productivity of ...

Inam Ul Haq1*, Muhammad Ramzan1, Mansoor Khan Khattak1 and Ahmad Khan2

...e operations below 20 cm depth, has countless benefits in rain-fed areas but the recent problem in the deep tillage is the loss of nutrients. Various techniques have been studied for declining the loss of nutrients. Therefore, this research was carried out in the University Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan to find the effect of raised seed bed dimensions and integrated nutrient management on the yield of winter wheat (Triticum ae...

Ngoc Tan Nguyen1*, Minh Thanh Tram1, Thi Thu Pham1, Tan Loi Le1, Thi Khanh Ly Nguyen1, Tuan Thanh Hoang2, Cong Thieu Pham3, Nguyen Khang Duong4 

...oats require detailed in-depth studies.

Keywords | Local goat, D-loop, Mitochondrial DNA, Genetic divergence, Phylogeny 


Shambel Boki Dabi

...ples were collected at a depth of 10 to 15 cm in plastic bottles from each site of three streams for laboratory study. Water quality parameters such as CO2, Chloride, and alkalinity were instantly assessed using the titration method, while water turbidity, temperature, water pH, and dissolved oxygen were measured directly on site. A simple test kit was used to evaluate nitrite and ammonia levels. The result revealed a high level of alkalinity (66.3±39. ...

Sarzamin Khan1, Abdul Jabbar Tanweer2, Rafiullah1, Ibrahimullah1, Ghulam Abbas3*, Jabbar Khan4, Muhammad Saeed Imran5, Asghar Ali Kamboh6 

...;0.05) increase in crypt depth and villus height of birds was recorded fed diet supplemented with mealworm scales (3g/kg). The breast percent and carcass weight recorded in birds fed 3g/kg mealworm scales in diet was significantly (P<0.05) higher than other groups. In conclusion, data of the current experiment indicated that mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) scales at the level of 3g/kg in quail’s diet has important effects on performance, carcass traits an...

Ngoc Tan Nguyen1*, Pham Kim Ngan Nguyen1, Thao Huong Phan1, Tan Loi Le1, Thi Khanh Ly Nguyen1, Tuan Thanh Hoang2, Cong Thieu Pham3, Cong Dinh Nguyen3, Nguyen Khang Duong4 

...oes will require more in-depth studies.

Keywords | Bubalus bubalis, D-loop sequence, Genetic divergence, Mitochondrial DNA, Swamp buffalo 


Zayed M.A1, M.F. Shehata1, I.M. Ismail1, Mona Mohammady1, M.A. Radwan2* fat thickness, muscle depth, muscle width, and muscle area at the 12th thoracic vertebrae were measured two times using the ultrasound scan. Body weight and measurements were recorded. All Barki lambs were slaughtered (one year of age approximately), and their carcass traits, and meat quality were evaluated. All growth performance traits showed significant (p<0.01) differences among the three groups, except birth weight and age. Dressing % (based on slau...

Hasan Çelikyürek

...ngth, chest width, chest depth, withers height, rump height, and chest girth were 50.25±0.55, 14.65±0.15, 23.64±0.25, 58.49±0.55, 59.14±0.55, and 71.39±0.73 cm, respectively. According to the results of the GLM analysis that birth type had no significant influence on testicular traits or on any of the body measurements except body length. Live weight gain had significant impact (p<0.001) on all traits. Age also had ...

Ansar Abbas1*, Muhammad Aman Ullah2, Abdul Waheed3 and Muhammad Asif4

... rump width (RW), barrel depth (BD) and heart girth (HG). A total of 271 female Thalli sheep of southern Punjab were included in the study. We used different goodness of fit criteria such as coefficient of determination (R2 %), adjusted coefficient of determination (Adj-R2 %), standard deviation ratio (SD ratio), root mean square error (RMSE), relative approximation error (RAE), mean absolute deviation (MAD), coefficient of variation (CV %), Akaike information...

Zarnosh Habib1, Muhammad Ibrahim2*, Nasir Shah2, Israr Ullah3 and Norman Javed Gill4

...l) at various host pupae depths (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 cm) in plant debris and at different host pupae ages (24, 48, 72 and 96 h) in laboratory at 25 ± 2ºC, 60 ± 5% relative humidity and a photoperiod of DL 14:10 h. The observations indicated a significant effect of different depths of host pupae and its age on the amount of parasitism by parasitoid. Maximum significant (F = 10.78, P < 0.0001) parasitized...

Andy1,4*, Ratmawati Malaka2, Sri Purwanti3, Hikmah M Ali2, Tutik Lusyta Aulyani4, Danung Nur Adli5 

...rsion ratio (FCR), crypt depth, and reduce total population of Escherichia coli in the intestinal. To sum up, using liquid smoke encapsulation successfully increasing villus height and reduce feed conversion ratio without any adverse effect.

Keywords | Broiler, Encapsulation, Growth Performance, Intestinal Profile, Liquid Smoke  


Layth Saleem Salman Al-Shihmani

...ccording to the specific depth of each horizon, and the laboratory examination was conducted for the physical and chemical properties. As for the mineral examination, it was conducted for only two depths (surface depth and subsurface depth). The results showed a variation in the chemical properties represented by the electrical conductivity values, pH of...

