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Arshad Ali Khan1, Muhammad Sajid1, Abdur Rab1, Sahib Alam2, Abdul Bari3

...tassium from organic and inorganic sources on the growth, yield and fruit quality of two tomato cultivars i.e., Falcon and Rio Grande for two years. The response of tomato cultivars was assessed to six combina- tions viz. 0-0 (control), 100-0, 75-25, 50-50, 25-75 and 0-100% of poultry manure (PM) and Sul- phate of Potash (SOP). All the factors (K-sources, cultivars and years) alone and in combination sig- nificantly affected the growth, yield and fruit quality...

Imdad Sohu1, Allah Wadhayo Gandahi2*, Ghulam Raza Bhutto2, Muhammad Salim Sarki2, Rabail Gandahi3

...d control (no organic or inorganic fertilizer), NPK (36-72-0 kg ha-1), NPK (36-72-20 kg ha-1), Farmyard Manure (20 t ha-1), Poultry Manure (20 t ha-1), NPK (18-36-10 kg ha-1) + FYM (20 t ha-1), NPK (18-36-10 kg ha-1) + P.M (20 t ha-1), NPK (36-72-20 kg ha-1) + FYM (20 t ha-1), NPK (36-72-20 kg ha-1) + P.M (20 t ha-1), NPK (18-36-10 kg ha-1) + FYM (10 t ha-1), and NPK (18-36-10 kg ha-1) + P.M (10 t ha-1). All the relevant agronomic observations and chemical ana...

Khalid Ali1*, Amanullah Jan2 crops along with the inorganic fertilizers in the prevailing cropping system may increase crop productivity and net profitability through improving soil physico-chemical properties and fertility. Two years field experiments were conducted at the Agriculture Research Institute Tarnab, Peshawar- Pakistan (semiarid conditions) to investigate the effect of two green manuring crop species (guar and millet), their incorporation age (40, 70 and 100 days after sow...

 Farmanullah Khan, Samad Khan, Wiqar Ahmad and Imran Khan

...trients from organic and inorganic sources for water eroded lands during 2007-08. The combination of nutrient sources tested were; control, NPK50 (50% NPK), NPK75 (75% NPK), NPK100 (100% NPK), FYM10 (10 t ha-1 FYM), NPK50+FYM10, NPK75+FYM10, NPK100+FYM10, FYM20 (20 t ha-1 FYM), NPK50+FYM20, NPK75+FYM20, NPK100+FYM20. Results revealed that NPK75FYM20` significantly (p<0.05) improved the yield. As regards soil properties, NPK20FYM20 reduced bulk density, incr...

Aqila Shaheen and Nadia Sabir

...residues and organic and inorganic fertilizers on yield of wheat-maize cropping systems in the erosion-vulnerable sub-humid area. Treatments included tillage levels i.e. ST (shallow tillage), STR (shallow tillage with residues), DT (deep tillage) and DTR (deep tillage with residues). Sub plots had three fertilizer’s levels viz. F1 (control), F2 (inorganic fertilizers) and F3 (farm yard man...
Mutassim M. Abdelrahman1,*, Riyadh S. Aljumaah1, Moez Ayadi1 and Shabana Naz2
...antly higher (P<0.05) inorganic matter percentage in colostrum was found in treated group compared to the control. The body weight of lambs in treated group at 30 and 60 days was significantly (P<0.05) higher when compared with the control. In conclusion, trace mineral boluses supplementation to pregnant ewes at late gestation improved minerals status of the ewes and their newborns at parturition and consequently enhanced body weight.

Murad Ali1, Farmanullah Khan1, Wiqar Ahmad2* and Imran Khan1

...m integrated organic and inorganic sources is universally accepted agronomic practice for improved yield and soil properties. However, determination of a suitable dose from either source that could beneficially and easily combine to give maximum output still needs lots of research. The experiment was conducted during wheat season 2014-15 on a selected water eroded site in District Swabi. Fourteen treatments viz the control (T1), recommended dose (RD) (120:90:6...

