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Rashid Mahmood1*, Saima Asad2, Waqar Ahmad1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhamamd Khalid Rafique1, Noor Islam1, Ziyad Abdul Qadir1 and Zain Ul Abiden2 

...arroidae) populations in honeybee Apis mellifera linguistica (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies in the winter, spring and summer season (2013-14). Four honeybee colonies were exposed to oxalic acid (3.2%), thymol (0.5 g) and formic acid (65%) on screen bottom boards in winter, spring and summer seasons. The fourth group had screen bottom board trays but without any chemical. There was a trend of fallen mean number of mites 157&p...

Ai Ming Zhou1,2, Guang Wen Liang2, Ling Zeng2, Yong Yue Lu2 and Yi Juan Xu2*

...etween invasive ants and honeydew-producing hemipterans has been extensively examined in many studies. Laboratory experiments showed that invasive ant Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) suppress ghost ants Tapinoma melanocephalum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) through interference competition. However, relatively less testing have been done to evaluate the competition for mutual exploitation between the two ant species in the field. Here, we investigated ...

Marryam Bakhtawar1, Qamar Saeed1* and Naeem Iqbal2

...itotroga cerealella) and honey. Results revealed complete development of all larval stages on all diets with maximum survival of lady bird beetle larvae on mustard aphid (76.6%) followed by on grain moth’s eggs (20%), immature mealybugs (6%) and the least survival on honey. These findings can lead to the discovery of new artificial diets for the C. undecimpunctata for the mass release in fields in order to biologically...
Rashid Mahmood1*, Saima Asad2, Ghulam Sarwar1, Waqar Ahmad1, Ziyad Abdul Qadir1, Ammara Balouch1 and Muhammad Khalid Rafique1
...The pollen collection by honeybees (Apis mellifera Linguistica) from Brassica campestris was examined during February - March 2015 at National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad. Twenty five honeybee colonies were used which had similar number of worker bees, brood and stored food. In order to study the foraging activity of honeybees in the field condition, the number of...
Sumra Ashraf1, Zain ul Abdin1,*, Saqi Kosar Abbas2,Rao Sohail Ahmad Khan3, Muhammad Tahir1, Sehrish Rasool1, Maryam Anwar1 and Fiaz Hussain1
...t exudates which include honeydew, fruit juices and both floral and extra-floral nectar. A direct behavioral assay was conducted to investigate the dietary preference and effects of different diets on the fecundity, sex ratio and longevity of B. hebetor. Three different diets [Honey syrup, sugar syrup, date syrup and a control (water)] were used with different solution percentage (25, 50, 75 and 90%). It was observed ...
Rashid Mahmood1,*, Waqar Ahmad1, Muhamamd Khalid Rafique1, Ghulam Sarwar1 and Anjum Shahzad2
...recorded as 4.34 to 5.56 honey bees per 250 flowers. Apple fruits yield per tree ranged between 214.56 to 218.64 in 2013 and 2014 respectively. Average fruit weight varied between 124.84 to 127.34 g, average number of seeds varied between 7.95 to 7.73 seeds per fruit and yield per tree was recorded between 28.92 to 31.65 kg per tree. Number of Apple fruits per tree ranged between 145.72 to 164.58 in 2013 and 2014, respectively. Average fruit weight varied betw...
Fazal Said1,Mian Inayatullah2 and Hussain Ali3*
...ssoms. The next high (25 honeybee/3 m2) visitation rate of bee was recorded at 1400 h. Individuals of A. florea showed two peaks of visitation between 1400 to 1600 h. First peak (15 honeybee/3 m2) was recorded at 1600 h, whereas second peak (12 bees) was recorded at 1400 h. Lowest visitation rate of both species was noticed during evening after 1800 h. High frequency of both speciesfound engaged ...

K.N. Ahmed , M.A. Al-Helal, N-E-P. Khanom, S. Bulbul

Control strategies of papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Willink infesting vegetable crops in Bangladesh
... a heavy accumulation of honeydew and death of the host plants. Heavy infestation is capable of making fruits inedible due to the deposition of thick white waxy material by this mealybug. Five biopesticides i.e., tobacco medicine (100 %), tobacco leaf extract (20 % ), mehgoni seed oil (5 % ), castor seed oil (5 % ) and neem seed oil (5 % ) were used to assess their effects on the mortality of P. marginatus . It is evident that tobacco medicine exerted the best...
Noor Islam1, Muhammad Amjad2, Ehsan ul Haq3, Elizabeth Stephen1 and Falak Naz4
...i> in naturally infested honey bee, A. mellifera colonies in Honeybee Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan. The percentage of infestation by T. clareae on worker brood, number of dead/fallen mites per hive/weekon white formica sheet, percent mite mortality and honey yield per colony was determined before and after the treatments in th...
Koksal Karadas1* and Ibrahim Hakki Kadırhanogullari2
...tors influencing average honey yield (AHY) per beehive in the year 2014. For this purpose, predictive performances of several data mining algorithms (CART, CHAID, Exhaustive CHAID and MARS) and artificial neural network algorithm (Multilayer Perceptron, MLP) were evaluated comparatively. Several factors thought as independent variables in the survey were age of beekeeper (AB), education level (EL), number of full beehives (NFB), bee race (BR), the time spent i...
Muhammad Aslam Farooqi1,*, Mansoor-ul-Hasan2, Sohail Akhtar1Muhammad Arshad2, Muhammad Naveed Aslam3 and Muhammad Rafay4
...rin) in multi-floral raw honey of Apis dorsata F. collected from the cotton belt area of Punjab, Pakistan. The residues of these insecticides were extracted using ethyl acetate. Honey samples were spiked at 0.1 and 0.01 mg/kg. The mean recoveries of these insecticides in the spiked samples were 74-92% with relative standard deviation less than 20%. The residues of imidacloprid, endosulfan and deltamethrin were detecte...