Jinzhao He1, Pengfei Feng2, Junqi Qin2, Yun Teng1, Xu Luo2*, Zigui Chen1*, Huawei Ma2* and Dayan Zhou1

...vity in the body. The in-depth study of its regulatory mechanism contributes to understanding the genetic mechanism of red tilapia and improving the body shape.


Talat Farid Ahmed1*, Muhammad Azeem Afzal1, Hashim Nisar Hashmi2, Hafiz Muhammad Yousuf2, Shamim-ul-Sibtain Shah1 and Muhammad Atiqullah Khan1 

...tes was at 69 ft average depth with resistivity values between 35-56 ohm-m and formation consist of dominance of gravel/boulder mixed with sand/ sand stone and thin layers of clay. GWL at Sanjwal Cantt sites was at 50 ft average depth having low to moderate yield of water and the formation had dominance of sand with alternate layers of clay against resistivity between 25-86 ohm-m. The study concluded that electrical resistiv...

Manzoor Ali Magsi1*, Naimatullah Laghari1, Ahmed Ali Tagar1, and Habibullah Magsi2

...ifferent tillage on soil depths (i.e., 0-15 cm, 16 to 30 cm, and 31 to 45 cm) and showed significant influence on pH, electrical conductivity of soil (ECe), soil aggregates, organic matter (OM), calcium, magnesium, chloride, carbonate, and bicarbonate. The tillage practices were shallow and deep tillage-assisted with compost, poultry residuals, NPK, and FM (farmyard manure) in the study area for the wheat crop. It was found that the most effective tillage prac...

Nam Thanh Nguyen1,2,3, Linh Manh Ha4, Anh Thi Nguyen5, Nam Hoang Chu5, Hau Duc Tran5, Hung Phuc Nguyen5 and Thuy Thi Ta6*

...-dorsal-fin length, body depth, body width) showed higher growth rates in males than in females, suggesting a morphometric sexual dimorphism. The growth pattern of males and females were similarly higher than the isometric value of three, showing positive allometric growth in favorable environmental conditions. The slope values were higher in the dry season than in the wet season, but this was only significant in females. The higher intra-seasonal variability ...

R. Hadadfar1, E. Mahdikhani-Moghadam2†, S. Baghaee2 and M. S. Bajestani1

Mutala’liah, S. Indarti † and N. S. Putra

...ed using two soil sample depths (30 cm and 50 cm). This research
showed that the highest population abundance of Pratylenchus sp. both from soil and roots was in Candiroto field
with BP 42 variety i.e. 27 nematodes per 100 ml of soil and 60 nematodes per 10 g of roots, respectively.
Relationship between pH and soil temperature with population abundance was negative correlation whereas soil
moisture and organic ma...

I. Umar† and A. Mamman*

and 40 cm depth) were separately mixed with 0, 30, 40, 50 and 60 g (equivalent to 0, 10 15, 20 and 25 tons/ha) of
the fruit powder. Carbofuran was applied at 0.060 g/pot. Control pots received no amendment. Two early maturing
cowpea varieties EX-Gurin and EX-Yobe were planted separately into the pots containing the amendment. Pots
were inoculated with 1000 J2/pot. The results of the study showed that the crude...

Rahim Bux Vistro1*, Mashooque Ali Talpur1, Irfan Ahmed Sheikh1, Muneer Ahmed Mangrio2, Rajish Kumar Soothar1, Mian Noor Hussain Asghar Ali3,4, Imran Ali Dhamach4, Muhammd Urs Mirjat1 and Abdul Saboor Soomro2

...sed with increasing soil depths under C2 and C3 over C1 treatment, while maximum EC values were recorded under furrow plots among all soil depths and soil different soil textures. Even though the soil pH was not affected by soil compaction treatments under all soil depths and soil textures during both years.
Fatma Salih Mohammed1*, Nasser Khedr1, Tahia Ahmed1, Liza S. Mohammed2
...lli length, width, crypt depth, and the number of goblet cells. Regarding return from the breast and thigh, D2 and D3 had a non-significant numerical increase over D1. In conclusion, adding EE-SBM to broiler diets can improve intestinal morphometry and does not negatively affect carcass characteristics.
Keywords | Broiler chicken, Carcass characteristics, Extruded-expelled soybean meal, Intestinal morphometry

Yusri Sapsuha1*, Nur Sjafani1, Suryati Tjokrodiningrat2

...his study provides an in-depth review of the use of cloves in feed to improve broiler chicken production performance and health. In conclusion, cloves contain bioactive substances that can be used to improve broiler chicken performance and health. Administration of appropriate dose is believed to replace the role of AGP, which is currently prohibited from its use in broiler chicken feed.
Keywords | AGP, Broiler, Cloves, Health st...

Zongliang Li1, Rongxin Ma2,*, Yan Wei1 and Jianghua Zuo3

...nificantly reduced tumor depth compared with the conventional treatment group 21 (52.50%). There was no difference in the rate of bronchospasm between the conventional treatment group and the combination treatment group (P>0.05). 32P application combined with timolol maleate has a good therapeutic effect on hemangiomas, which can reduce the expression of circulating vascular endothelial growth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor.