Abdus Subhan1, Qudrat Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Mansoor2 and M. Jamil Khan

... L.) crop to organic and inorganic fertilizers on a heavy textured soil. The treatments used in the experiment include compost @5 t ha-1, cattle manure @ 5 t ha-1, compost + cattle manure each @ 2.5 t ha-1, NPK @ 150:120: 90 and control (without amendments), replicated four times. The results revealed that organic and inorganic amendments, irrespective of their kind and combinations, exerted significant (p≤0.05) variation...

Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar1,2*, Muhammad Tahir2, Abid Ali3, Manzoor Hussain3, Muhammad Waheed Anwar4, Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar5 and Ijaz Ahmad and jantar along with inorganic fertilizers to enhance the yield and quality attributes of autumn maize at Agronomic Research Farm, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. There were two factors, green manuring (No green manuring, moringa green manuring and Jantar green manuring) and different levels of NPK fertilizers (no fertilizers, 50% of RDF, 100% of RDF). The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with split plot arrangement in tri...

Imran Khan*, Zahir Shah, Wiqar Ahmad, Farmanullah Khan and Muhammad Sharif 

...nd different organic and inorganic fertilizers application to wheat crop on organic matter, micro-nutrient status and physical properties of soil at the NDF Farm, the University of Agriculture, Peshawar during 2015-16. The study was planned in RCB split plot design with fertilizers; control (Farmer’s practices, FP, 60-45 N-P2O5 kg ha-1), NPK recommended dose (RD, 120:90:60 N:P2O5:K2O kg ha-1), 5, 10, 15 and 20 t FYM alone (FYM5,10,15,20) and 5, 10 and 15...

Muhammad Ijaz Khan* and Amanullah Jan 

...gypsum (1000 kg ha-1) as inorganic soil conditioner were applied a week before sowing of maize. Design used was randomized complete block with split plot arrangement replicated thrice. Experimental site was Agronomy Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar. Irrigations regimes were subjected to main plots while soil conditioners to subplots. Results of the two years study indicated that most of the yield and soil parameters were affected by irriga...

 Rahmat Ullah Khan, Abdur Rashid*, Mohammad Sohail Khan** and Erdogan Ozturk***

..."> The high cost of inorganic fertilizer, use of natural fertilizer resources for increasing crop production on sustainable basis has become imperative. Two field experiments were conducted to study the potential of humic acid (HA) as a low-cost natural fertilizer and to determine its effect on the yield of rainfed wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Naseer) at the research farm of Arid Zone Research Institute, Dera Ismail Khan during two successive wint...

 Wabekwa, J.W., I.A. Sodagni and F.K. Mohammad*

...phosphorus fertilizer -1 inorganically applied as P O @ 0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg ha . The experi- 2 5 mental design was randomized complete block and replicated thrice. It was observed that leaf area per plant and plant dry weight increased with -1 increasing P O rates (40-60 kg ha ) at 6, 8 and 10 weeks after sowing (WAS) 2 5 . Crop growth rates similarly increased with increasing P O rates (40-80 kg 2 5 -1 ha ) at 6 WAS in both years and the combined means fo...

 Shafique Qadir Memon*, Nadeem Amjad**, Muhammad Safar Mirjat***, Abdul Quadir Mughal***, Khalil Ahmad Ibupoto***, Shabbir Ahmad Kalwar****, Asif Ali Mirani**** and Muhammad Azhar Saeed****

...nded dose of organic and inorganic fertilizer performed best and provided more vegetative growth, grain yield and dry matter in maize. Residual effects and supplemental fertilizer application in maize production were greater than fresh maize production.


 Muhammad Zahid Kiani*, Arshad Ali**, Tariq Sultan** and Muhammad Munir Ahmed***

...(IAA), solubilization of inorganic phosphates, nitrogen fixation and siderophores and other organic acid production, whereas indirectly support plant growth by suppressing plant pathogens. The objective of this study was isolation and characterization of bacterial strains from rhizosphere, endosphere and rhizoplane of sunflower. Thirty six bacterial strains were selected out of 44 from plant root samples along with rhizospheric soil, collected from different s...