Wali Khan1, Naushad Khan2 and Shaista Naz2*

... of employment mainly in honey transportation and marketing, thus beekeeping not only served as an income generating activity but also an employment generating activity in present and in future. The major constraints in beekeeping were the expensive inputs, pest attack, lack of modern production and rearing techniques, and trainings which can be overcome by a comprehensive program focusing on the provision of low cost inputs, pesticides/insecticides, modern te...
Muhammad Usman Qamar1, 2, Sidrah Saleem1, Usman Arshad1, Muhammad Farhan Rasheed3, Hasan Ejaz4, Naveed Shahzad5 and Shah Jahan6,*
... options limited. Manuka honey is traditionally used for medical purposes including remedy of bacterial infection. However, scientific evidences for its antimicrobial effects particularly against NDM-1 producing bacteria are lacking. In addition to antibiotic profiling, the present study aimed at determining the in vitro anti- bacterial activity of Manuka honey against NDM-1 producing clinical isolates of Pakistan. A ...
Muhammad Abu Bakar1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1,*, Muhammad Arshad1, Mubasshir Sohail1,2 and Jaime Molina-Ochoa3,4
...lux of mites in hives of honey bee. The indiscriminate use of pesticides involve many problems; cause resistance in mites, residual in honey, wax and potentially hazardous to man and environment. Plant-derived mixtures are normally more easily degradable and could show a minor undesirable impact on environment with respect to synthetic compounds. This study was planned to check the efficacy of four different essential oils (...

 Mohammad Siddique Munawar, Shazia Raja, Elizabeth Stephen Waghchoure* and Muhammad Barkat**

... is a serious disease of honey bees worldwide that inflicts considerable economic losses to beekeepers. All work was undertaken in a commercial apiary that showed visual signs of AFB infection. Twenty four hives positive for AFB were identified from the apiary (4 colonies in each replicate). Half of the colonies were treated with shook swarm method while other half were left without any treatment. The treated colonies showed significant difference from untreat...

Anish Shrestha 

...nd production problem of honey, produced from Apis mellifera. Total of fifty five households were randomly selected as the sample for the study. Farmers were rearing on an average 34.54 hives and average honey productivity was 34.6 Kg/hive. Average production cost was NRs. 7392.52 with the average net profit of NRs. 2987.05 (1 USD = 106 NRs), and B:C ratio was 1.67. Labor cost, migration cost and expenditure on sugar drug an...

 Elizabeth Stephen Waghchoure-Camphor* and Mohammad Irshad**

...timate the population of honey bee Fabricius. Subsequent field visits were made to locate these bees. This study is first of its type in Pakistan to document the population density of this bee. It reveals the distribution and strength of population of in mainly hilly areas of Pakistan. The objective of this study is not only useful to upscale honey production by this hill bee but also for pollination purpose. People intervie...

 Rashid Mahmood*, Elizabeth Stephen Wagchoure* and Ghulam Sarwar*

... four colonies each. The honey extracted from the T (soybean diet), T (gram 1 2 diet), T (maize diet) and T (sugar only) was 21.3 kg ± 0.22, 24.4 kg ± 0.29, 3 4 19.3 kg ± 0.11 and 16 kg ± 0.11 respectively. The honey produced after the treatment of pollen with gram (T ) was significantly better than that 2 produced by the bees fed on other pollen supplemental diets. There was no significant differ...

 Khawer Jawad Ahmad*, Asif Razzaq*, Khalida Hamid Abbasi*, Muhammad Shafiq*, Muhammad Saleem** and Muhammad Arshadullah***

...ity rate was recorded in honeybee colonies of Apis mellifera during 2011-12 at research farm of Beekeeping and Hill Fruit Pests Research Station, Rawalpindi. Analysis of variance for different treatments indicated (F=3.64, F>P=0.15) significantly different effect among treatments as well as for the control of mite. The average efficacy of thymol was 73.72% as compared to 69.21% by fluvalinate, 72.23% by formic acid and 13.1% in control. The reduction in the...

Samina Qamer*, Iram Nasir**, Um-Habiba Zafar**, Salma Sultana** and Tayyaba Sultana**

...ty criteria of Pakistani honeys were found within the permissible limits. The average moisture contents were 18.30%, 18.35%, 17.66%,16.27% and 18.7% from Jhang, Bahawalpur, KalarKahar, Multanand, and Jhelum, respectively. Similarly, the pH 4.26, 4.50, 3.91, 3.72 and 3.33; electrical conductivity, 204.67mScm-1 ,137.8 mScm-1 , 202.62mScm-1 ,277.33mScm-1 and 196.96mScm -1;free acidity 25.80 meqkg -1, 26.16 meqkg-1 , 24.97 meqkg -1, 30.25 meqkg , 25.4 meqkg -1; la...