Rahmat Ullah Khan1*, Karim Gabol1, Asif Sadam2, Waheed Ali Panhwar3, Hamidullah4 and Abdul Rahim1

...smn;2.3 cm and inner cup depth was 4.99±2.1 cm. This bird has one brood per season. Overall breeding cycle lasted for 90 days. The shape of the eggs was oblong and white pinkish, with darker red spots. The average incubation and nestling periods were 12.03±1.3 and 13.21±1.08 days respectively. The average clutch size was 2.66±0.5 eggs; brood size was 2.66±0.5 nestlings. The average number of young fledged was 2.66±0.98...

Usman Ali1,2*, Basharat Ahmad1, Riaz Aziz Minhas1, Muhammad Kabir3, Muhammad Siddique Awan1, Liaqat Ali Khan1 and Muhammad Bashir Khan1

...he identification and in-depth knowledge of suitable habitats. Habitat suitability models (HSMs) have wide use in the understanding of niche requirements, hence prioritizing management and conservation issues for threatened species. This study aimed to identify the current range and suitable habitat of black bear in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K) using the maximum entropy model. Field surveys were conducted between 2015 and 2020 to collect data using direct...

Yang Hu, Jingxin Ding, Beilei Xu, Xiangming Sun, Guoyu Li, Hui Song, Zheng Zong and Wenlan Li*

...erence for subsequent in-depth studies on the estrogen-like pharmacodynamic material basis of TGs.


Edwin Ormachea V1,2*, Bilo Calsin C1,2, Eyner Aguilar S3, Buenaventura Ormachea V4, Henry Gonzales C1, Yecenia M. Masias G5

...length; Head width; Head depth; Ear length; Ear width; Neck length; Neck perimeter; Height at the withers; Longitudinal body diameter; Thoracic perimeter; Bicostal diameter; Sternal dorsal diameter; Rump width; Rump length; Height at the rump; Leg perimeter; Height at hock; Metacarpus perimeter and Metatarsus perimeter. Data were processed using R statistical software. The correlation of the main morphological characteristics were significant and high. Age sig...

Endang Baliarti1*, Muh Auliya Rozzaq2, Adi Tiya Warman2, Sigit Bintara3, Tri Satya Mastuti Widi1, Diah Tri Widayati3, Bayu Andri Atmoko4, Tristianto Nugroho1 

...t, rump width, and chest depth were selected as discriminant variables. Based on those variables, 98.30% of Bali cattle were predicted as members of its origin. However, Simbal cattle are classified as Simbal (62.50%) and Limbal (33.30%) while Limbal are classified as Limbal (66.70%) and Simbal (29.60%). The set of body morphometric and reproductive performance variables on Bali Cross have a high canonical correlation. It is concluded that Simbal and Limbal ha...

Thekra Fadel Saleh, Omar Younis Altaey*

... the length of villi and depth of crypts were greater in the proximal portion compared to the middle and distal portions. Histochemical analysis showed that acidic glycoprotein was dominant in the villi and crypts, with higher density in the middle portion compared to the proximal and distal portions. The density of glycosaminoglycans was also higher in goblet cells at the basal crypts compared to longitudinal crypts. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed high...
Daud Khan1, Naila Chand1, Muhammad Saeed2, Muhammad Tahir3, Alam Zeb4 and Rifat Ullah Khan5*
...50. Villus height, crypt depth, goblet cells and epithelial thickness were significantly (p<0.01) higher in negative control compared to positive control. It was concluded that silver nitrate at the rate of 100 mg/kg has positive effects on growth performance, carcass characteristics, decreased E. coli count and enhanced gut histological features in broilers infected with E. coli challenge.


Luh Gde Sri Surya Heryani1*, Ni Luh Eka Setiasih1, Ni Nyoman Werdi Susari1, I Made Merdana1, I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Tri Laksana2, I Wayan Nico Fajar Gunawan2 

... height, chest width and depth, head width and length were 55.68cm, 17.53cm, 10.62cm, 67.40cm, 54.92cm, 17.81cm, 41.24cm, 10.63cm, and 26.26cm, respectively. Furthermore, the result of measuring the index of the female and male heads was 40.76% and 39.41%. The results showed that Principal Component 1 (KU1) and 2 (KU2) had a variance of 5.834 and 1.834, respectively, while the percentage of variance was 58.338% and 18.340%, with a total value of 76.678%. The h...

Li Qiao*, Shubao Geng, Shibao Guo, Hongmin Liu, Jian Yin and Quan Zhang

...ovide a reference for in-depth study and application of light in the prevention and control of tea garden.


Rashid Saraz1, Saiqa Amur1, Zia-ul-Hassan1*, Naheed Akhter Talpur1, Inayatullah Rajpar1, Muhammad Sohail Memon2, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro3, Khalid Hussain Talpur1 and Nizamuddin Depar4

...rst time. Surface (20 cm depth) soil samples were collected from 127 locations of six sub-divisions of district Mirpurkhas (locally known as talukas) i.e. Digri, Hussain Bux Mari, Jhuddo, Kot Ghulam Muhammad, Mirpurkhas and Sindhri. The coordinates of each sampling point were recorded with Magellan® Triton™ 200 GPS device. Efforts were made to include all agriculturally important union councils of six talukas, involving a variety of soil use and crop...

Ali A. M. Al-Kuhla1*, Yaman S. Fadhil1, Saffanah K. Mahmood2 

... of villi, and the crypt depth were measured. Results demonstrated a significant (P<0.05) increase in the body weight of the birds in response to the dietary malic and acetic acids, while there were no significant differences in the rate of weight gain, the amount of feed consumed, and the feed conversion ratio. Histologically, it was observed that there was a significant (P<0.01) increase in the villi length, villi width, crypt ...

Kyu-Jung Kim and Shin-Jae Rhim*

...ferences in water width, depth, transparency, flow, bed materials, form of levee, and number of bends. The major waterbirds were cormorants, large wading birds, dabbling ducks, diving ducks, gulls, and small wading birds. The multiple linear regression analysis revealed close relationships between stream structure variables and major waterbirds. Waterbird community conservation requires wetland-based management programs that are applied to habitat complexes at...

Shakirat Bolatito Ibrahim1, Raheem Olatunji Aminu1,2*, Aisha Olushola Arowolo1 and Adams Sanusi Musa1

...h levels of severity and depth of food insecurity of 0.27 and 0.19, respectively. The ordered logit result indicates that gender, farmer association, cooperative society, extension visits, access to credit, remittances, and land ownership significantly influenced household dietary diversity status. In the logit model, age, household size, land ownership, cooperative society, extension visits, credit availability, land rights, and distance to medical centres ar...

Sri Suharyati, Tiwi Aries Pani, Akhmad Dakhlan, Syahrio Tantalo, Kusuma Adhianto*

...ence, chest width, chest depth, hip width, and hip height were 43.62±1.08 kg, 62.79±2.76 cm, 62.31±1.57 cm, 75 .74±2.56 cm, 20.39±2.41 cm, 30.54±1.89 cm, 15.93±0.86 cm, 68.35±0.73 cm in single births does and 44.25±1.34 cm, 64.05±2.62 cm, 66.48±1.86 cm, 81.55±1.24 cm, 22.95±1.03 cm, 32.51±0.71 cm, 17.31±0.69 cm, and 69.91±0.81 cm in twin births does ...
Sudhan Chandran1*, GB Sreekanth2, Geetanjali Deshmukhe1 and  Ashok Kumar Jaiswar1
... operated from 6 to 25 m depth for 3–6 h each time deployed in 15 fishing trials. The total length and total weight of the combined sex group was recorded by using the logarithmic transformed data, linear regression analysis was performed to calculate a and b values for two fish species to establish length-weight relationships with respective coefficient of correlation and the 95% confidence intervals. A new maximum total length was recorded for two cree...

Hemeida, A. A., Osman, M., El-Shahat, Mohamed, Hashem, Medhat H., Mahmoud, Amal and Dahi, Hosni

... this will require an in-depth exploration on sequence variability in at least two coding regions.


Wisit Ketpanyapong1, Kulisara Marupanthorn2* Villus height/crypt depth in the 250 mg/kg diet MOLE group was significantly higher than in the control group (P=0.002). Our study is the first to report that dietary supplementation with MOLE granules at 250 mg/kg improved growth performance, reduced diarrhea rate, and microbial shedding in weaned pigs. 

Raed M. Al-Atiyat1,2*, Gamaleldin M. Suliman3, Khaled Abu-Alruz4, Firas Al-Zyoud5, Amer Mamkagh6, Ahmed M. El-Waziry7, Abdullah N. Al-Owaimer8 and Rifat Ullah Khan9
...ength, heart girth, body depth, head length, ear length, body weight at slaughtering, empty body, dressing percentage, hot carcass, cold carcass, and head weight which had a significant effect on breed. The phenotypic associations between the traits were also studied and strong associations between economically important traits were reported. The analyses of principal components were efficient in showing the total variation of 13 traits accumulated in linear c...


...dy aims to conduct an in-depth qualitative phenomenological investigation from a healthcare sector of a developing country i.e., Pakistan. For this purpose, current study conducts semi-structured interviews of registered nurses of a public sector hospital. This study selects nurses as unit of analysis because patients deal the most with nursing staff during their stay in the hospital. The findings of current study revealed that nursing staff have comprehensive...

Ngoc Tan Nguyen1*, Thi Tuong Vi Trang1, Thi Thuy Tien Nguyen2, Tuan Thanh Hoang2, Duc Thoa Nguyen2

...ckens, requiring more in-depth study.
Keywords | Dual-purpose chicken, Egg production, Polymorphism, Prolactin gene, Promoter regression

Nadia Kèmi Assana Chabi1, Gildas Codjo Tchemadon1,2*, Olaïgbé Lydie Hounkpatin3, Paul Kouété Jimmy4 and Leonard Antoine Chaffara Afouda1

...ecessary to carry out in-depth studies on the distribution and importance of these diseases, set up selection programs focused on resistant varieties to viruses and improve the agricultural practices of farmers.


Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Woo Kyun Kim2, Aamir Khan3 and Abubakar Sufyan4

... villus height and crypt depth during all phases while ileum villus height was significantly lower in the 9%SH treatment group than in all other groups. In conclusion, the dietary supplementations of soybean hulls increased the digesta viscosity, and have no adverse effect on fecal consistency, hematological and serum biochemistry, and intestinal morphometric parameters in the laying hens during the peak egg production period.