...o evaluate the effect of honey bee ( ) foraging activities on number of apple fruits per panicle and enhancement of apple weight. Apple Ameri trees were applied with natural pollination (T ) , pollination by honey bees only (T ), natural pollination augmented with honey bees (T ) and no pollination (T ,control). There was a significant increase in the apple fruit setting and weight gain in...
Muhammad Abu Bakar1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Arshad1, Rashid Mahmood2,* and Ziyad Abdul Qadir2
... of varroa mite on adult honeybees and worker brood and the efficacy of Perizin® and Apistan® was high (91.3%±0.81 and 81.6%±1.2, respectively). Lowest mite mortality (52.3%±1.2) was recorded in Apitol® treatment. Overall, the data indicated that acaricides like Perizin® and Apistan® were highly effective against V. destructor and can be recommendedfor...

Mahwish Rehman1*, Sajjad Ahmad1, Maqsood Shah1 and Inamullah Khan

... were collected from the honeybee colonies from different regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa i.e. Peshawar, Mardan, Kohat and Chitral to discovered Varroa mite species. Identification was done by using key developed byDe-Guzman and Fernandez and Coineau, (2007), i.e. body size (length and width), location of seta, shape, size (i.e. bristle hair, stiff) on dorsal shield, chaetotaxy and structure of the sternal, , metapodal, anal, and epigynal shields, periterme, mor...
Rafa Almeer1,*, A. Alqarni1,2, S. Alqattan3, S. Abdi4,*, S. Alarifi1, Z.Hassan5 and A. Semlali6
...ious side-effects. Thus, honey which is a natural substance has been extensively studied for its anticancer properties. However, its mechanism of action remains unclear. The present study evaluated the effect of two varieties of natural honey (Sidr and Wild) on a human breast adenocarcinoma (MDA-MB-231) cell line. The MDA-MB-231 cell lines were treated with Sidr honey (H1) and Wild
Adem Aksoy1, Yakup Erdal Ertürk2, Selim Erdoğan3, Ecevit Eyduran3 andMohammad Masood Tariq4,*
...s study was to develop a honey production model for 180 beekeeping enterprises at Agri, Kars and Erzurum provinces of Turkey and to identify factors affecting honey production through CART, CHAID and MARS data mining algorithms, which are more flexible compared to classical approaches. Several potential predictors in the survey were age of enterprise, province of enterprise (Agri, Kars and Erzurum), educational level, member...

 Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Zafar Iqbal Khan2, Saira Batool2, Kafeel Ahmad2, Salma Begum2

Residual effect of lambda-cyhalothrin on abundance of insect pollinators in marigold field patch
...n semi-field experiment, honey bees were exposed to insecticide treated
plants for one hour. The mortality rate of honey bees in the control and insecticide
exposed group was compared. Overall, a significant decline in plant pollinators was
observed after application of lambda-cyhalothrin on the patch of marigold plants.
Lambda-cyhalothrin caused significant mortality (15/20=75%) in
Menderes Cenet
...analysis of eight floral honey samples from Kahramanmaraş region were analyzed and seven samples were the unifloral and the one was the multifloral origin. The microscopical analyses indicated that 61 taxa (41 at the genus level and 20 at the species level) belonging to 34 families were identified. Astragalus sp., Trifolium sp., Myrtus communis and Castanea sativa were the predominant taxa in the unifloral ...

Bina Khanzada1*, Ghulam Hussain Abro1, Tajwar Sultana Syed1 and Nazir Ahmed2 

...ficial diets tested were honey, sugar, protein hydrolysate solution to enhance fecundity and fertility of the parasitoid under laboratory conditions and compared with the provision of flower nectors such as ornamental sunflower, merry gold and hollyhock in the laboratory. The ornamental plants sunflower, merry gold and hollyhock were also tested in the field for conservation of the C. flavipes. The results showed that during 2013 and 2014, the C. flavipes fed ...
Muhammad Naveed Sheas1, Haris Rasool2, Muhammad Nouman Rafique2, Muhammad Rizwan Tariq1*, Abid Muhammad1, Khubaib Ali1
...o reveal the efficacy of honey and curcumin against depression in rat model. 24 male wister rats were randomly divided into 4 groups. After the trial, blood biochemistry was done in which antioxidant enzymes like SOD, Catalyze, Glutathione peroxidase were performed that shows significantly high levels in the blood than the group that was treated with nicotine and shows a positive correlation with the days at which the rat’s groups were given a supplement...
Muhammad Khalid Rafique1, Rashid Mahmood1,*, Ziyad Abdul Qadir1,Imran Bodlah2 andFarid AsifShaheen2
...mellifera Lingustica honeybee colonies during the spring months of March-April 2017. The effects of four larval grafting techniques, addition of royal jelly (A), dry grafting (B), grafting with addition of one drop of distilled water (C) Royal jelly plus distilled water (D) on queen bee rearing were investigated under field conditions. A considerable variation in queen rearing success was observed as calculated by percentage of secluded queen cells vs. gra...
Mohammed Al Bratty1,*, Hassan A. Alhazmi1,2, Desam Nagarjuna Reddy3, Abdul Jabbar Al-Rajab3, Sadique A. Javed1 and Zia ur Rehman1,4 substance produced by honeybees and used to protect their hives from outside attackers including microorganisms. In present study, propolis sample was collected from adjacent to Jazan city, Saudi Arabia and the chemical constituents of the ethanolic extract was evaluated by GC-MS. The ethanolic extract was tested against selected strains of microorganisms for its antibacterial and antifungal activities. The major classes of compounds indentified in the extr...
Nazish Mazhar Ali1, Asma Ashraf 2*, Iram Liaqat2, Bushra Mazhar2, Shaukat Ali2 and Saiqa Andleeb3 of different kinds of honey was performed against the isolated bacterial pathogens. The antibacterial activity of leaf extract of Azadirachta indica (Neem Plant) was also checked against the pathogenic bacterial isolates. The bacterial pathogens isolated from eye infections were identified as Staphylococcus sp., Streptococcus sp., Neisseria sp., and Bacillus sp. These bacteria commonly caused corneal infections. All the pathogenic bacterial is...