Umair Ahmad1*, Asad Sultan1, Sarzamin Khan1 and Muhammad Tahir2

...ty, villus height, crypt depth, and villus surface area by birds in the GPP2 group. These findings demonstrated that adverse effects associated with using a high level of locally available animal protein concentrates could be ameliorated by supplementing birds with a ginger phyto-protease enzyme.

Sara Hidayat,Adnan Shakeel,Mushtaq Ahmad,Muhammad Kashif,Haroon Khan,Muhammad Amin,Ijaz Ahmad,Bakhtiar Gul
Asif Tanveer , Muhammad Salman Arshad , Muhammad Ayub , Muhammad Mansoor Javaid , Muhammad Yaseen

Majid Ali1*, Naila Chand1, Sarzamin Khan1, Shakoor Ahmad2 and Muhammad Tahir3

...height, width, and crypt depth were significantly improved in the M50T50 diet group. These findings demonstrate that the supplementation of methanolic extract of M. oleifera and T. vulgaris in drinking water either alone or in combination improves the production performance, nutrient digestibility and gut health in broilers.


Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Sarzamin khan1, Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Abubakar Sufyan2 and Muhammad Ayaz3

...lus width, height, crypt depth, and surface area were recorded higher (P<0.05) in the T2 diet group. It is concluded that the replacement of soybean meal in the diet of laying hens by 3%SH in combination with enzyme (β-Mannanase) at the level of 20 and 30mg/kg feed has a positive effect on the nutrient digestibility, digesta viscosity, feces consistency and intestinal histomorphology during early peak egg production period in the laying hens.

Muhammad Ilyas1 *, Sanam Zarif Satti2 , Bashir Ullah3 and Salim Saif Ullah4
...awar were collected at a depth of 0-30 cm and brought to the Forest Chemistry Lab, Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar in polyethylene bags for soil analysis. Various soil parameters, including soil pH(1:5), electrical conductivity (EC)(1:5), soil organic matter (%), moisture content (%), and bulk density, were analysed. The statistical analysis was done through STATISTIX 8.1 software by using a Two-sample T-Test, and means were compared at a 95% Confidence In...
Syed Fazal Baqi Kakakhel
...y area i.e. from 0-90 cm depth. The soil samples were air dried grinded and packed tightly in plastic bottles and labeled. These samples were then used for further investigation. The soil layer, cover, depth, water holding capacity texture, pH, total organic matter, calcium carbonate (CaCO3), percent nitrogen (%N), phosphorus (%P) and potassium (%K) were determined in the soil of selected area through recommended ...
M. Nafees and Zahid Ullah
...oid future loss, more in depth analysis of social context is mandatory. Further more interest of all the stakeholders must be addressed by providing corresponding legislative coverage.

Key words: Social codes of conduct, communal land, reforestation, livelihood opportunity

Aman Ullah Bhatti, Shamsher Ali and Farmanullah Khan
...and 15 m x 20 m from two depths (0-15, 15-45 cm) under agro-forestry and agricultural crops, respectively from D. I. Khan. Soil samples collected were analyzed for soil pH (1:5), electrical conductivity (1:5), organic matter, lime, mineral N, and AB-DTPA extractable P and K. The total number of plants were 410 in agro-forestry field and were about 5 years old Data collected on soil properties were statistically analyzed. In the field of agro-forestry, the perc...
K. M. Siddiqui
... distant past. Since the depth of the little Ice age in 1700 A.D., the average temperature has risen by 1.5°C in northern Europe without any noticeable effect on forests. On the other hand, when 5°C warming occurred between 15,000 and 7000 year ago, it caused major changes in the distribution and abundance of forest tree species in some regions of Northern Hemisphere. Similarly, there is evidence to believe that climate has changed in some...
P. H. Haydock Wilson and A. R. Beg
...o assessed at different depths in the soil in each sample plot and an attempt was made to correlate this with soil phenol concentration. Results were inconclusive and lend no support to the hypothesis positing allelopathic suppression of mycorrhiza by phenols secreted by Imperata. No recommendations for management are made, as the problem of Imperata colonization does not appear pressing, relative both to the wider problem of forest clea...
Muhammad Hanif and Bashir Hussain Shah those below 0.3 meter depth but these differences were only significantly less at the surface than that below 0.3 meter depth of soil. ...
Nasir M. Butt, Noor Mohammad and Rex D. Pieper
...phulai trees at various depths. Significantly higher nitrogen content was observed under the canopy. A general trend of decreasing nitrogen with depth was found. Two soil series did not show much difference in nitrogen content. Key words: Phulai, Soil, Nitrogen Fixation, Legumes....
Jaleel Ahmed Khan
...e to achieve the desired depth of penetration of the latter....
M.I. Sheikh
... determine the effect of depth of planting on the survival and growth of Acacia aneura. Acacia modesta and Tecoma undulata under barani conditions in July, 1980 using six replications. Twenty five plants of each species were planted in a replication in each depth of planting at 2 x 2 metres spacing. The plants were planted at two depths i.e. 30 cm and 18 cm in the pits of 0...
Mohammad Iqbal Sheikh to how far different depths of water (D1.0.90), (D2:1.35) and (D 3:1.80) meters given in one growing season to four poplar clones. 1-90/60, 1-72/58, 1-4/64 and 1-4/55 affected their rate of growth, it has been found that the dose of water was insignificant. However, clones between themselves showed different rates of growth; significant at 1%level for dia and height and at 5%for volume; 1-69/55 showing the overall best performance followed by 1-4/6...
M. A. Ogigirigi and A. B. I. Igboanugo at three determined depths along the soil profiles. Although all the soil types have a layer of hard iron crust (plinthite layer) with in a depth of 40-60 cm in the soil the roots of the exotics were able to penetrate beyond the plinths. Among the exotic, Eucalypts proved best at penetrating the plinths, having comparatively larger sized and more numerous roots that were well distributed along the soil profile. C...
M. I. Shiekh-Raza-ul-Haq
...elationship between the depths of water applied and volume....
M.I. Sheikh, B. H. Shah and A. Aleem
... to assess the effect of depth of planting on the survival and establishment of trees in conditions at Rakh Dagar Kotli (Thal Desert) 200mm av. annual rainfall and 45°C av.minimum and 45°C av. max temperature. Pits were prepared having 0.5 meter diameter and 0.2 meter deep. Plants were raised in 30 cm and 15 cm long polythene tubes. Three tree species viz: Acacia aneura, A. tortilis and Tecoma undulata were planted at two
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh and Raza-ul-Haq
...5 m were ploughed upto a depth of 45 centimeter and the other three upto the depth of 23 centimeter. As indicated above, these two were regarded as major treatments....
Sultan Maqsood Khan
...rmine the effect of soil depth on composition, total cover, shrub cover and herbaceous cover of the vegetation. The analysis of variance snowed significant difference between the stands and t test gave significant difference between the shrubby and non shrubby stands. The herbaceous cover and total vegetation cover were found positively correlated and shrub cover negatively correlated with the soil depth. The shrubs and her...
Sultan Maqsood Khan
... determine the effect of depth, slope and micro-relief (ridges and depressions) on belowground biomass. The underground plant biomass was collected to 40cm depth. Fifty percent ( 1004 g/m2 ) of the total collected biomass (2008g/m2) was found in the 0-10cm soil section; 24%(482 g/m2) in the 10-20cm layer; and 26%(522 g/m2) in the 20-40cm depth. The middle slope out-produced (2370g/m2) the ...
G. M. Khattak Dr. and Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh determined by their depth, texture, gravel content, water infiltration and moisture holding capacity, and by topography and drainage. About one third of the area comprises bare rock. Over the rest the soil is shallow, light grey brown, gravelly clay loam with a surface covering of gravel. It is generally underlain by weathered limestone fragments followed by bed rock. The soils are highly calcareous, non-saline and moderately alkaline due to the presence ...
G. M. Khattak and M. I. Sheikh
...Two irrigations of 10 cm depth each were given to the crop on 4-12-1979 and 14-4-1980. From sowing to harvesting on 2-5-1980, 240 mm rain was received....
Anwar Ahmad Khan, Munawar Sultana and Shakeel Haider Zaidi
...and mixture at one meter depth and planted after the storage period. Two months storage period gave significantly high (at 5%level) sprouting as compared to one month storage. Planting of full size rhizomes were tested against rhizome pieces (5, 7.5 and 10 cm). though full rhizomes gave significantly higher sprouts, planting 5 cm pieces with one or two buds each would give a higher total number of plants. At Dungagali July planting gave significantly higher sp...
M. Farooq and Jalal-ud-Din
... sand at about, 6 meters depth. A brief description of different kinds of soil and suggestions for their improvement are discussed in this paper. The location and distribution of the various kinds of soils is shown in the attached map. Schematic diagrams of the representative soil profiles are appended to this paper. This information could greatly help in the preparation of the forest working plan. ...

Jan Muhammad1*, Muhammad Zubair Khan1 and Haroon Khan2

... at each incrustation at depths of 0.2, 0.6, and 0.8 meters, and the channel’s width was divided into intervals of 0.5 meters. An analysis was conducted on the data to investigate the fluctuations in the cross-sectional velocity profile, aiming to understand better the velocity changes induced by the growth of aquatic weeds and select the best model for velocities estimation. Upon the appearance of the submerged aquatic weeds, it was observed that the ve...
Luqman1*, Zahid Hussain2, Tamana Bakht3, Miftah-Ud-Din1, Haroon Khan2, Muhammad
Rameez Khan1, Ata Ullah1 and Faraz Ali Shah1, Imtiaz Khan2 and Abdul Majid Khan Dawar2
from 5 different depths, making a total of 100 samples in one repetition i.e. 5 × 4 × 5 =
100 and with repetitions making a total of 300 samples in one district. The results identified
31 noxious weeds belong to 17 different plant families in the soil samples of district Chitral..
Out of the 31 different weeds, 23 were broad leaves, 8were grasses and 1was sedge.
Moreover, 24 weeds were annuals...