Muhammad Abu Bakar1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Rashid Mahmood2, Ziyad Abdul Qadir2, Muhammad Arshad1 and Mubasshir Sohail3 

...most destructive pest of honeybees and a major threat to beekeepers in different areas of the world. Many control measures including application of chemicals, are adopted to control the infestation of mites in honey bee colonies. Chemical are still the most effective option; however, they pose different threats; due to which they should be alternated with non chemical options. Natural acaricides are considered important alte...

Mahnoor Pervez and Farkhanda Manzoor* pesticide risk toward honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) by detecting pesticide residues in pollen and nectar samples collected from various agricultural areas of Pakistan through high performance liquid chromatography analysis. Pollen and nectar were collected from 2016 to 2017 from different agricultural areas of Pakistan during a field survey. Pollen was collected by installing traps and nectar was collected through capillary method allied with centrifugation...

Noor Islam1*, Rashid Mahmood1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Sarfaraz Ahmad2 and Saleem Abid

...len are not available to honey bees. In this study, some pollen substitute diets i. e., diet 1 (soybean flour + brewer’s yeast + powdered sugar + sugar syrup), diet 2 (soybean flour + brewer’s yeast + powdered sugar + Fenugreek and Turmeric powders + honey + orange juice + A, D and E vitamins + sugar syrup), diet 3 (maize flour + brewer’s yeast + powdered sugar + sugar syrup), diet 4 (maize flour + brewer&r...
Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel2, Ejaz Ashraf3*, Asad Ali4 and Arooba Rubab5
Effect of Insecticides on the Longevity of Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
...ecticides, placing three honey bee colonies in the center of each plot in the field. Four frames from each colony and twenty cells from each frame were selected as samples for further studies. After egg hatching larval duration was recorded until pupal duration starts. The honey bees were caged after pupal duration starts and marked with permanent marker for adult data recording. The data was recorded daily for 30 days. The ...

Zulnorain Sajid1*, Muhammad Ramzan2 and Noreen Akhtar1

Foraging Behavior and Pollination Ecology of Bumble Bee and Honey Bee in Pakistan; A Review
... justify;">Bumblebee and honey bees are supreme affectionate social insects of agricultural crops. Both genus Apis and Bombus are used for the pollination of vegetables, fruits and crops commercially. Honey bee can dispense 80% in insect pollination and considered as a best pollinator towards crop pollination, Bumblebee are more efficient and competent pollinator due to their buzzing behavior, efficiency to forage at low tem...
Rashid Mahmood1*, Muhammad Abu Bakar2, Muhammad Fahim Raza3, Ziyad Abdul Qadir1 and Muhammad Yahya2
...ructive ecto-parasite of honey bee (Apis mellifera L) colonies. The main objective of this study was to examine the role of naturally occurring chemicals against Varroa mites of A. mellifera. Nine colonies of A. mellifera were selected to check the infestation of V. destructor randomly. Treatment was applied once and post-treatment data was recorded after 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after all applications of the tested material throu...
Suman Bhattarai1*, Subodh Raj Pandey2, Jaya Prakash Dutta3, Meghnath Timalsena4 and Rajendra Bam5
...source use efficiency of honey production at Chitwan, Nepal. The information was primarily collected through 60 Apis mellifera beekeepers registered in bee zone, Chitwan. They were selected for interview by simple random sampling technique. Interview using semi-structured questionnaire schedule was carried out for primary data. Cobb Douglas production function, multiple regression, and paired t-test were used for the analysis of collected data. Multiple regres...

Muhammad Ahsan1*, Aneela Ramzan1, Muhammad Nafees1, Adnan Younis2, Muhammad Amin1, Gulzar Akhtar3, Khansa Saleem1 and Azka Sabeeh1