Muhammad Arslan Akbar1, Khalid Javed2, Asim Faraz3, Abdul Waheed3*, Ecevit Eyduran4 and Muhammad Tariq5

... rump width (RW), barrel depth (BD), birth weight (BiW), live body weight (BW), sacral pelvic width (SPW), teat diameter (TED), teat length (TEL), testes length (TsL), scrotal circumference (SC) and testes width (TsW). Positive and highly significant (P≤0.01) correlations among different morphometric traits were present in overall animals of 0-12-month age groups of Thalli sheep such as WH, BL, HL, HW, EL, EW, NL, NW, HG, RL, BD, SPW, BiW and BW. The result...

Saddam Hussain1, Muhammad Asrar2*, Usama Saleem2, Dilbar Hussain3, Muhammad Sohail Qadir3, Muhammad Saleem3, Rashid Ali2, Zeeshan Javed2 and Mubshar Saleem4

Yaowu Zhan, Dandan Su*, Jinxiu Bai, Fang Li and Yulian Dong

...r method was used for in-depth analysis. The Receiver-Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was drawn to evaluate the early predictive value of serum amyloid A and C reactive protein in children with acute upper respiratory tract. The concentrations of serum amyloid A and C reactive protein in children with ARTI changed significantly, with the increase of time, the concentration decreased, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The concen...

Bilal Ahmed1, Asep Setiaji1*, Lisa Praharani4, Faheem Ahmed Khan2, Nuruliarizki Shinta Pandupuspitasari3, Mohammad Miftakhus Sholikin4,5,6,7, Windu Negara2, Azhar Ali1, Muhammad Rizwan Yousaf1, Hamza Zulfiqar1, Alina Munawar8

...ion, which demands an in-depth knowledge of influencing aspects. One of the dietary aspect involves Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a yeast that improves nutrient digestibility and milk yield. This meta-analysis, encompassing 44 research studies and 59 comparisons, investigates the link between Saccharomyces cerevisiae supplementation and milk yield in Holstein, Holstein-Friesian, and Holstein-Friesian x Thai Native cattle. Key factors such as milk yield, breed, and...

Ashiq Ullah1, Sarzamin Khan1, Muhammad Shuaib1*, Sohaib ul Hassan2, Abubakar Sufyan3, Kinkpe Lionel5, Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Majid Ali1, Aamir Khan4, Qudrat Ullah2 and Waqar Azeem6

...05) villus height, crypt depth, villus width, and villus height to crypt depth ratio. The digestibility of dry matter, ash, crude fiber, crude protein, ether extract, and calcium was also calculated significantly higher in the 2ml/l of LE group. Total cost in the control group while the gross and net return was recorded significantly higher in the group containing 2ml/l of LE. The dressing percentage had a significantly high...

Muhmmad Bilal Islam1* and Sar Zamin Khan2

...lus height, width, crypt depth and surface area were significantly affected by the treatment groups. The villus surface area for ileum for T-1 to T-5 groups recorded were 129497, 129013, 135655, 137894, 120535 µm2. A significantly (p<0.05) lower pH value was recorded for T-3 group for crop, small intestine and gizzard having the aqueous concentration of garlic, onion and chilli as (50:37.5:12.5). The weight of lymphoid organs like the weight of bursa ...

Fitrini1*, Masyhuri2, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto2, Tri Anggraeni Kusumastuti3

...l of 101 farmers, and in-depth interviews with 10 experts. Data analysis was conducted using analysis of existing conditions of resources and other supporting factors, Location Question (LQ) and shift share analysis (SSA) to determine beef cattle potential, and SWOT analysis was used to formulate agropolitan area development strategies. The results showed that the existing conditions of land availability, natural conditions, characteristics of farmers and beef...

Mostafa R. Zaher1,2*, Amir A. Shehata1, Azza M. El Amir2, Naglaa M. Hagag1, Reham H. Tammam3**

...This review offers an in-depth analysis of the status of FMD vaccine development, highlighting both conventional and innovative technologies that could enhance vaccination effectiveness and availability.Various types of FMD vaccines have been discussed, including inactivated, attenuated, virus-like particles, peptide, and nucleotide-based vaccines, highlighting their properties, drawbacks, and recent advancements. Besides, the use of adjuvants and delivery sys...

Hasan SA Jawad1*, Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali2, Galib A. Al-Kassie3, Abdul-Razzak L. Al-Rubaie3, Lokman IH4 

...illus height, the crypts depth, the percentage of the villus height to the crypts depth and immunological traits are both the immunity directed against Newcastle disease and the test of the relative hypersensitivity in the wattles and relative weight and the Fabricia gland index, and biochemical traits, such as concentration of glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, globulin, albumin, and total protein. 


Muhammad Mushtaq1, Ihsan Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Shuaib5*, Naila Chand1, Abubakar Sufyan3, Muqader Shah2, Ziaul Islam4, Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Aamir Khan5, Qudrat Ullah2 and Usman Zeb6, villus height: crypt depth, and villus surface area. Moreover, the supplementation of 12×106[email protected] ml/L also increased (p<0.05) the net profit due to increased production. In conclusion, the use of water-based supplemented B. clausii (12×106[email protected] ml/L) has a positive impact on production parameters and intestinal health in meat-type chicken.


Syed Abdul Hadi1, Jameel Ahmed Gandahi1*, Muhammad Ghiasuddin Shah1, Saima Masood2, Noor Samad Gandahi1  

...s surface area and crypt depth in HZNC. Similarly, the count of acidic, neutral and mixed goblet cells across all supplemented groups increased in comparison to PC. In cecal tonsils, the length of lymphatic nodules (LLN), width of lymphatic nodules (WLN), and area of lymphatic nodules (ALN) showed significant increases (P≤0.05) in HZNC compared to PC. Muscle pH, and muscle fiber diameter significantly increased (P≤0.05) in HZNC compared to PC, while wate...

Tawoos Mohammed Kamel Ahmed1*, Khalid Mahmood Yosif1, Sameerah Faydhallah Mohammed2 

... from surface water at a depth of 30 to 40 cm using autoclaved amber bottles that had been pre-washed twice with water samples before being filled. The results demonstrated two categories of isolation: mixed bacterial isolates (78; 70.9%) and single bacterial isolates (32; 29.1%). Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Streptococcus, and other isolates had percentages of 8.2%, 31.8%, 19.1%, 35.5%, and 4.5%, respectively. The 16S RNA...
Sanjay Chandravanshi1*, H.S. Mogalekar2, Omkar Sahu2, C. Sudhan3
Roshan Kumar Ram2 and Shivendra Kumar2
...August 2020. The maximum depth was observed between 8.62±0.99 to 13.55±1.21 m and maximum depth was observed in August 2020 and minimum depth ranged from 6.44±0.80 to 9.92±1.06 m and minimum depth was found in June 2021. The maximum water flows varied between 0.55±0.11 to 0.74±0.11m/s and the minimum flow rate wa...

Ayesha Bibi1*; Muhammad Junaid2; Musharaf Ahmad3; Syed Fayaz Ali Shah4; Iftikhar Hussain Khalil5

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 243-251
...ine the effect of burial depth (0, 6, 12 and 18 cm) on the degradation of diseased crop debris, and survival of the debris-borne bacterial inoculum. This study was carried out in two-locations namely; the Agricultural Research Institute, Tarnab, Peshawar, and the Haripur University, Haripur campus, Pakistan. Results revealed that the debris degraded at faster rate and the number of bacteria per gram of tissue declined more in buried samples than in exposed sam...


Zine El abidine Bzazou El Ouazzani1*; Laila Reklaoui1; Monsif El Madany2; Houda Benaicha3; Said Barrijal1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2632-2652
...w aimed to provide an in-depth and up-to-date overview of the colistin antibiotic,
detailing its updated modes of action and associated side effects. Additionally, it delves into
various mechanisms of resistance to colistin, advanced susceptibility test methods used for
detecting colistin resistance, and the challenges associated with these techniques. Furthermore,
the review examines the risk factors contributing to the development...

Ayesha Zulfiqar1,2, Sun Xue-ying1, Wu Qing-ming1*, Tariq Ahmad1, Xu Zhuo1,3, Anum Razzaq4, Wu Ming-hui1, Zhang Qi1, Li Xiao-qin1 and Zou Hongfei1*

...ith more than 30cm water depth (WL4), were the most preferred habitats. It was concluded that the dominant avian ecological groups preferred the reed marsh and lake with deep waters. (3) Different avian ecological groups had different preference for water levels (P<0.01) and habitat types (P<0.01). The dominant wetland vegetation’s and unique geographical regions were the key factors influencing the spatial distribution of the avian ecological grou...
Gerardo J. Cuenca-Nevárez1,2* and Juan Carlos Menjivar-Flores2,3
...tion the Nm of 35 farms (depth 0.20m) of the North zone of Manabí was analyzed, integrating them with certain physicochemical properties and as reference method of the Nm was worked from the data obtained by the Walkley-Black indicator (WB). The Illinois Soil Nitrogen Test (ISNT) and Direct Steam Distillation (DSD) indicators were strongly correlated with each other (R2 = 0.92), while correlating the WB indicator with DSD was obtained (R...

Fahrul Ilham1, Sahmin Noholo2, Haris Singgili3, Fahrudin Zain Olilingo4*

...res, observation, and in-depth interviews with stakeholders on the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats in the development of Gorontalo’s beef cattle sector. Data analysis was performed using SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to identify strategies for optimizing the beef market chain. The results indicated that the main problem for beef distribution from Gorontalo to East Kalimantan was the lack of supporting inf...

Zainab Khalil Ibrahim, Measem Hassan Ali*, Nameer A. Khudhair

...llus high although crypt depth did not change, led to a little higher villus/crypt ratio. The results also showed decreased in intestinal fluid viscosity. While, transverse jejunum sections showed longer villus length and lower crypt depth were seen in STV groups compared to controls. Conclusions: Stevia leaf powder at 20 and 30g/kg diet, improved development, feed efficiency, and intestinal health by the third and fourth we...

Li Yang1, Xuliang Ma2 and Chao Wang1*

...x, and periodontal probe depth in experimental group were better as against controls (P<0.01). It was concluded that the use of PRF plus GBR in the treatment of patients with bone defects in periodontal disease can greatly reduce the adverse reactions of patients, effectively improve the periodontal status indicators, and shorten the recovery period of the disease.


Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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