...treatments comprising of honey (T1), sugar (T2), salicylic acid (T3), acetic acid (T4), indole acetic acid (IAA) (T5) and combination of all solutions with sugar. These treatments were compared with tap water (T0). There were four plants in each treatment with three replications which were arranged according to completely randomized design (CRD) under room temperature. The results showed that maximum fresh weight (g) was obtained in T4 (acetic acid), flower he...
Shuang Yang1,2, Huiting Zhao3, Xuewen Zhang2, Kai Xu1, Lina Guo1, Yali Du1 and Yusuo Jiang1,*
..., is a notorious pest of honey bee colonies that has negatively affected the global apicultural industry. Olfactory cues influence the behavior of wax moth, where males attract females, making them an ideal candidate for pheromone studies. However, the molecular mechanism of chemoreception in G. mellonella pertaining to sex pheromone recognition has not been elucidated. In this study, transcriptome sequencing was conducted on the antennae of male and fe...
Nilgun Dogan1,* and Hakan Adanacioglu2
...s. The cost of a unit of honey was US$3.16 and the average price paid to the beekeepers was US$6.78. The absolute and relative profits were calculated as US$3.62 and US$2.14, respectively. The efficiency of the beekeeping farms was measured using Data Envelopment Analysis. The results of output- and input-oriented constant return-to-scale (CRS) analysis indicated an average efficiency value of 59.34%. The output- and input-oriented variable return-to-scale (VR...
Xueli Jiang1,2, Jie Gao3, Muhammad Zahid Sharif1,2, Xuewen Zhang4 and Fanglin Liu1,*
...e a widespread effect on honey bees and their colonies. Because of their complex, non-linear interactions, it is difficult to assess honey bee health risks from exposure to real-world floral nectar with complex phenolic mixture. In the study, we investigate the bee losses of Apis mellifera in the flowering period of the Mexican sunflower Tithonia diversifolia in southwestern China, and use data mining approach ...
Muhammad Awais1,2, Waqas Ahmad3, Akhtar Rasool Asif4, Sayyed Aun Muhammad1, Iahtasham Khan1*, Muhammad Amjad Ali5, Muhammad Qaiser Riaz1 and Muhammad Saqib2 
...PI gel, certified Acacia honey and H-PImxr (an equal volume mixture of Acacia honey + Pyodine gel) respectively. Significant differences were found among four treatments with respect to contraction, granulation tissue, tensile strength, healing time and hydroxyproline contents measurement in both experiments. Honey and povidone mixture treated animals showed significantly improved w...

Murat Kulekçi1, Ecevit Eyduran2, Ayaz Yusuf Altın2 and Mohammad Masood Tariq3*

...he purpose of predicting honey yield per beehive via Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) and Bootstrap Aggregating Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (Bagging MARS) algorithms. To realize this purpose, a questionnaire form including several questions i.e. honey yield per beehive of enterprise, age of enterprise, educational level of enterprise, migratory status of enterprise (yes and no), other working area...

Naila Shahzadi1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Shaukat Ali1, Muhammad Farooq Bhatti2, Azizullah1, Shafaat Yar Khan3, Abdul Khaliq4

...ents like Amway protein, honey, bovine milk, sericin, probiotics (Bacillus cereus, B. subtilis, B. amyloliquefaciens, B. licheniformis, Lactobacillus casei, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Spirulina), vitamins (C and E), royal jelly, ascorbic acid, cowpea seed powder, AgNPs, secondary metabolites (phenols flavonoids, phenolic amino acids and proline) and white hen’s egg at different larval instars. Economic parameters (pupal weight, shell ratio (%), cocoon ...

Saima Naz1*, Ahmad Manan Mustafa Chatha2, Sajjad Ali2 and Muhammad Irfan Ullah3

Mudssar Ali1*, Muhammad Awais Ahmad1, Asif Sajjad2 and Shafqat Saeed1

... effectiveness of native honey bees and solitary bees for better seed production of sesame and future conservation of effective insect pollinators. The sesame crop was grown during two years (2019 & 2020) at the research farm of MNS- University of Agriculture Multan, Pakistan. Abundance and diversity of native insect pollinators, their foraging behavior in terms of visit duration and visitation rate (number of flowers visited per minute) along with their p...
Ali Hasan1, Javed Iqbal Qazi1*, Nasreen Muzaffer1, Shamsa Jabeen1 and Ali Hussain2
...mend their use in modern honeybee feeds.


Hairul Islam M. Ibrahim1,2, Abdalla A. Sayed1,3, Abdel Naser A. Ahmed4,5 and Emad A. Ahmed*1,6

... of flavonoid present in honey and propolis. It has high antioxidant and neuroprotective effect. The present study was designed to evaluate the immunomodulatory properties of pinocembrin (PCB) and the anti-apoptosis effects using in vitro and in vivo mice splenocytes and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in C57BL/6j female mice, respectively. The reduction of clinical symptoms and disease index were evaluated by histochemical analysis. T-cell pop...

Naila Shahzadi1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Azizullah1, Muhamamd Farooq Bhatti2, Shaukat Ali1, Muhamamd Summer1 and Farman Ahmad Chaudhary3

...fect of sericin (5%) and honey (3%) on economical and biological traits of Bombyx mori (L.) (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) was recorded. The 5th instar (day 1) mulberry silkworms were divided into four groups of 20 each: namely a control and three experimental groups. Plain (untreated) mulberry leaves were offered to the control group while experimental groups were fed on the mulberry leaves treated with exogenous nutrients alone (5% sericin, 3%
Makruf Arif1*, Claude Mona Airin1, Dwi Sunu Datrianto2, Dinda Anggun Roro Sejati3
... to determine additional honey to the quality of KUB rooster sperm during cold storage. The semen with superior quality was diluted into four different treatments, lactate ringer egg yolk without honey as control (LREY0),     LREY with 0.2% honey (LREY2), LREY with 0.4% honey (LREY4), and LREY with 0.6% honey

Tariq Mahmood1*, Mamoona Wali Muhammad2, Sami Ullah1, Bilal Ahmad3, Zarmina Aslam4, Naveed Ahmad Khan5, Muhammad Shahzaib Tariq6, Muhammad Ali Raza6, Rana Usama Iqbal7 and Samia Zain8

...g. Foraging behaviors in honey bees include seeking for food, recognizing and remembering the location of food sources, transporting and storing food, and interacting with other bees. The foraging activities of honey bee colonies connect them to their surroundings. As a result, several in- and out-of-colony factors impact this behavior. Foraging is advantageous not only to plants and insect colonies but also to humans.
Mansoor Ayoob1, Atta Hussain Shah1, Zaheer Ahmed Nizamani2, Muhammad Faisal Ayoob2,3*, Deepesh Kumar Bhuptani1,5 and Abdul Sattar Baloch4
...d antioxidant effects of honey marination on beef meat (M. longissimus dorsi). The samples were analyzed for moisture, fat, protein, glycogen, peroxide, thiobarbituric acid, total viable count and total coliform count after marination with 0, 10, 20, 30 and 100% concentrations of honey and after 1, 4, 8 and 12 days of storage (4 ̊C). The moisture, fat and protein contents were moderately decreased on the 4, 8 and 12th days ...

Muhammad Awais Ahmad1, Mudssar Ali1*, Asif Sajjad2 and Shafqat Saeed1

...was higher followed by a honey bee, Apis mellifera and a syrphid fly, Eristalinus aeneus. Moreover, solitary bee P. oxybeloides was detected as the most efficient pollinator based on rate of visitation and pollinator efficiency in a single visit, followed by A. mellifera and A. dorsata. The seed set in open pollination (free insect visits) was 58 and 70% higher and seed weight of 1000 seeds respectively as compared to self-pollination (no insect visits). Hence...

Sumbal Nazir1*, Farkhanda Manzoor2, Ishrat Perveen3, Anum Rana2, Irum Naureen1, Abad Ali Nadeem3 and Hafiza Najma Naeem2 

...gens are attached on the honeybees worldwide. These pathogens affect the honeybee population by creating disease in it, which also effect the economy of country. It destroys the honey production and causes a subsequent reduction in the crop yield. In this present work, we isolated and screened various honeybee pathogens i.e., Nosema apis, Nosema cerus, A...

Asifa Hameed1*, Haider Karar2, Abdul Ghaffar1, Abid Hameed Khan1, Muhammad Mubashir1 and Ghulam Mustafa1

...ed as the pollinator but honey bee species A. dorsata, and A. melliferae visitation was almost negligible. The total value of insect pollination was estimated as 1299 million dollars. Overall, this is the first study describing the role of pollinators in successful fruit setting in southern Punjab Pakistan and describing the pollinating insects of mango orchards during peak flowering season.


Jaisy Aghniarahim Putritamara1*, MB Hariyono1, Budi Hartono1, Hery Toiba2, Hamidah Nayati Utami3, Moh. Shadiqur Rahman2, Tina Sri Purwanti1

...this study is limited to honey product MSMEs in East Java and respondents with a business aged ten years and above. Nonetheless, the findings can inform future studies on other dynamic MSME products in food and non-food sectors, especially in a post-crisis context, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding dynamic MSME products can help the sector bounce back after a crisis so it can contribute to GDP and the economy.

Tasleem Akhtar1*, Muhammad Farooq Nasir2, Imran Bodlah2 and Muhammad Adnan Bodlah3

...ds (4 days) when offered honey and water as a food diet. Lifespan of adult male and females was shorter i.e. 2.25 and 2.75 days respectively when fed upon dissected aphid. When adult parasitoids were released on pea plant provided with pea aphid, mean period of life for male and female was 4.75 and 6 days respectively. Sex ratios of field collected mummies were female biased (60%). Two species of hyperparasitoids viz. Asaphes suspensus (68%) and Pachyneuron ap...

Fatima Ali1*, Rimsha Tahir1 and Tahir Rehman Samiullah2

...ed. It is now known that honey acts as a biologic wound dressing with multiple bioactivities. Major aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of honey in combination with N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) for the treatment of excisional wounds in rats. Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were inflicted with excisional wounds. Wounds were treated with honey as control group and in combinations with 1%, 3% ...

Baoxuan Nong1,2, Biqiu Wu3, Anlong Xu2, Wenai He2 and Yongfu Qiu2*

...vity via measurements of honeydew excretion, and insect development by counting the number of hatched nymphs. Two resistance varieties N22 and OB677 were crossed with susceptible line 9311 to develop mapping populations, which were applied to map the resistance genes/QTLs. In the results, rice variety PTB33 showed high resistance to both brown planthopper (BPH) and WBPH, varieties N22, RBPH327, and OB677 showed moderate resistance to WBPH. Host choice test and...

Kristina Morkūnienė*, Rūta Insodaitė, Laimutis Kučinskas, Renata Bižienė 

...widespread major pest of honey bees Apis mellifera. The rapid spread of Varroa mites among bee colonies may be due to several factors, including drifting of infested bees, movement of bee swarms, robbing of weakened colonies. However, some bees’ colonies are resistant to V. destructor and that may be related to changes in the amino acid sequence of the Mblk1 protein leading to higher brain functions in bees. In this study, we aimed to test the contributi...

Khalid Ali Khan1,2,3* and Hamed A. Ghramh1,2,4

... Three native species of honey bees including Apis dorsata, A. florea, and A. cerana whereas one exotic species A. mellifera are present in Pakistan. Honey produced in Pakistan enjoys good repute in the Middle East due to its unique taste and quality. Pakistan exports around 4,000 tons of honey with a worth of about $ 23.00 million to Arab countries every year. It is believed that the Paki...

Faisal Alzahani1* and Mohammed Abu El-Magd2*

... anticancer component of honeybees propolis (bee glue), however, its anticancer effect is limited due to its rapid degradation into caffeic acid. To get rid of this disadvantage and increase the anticancer effect of CAPE, CAPE-loaded chitosan nanoparticles (CNPs) were used. The anti-tumor effects of CAPE and chitosan CNPs on cancer cells have been separately studied but the precise epigenetic molecular mechanisms for the combined therapy are still unclear. Thi...


..., Brassica and Trifolium honey samples against microorganisms isolated from infected burned skin of patients in children hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. The isolated microorganisms were identified as P. aeruginosa, E.coli, K. pneumoniae and S. aureus. The original bacterial inoculum was serially diluted (adjusted to 1.5 X 106 CFU) and spread on the nutrient agar plates. Whattmann filter paper discs were soaked in three different concentrations (50%, 70% & 90%)...
Mouhamed Zakiou Kolawole Adissa Raimi1, Ghulam Hussain2, Nousheen Zafeer3, Faheem Ahmad1, Muhammad Irfan4, Anwar Ullah1, Imdad Kaleem1 and Asghar Shabbir1*
...eds (Nigella sativa) and honey possessing potent neuroprotective, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties with no reported side effects can be a prospective candidate for an alternate remedial treatment of MS in animal model as well as in humans. In this study we established a new animal model (quail), to assess the synergistic efficacy of honey and black seed against demyelination within brain. A total of 35 male quai...

Khushdil Khan1, Mushtaq Ahmad1, Muhammad Zafar1, Khafsa Malik2, Shazia Sultana1, Shabir Ahmad1, Fawad Khan3, Asif kamal1, Kalim Ullah3

...e foraged weed plants by honeybees and identification of bee flora for the beekeeping business and honey production. Results revealed that weedy melliferous flora of study area is very helpful for botanical origin, geographical origin of bee species and adulterations found in honey.

Fazli Amin1*, Naveed Ahmed2, Muhammad Salman3, Zia Ur Rahman4 and Mir Manzar Ud Din5
Khush Bakht Arooj1, Muhammad Salman2 and Naveed Ahmed3
...s also a famous area for honey production in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In this study the primary data was collected through well-designed questionnaire and the study was carried out in different villages of Tehsil and District Bannu. A general survey was also conducted to know about the bee flora for pollen and nectar sources plants in district Bannu. The purposive random sampling method was used. During this study it was found that majority of the respondents belon...
Naveed Ahmed, M. Hamayoon Khan and Mian Inayat-Ullah
...n on the blossoms. Among honeybees, Apis dorsata, family Apidae, order Hymenoptera was found more abundantly on the blossoms in all the time periods. A maximum population of all honeybees species was recorded at the first observation period....
Asad Ullah, Abdur Rashid and Sher Aman
...(35%) Ornamental, 6(30%) honey bee flora, 3(15%) Beverage, 1(5%) Bark used for writing, 1(5%) Bark used for huts/rooms, 1(5%) wool dye. Being a far flung area, the locals totally depend upon the Plant Natural Resources (PNR) for their livelihood. Biotic pressure and unsustainable utilization have caused tremendous loss to the biodiversity of the area. There is a need for the proper management and conservation, for which awareness campaign and alternative incom...
Muhammad Shabir Mughal
...xillary panicles, lilac, honey-scented particularly during night....
Wali-ur-Rehman and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...sed brood development of honeybee Apis mellifera L. Up to 40% in the dearth period (August, September) as compared to non-feeding colonies. An increase of 53% of brood development was found in the colonies placed on sarsoon flora as against colonies placed on common flora during January, February. Mean maximum controlled temperature and mean humidity ranging from 30 to 34°C and to 67% during June to August increased brood development up to 18...
Bashir Mohammad Khan and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...racheal mite disease of honey bees in aparies in N.W.F.P. The fumigants significantly reduced the number of sick bees and showed gradual increase in assumption of normal routine foraging than in the control where the colony population quickly dwindled resulting in complete collapse. Folbex strip fumigation proved comparatively economical and more effective. Perizin was better than Frow mixtures....
Bashir Mohammad Khan and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...of seed per plant while honey bee pollinated and non-apis insect pollinated plants yielded 67.2 to 90.02 (mean 74.37) grams and 41,72 to 56.35 (mean 48.42) grams per plant, respectively. The increase in seed yield due to insect pollination was 159.31% in case of honey bee pollinated plants and 68.83% in min-apis insect pollinated plants. Besides producing increase yield insect pollination caused formation of well-sha...
Bashir Mohammad Khan, Mohammad Ismail Chaudhry and Pervez Khawaja
...Acarine disease of young honey bees appeared in Pakistan for the first time in epidemic form, inflicting 85% loss of honeybee colonies during 1982-83. Application of the dequeening method for the control of tracheal mite disease gave encouraging results particularly in the queen-right and dequeened colonies. The queen-right and colonies were recovered sooner than the dequeened colonies. A supplementary fumigation of F...
Bashir Mohammad Khan, Mohammad Shahid and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...m panicles left open to honey bee's pollination under natural condition with fruit setting of 82.93 percent; whereas the panicles left open under natural conditions without honey bee visitation yielded 252 grams per panicle with fruit setting of 46.15 percent....
Salahuddin Ahmad
...verflowing with milk and honey but practically do nothing to realise our ambition. Generally it does not pay to raise plants specially for the bees but we can combine and encourage, by thoughtful selection of nectar-producing plants for the chief object which could be wood or landscaping and thus a honey crop would be harvested as a bye-product. ...
Mohammad Shahid and Abdul Qayyum
...len yielding plants for honey-bees. A detailed list of 122 such plants both wild and cultivated, their scientific names, time of blossom and their distribution in the Province has been prepared. Of the 122 bee-foraging plants, the shisham (Dalbergia sissoo), phulai (Acacia modesta), bhaikar (Adhatoda vasica), apple (Malus sylvestris ), loquat (Eriobotrya japonica), clovers (Trifolium spp.),serson (Brassica c...

Shabana Islam1, Shahida Shujaat1*, Erum Akbar Hussain1, Mateen Abbas2

...opolis- a bio-waste from honeybee hives to investigate its therapeutic potential. The present work is the first report on the phenolic profile and antibacterial activity of Propolis from different regions of South Punjab, Pakistan.

Tugba Bozlar1* and Nur Diktas Bulut2

...productivity of chestnut honey and chestnut propolis produced in chestnut forests and to reveal the potential contribution of their production to the economy. The study area included the provinces of Artvin, Trabzon, Ordu and Samsun in the Eastern and Central Black Sea Region, and covered the beekeepers producing chestnut honey and chestnut propolis in chestnut forests. The primary data of the study were obtained from the yi...

Muhammad Wasif Gulzar*1, Riffat Maqsood1, Hussain Abbas1, Musharraf Manzoor1, Muhammad Suleman1, Hassaan Ahmad Bajwa2, Ali Hamza2, Shaher Yar1, Muhammad Zain1, Abdul Wadood1 and Noman Aslam3

...r populations and damage honeybee hives. Furthermore, the extensive use of pesticides severely suppresses wildlife, birds, and soil organisms. They harm soil microbes including viruses, pollinators, animals, humans, and honeybees. In addition to having an adverse effect on human health, increased pesticide use reduces the population of helpful organisms like honey bees and pollinators. If ...

Dalia M.A. Elmasry1*, Dalia M. El-Husseini1, Asmaa A. Eissa1, Zakaria R. Elkanawati2, Momtaz A. Shahein3, Amany Adel4

...e health and survival of honeybee colonies. Viruses, among ailments, pose a significant danger to the health and well-being of honeybees, causing beekeepers to be concerned about economic losses. One hundred samples has been collected from bee colony farms had bees loss 20% or more during 2021-2022 from some Egyptian governorates. The samples have been prepared and suspected viruses detection for Sacbrood virus (SBV), Israel...
MohamadRahijan AbdulWahab*andAhmadAimanSalahudin
...: normal;">Stingless bee honey contains high source of antioxidants, phenolic acids, and flavonoidsthat are capable of promoting health and wound healing. However, few studies have beenconducted on factors determining stingless bee honey consumption. This study aims to ascertain customer satisfaction, attitude, and purchase intent with reference to Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, and stingless bee honey
Nor Adila Zulkifli1, Nurul Zaizuliana Rois Anwar1*, Zalilawati Mat Rashid1, Zarinah Zakaria1, Norshazila Shahidan2, Lee-Hoon Ho1 and Faridah Yahya3
...ommonly known as Kelulut honey. Honey is frequently heated to purify, filter, and permit packing in order to inhibit the growth of microbes. However, heating could increase the amount of the potentially cancer-causing substance hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in honey and will reduce the physicochemical and nutritional attributes due to its heat sensitivity. Hence, ultrasound which is a non- t...

Faisal Noor1, Shahid Iqbal1, Muhammad Irfan Shan2, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed3*, Abbas Sheer4, Muhammad Shahroz Khan3

...nsects as solitary bees, honeybees, bumblebees, stingless bees, wasps and hover flies for their pollination, seed setting and fruit production. Modern plant protection strategies predominantly based on synthetic pesticides have led to considerable decline in insect pollination services and sustainable production. The present study was aimed to compare the impact of different pollinator conservation techniques on fruit and yield parameters of round gourd (Praec...
Roshita Ibrahim1*, Mohd Firza Ahmad Fauzi1 and Mohd Nizam Lani2
... erythritol, stevia, and honey. The study evaluates the drinks’ physicochemical, and functional properties, including sensory acceptability to see the potential utilization of low-calorie sweeteners. The analysis covers parameters like total soluble solids (TSS), caloric content, ash content, amount of ascorbic acid, total phenolic content, and antioxidant activity in both the solid mushroom pieces and the liquid components of the drinks. Sensory accepta...

Vitta Herina1, Suraya Kaffi Syahpura2, Dwi Desmiyeni Putri2*

... examined the effects of honey supplements on carcass and meat quality in New Zealand White rabbits. This study used 32 rabbits divided into 4 treatments, P0 as a control, P1 given honey supplements 0.2 ml kg-1 body weight, P2 given honey supplements 0.4 ml kg-1 body weight, and P3 given honey supplements 0.6 ml kg-1 body weight. Rabbits were reared for ...

Hamza Iftikhar1, Ranra Jalal2, Mansoor Ali Shah1, Syed Anas Shah Bacha1, Amjid Ali1 and Syed Majid Rasheed1*

...foraging behavior of two honey bee species i.e., A. mellifera and A. cerana in Langstroth hives and A. cerana in traditional mud hives across eight weeks and three-time durations (T1, T2 & T3) at the Directorate of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP), Forest Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar during spring, 2020. The highest outgoing foraging was recorded for A. cerana in a traditional mud hive (46.54), followed by A. mellifera (44.84), and the minimum ...

Sarhad Journal of Agriculture


Vol.40, Iss. 4, Pages 1102-1532


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