 Ibrar Ali*, Abdul Mateen Khattak*, Muhammad Ali* and Kalim Ullah**

...tivars under organic and inorganic regimes an experiment was conducted at New Developmental Farm, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan during the summer 2013-14. The experiment was laid out in RCBD with split plot arrangement having four replications. Organic regimes (FYM, poultry manure and mushroom compost) and inorganic (NPK) regimes were allotted to main plot, while cultivars (Roma VF, Roma, Super Classic, B...

Mehwish Kiran*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani*, Kashif Waseem*
and Muhammad Sohail**

EFFECT OF ORGANIC MANURES AND INORGANIC FERTILIZERS ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF RADISH ( L) organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on the growth and yield of radish, at Horticulture Departmental experimental area, Faculty of Agriculture, Gomal University, D.I. Khan. The experiment was laid out in RCD with seven treatments replicated thrice. The treatments included control, farm yard manure (FYM) @ 25 t ha , poultry manure (PM) @ 10 t ha , goat manure (GM) @ 15 t ha , press mud (PrM) @ 20 t ha , sewage sludge (SS) @ 20 t ha and nitrogen, phosp...

 Sadaf Javaria*, Muhammad Qasim Khan*, Kashif Waseem*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani*, Habib ur Rahman*, Muhammad Sohail Khan* and Muhammad Sohail**

EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON IMPACT OF BIO AND ORGANOMINERAL FERTILIZES ON COMPOSITION AND SHELF LIFE OF TOMATO ( ) FRUIT. (Farmyard Manure) and inorganic fertilizer (NPK) on the quality characteristics of tomato. The pot experiment was conducted by combining 7 treatments in completely randomized design with 3 replications. The results revealed that nutrient sources significantly affected different quality parameters including; physicochemical (vitamin C, lycopene, total soluble solids and pericarp thickness); sensory (fruit color, fruit flavor and fruit firmness) and shelf lif...

Madeeha Alamzeb1, Shazma Anwar1, Asif Iqbal1,2*, Song Meizhen2, Mazhar Iqbal3, Sara4, Muhammad Ramzan2 and Afza Tabassum1

...y that integrated use of inorganic nitrogen (125 kg N ha-1) and poultry manure (5 ton ha-1) improve dry matter partitioning of wheat under deep tillage system. 


Wiqar Ahmad1* and Farmanullah Khan

...uired N from organic and inorganic sources with P2O5 and K2O as per recommended dose and including legumes in the traditional cereal-cereal crop rotation. 


Tanzim Ullah Khan1*, Mohammad Tariq Jan1, Ahmad Khan1, Gulzar Ahmad2, Muhammad Ishaq2, Khilwat Afridi2, Murad Ali2, Muhammad Adeel Qureshi2, Imtiaz Ahmad3 and Muhammad Saeed2  

...rated use of organic and inorganic fertilizers enhances wheat productivity. This research was conducted on integrated management of fertilizer nitrogen and poultry manure for wheat improvement at New Developmental Research Farm, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural University, Peshawar in 2010-11. Three levels of fertilizer nitrogen (75, 100 and 125 kg ha-1) and two poultry manure levels (0 and 4 tones ha-1) were allotted to main plot while time of fertilizer nitro...

Muhammad Faheem Jan1*, Asad Ali Khan1, Waqas Liaqat1, Haseeb Ahmad1, Muhammad Dawood Ahmadzai1 and Wazir Rehan

...ts from both organic and inorganic fertilizers is necessary for sustainable crop productivity. Field trial was performed at Agronomy Research Farm of The University of Agriculture Peshawar during summer 2016. Two factors were studied i.e. hybrids (DK-Garanon, Pioneer-3025, WS-666, and Pioneer-3164) and potassium ratios (Organic vs inorganic). The organic source includes poultry manure (PM) while inor...

Madiha Naz1, Qudrat Ullah Khan1*, M. Jamil Khan1, Obaid Ullah Sayal2, Asim Afridi3 and Aziz Ullah Sayal3 

... (NAA) and compared with inorganic soil applied fertilizers. The results of the study showed significantly higher number of branches, chlorophyll content in the treatment recieving inorganic fertilizers, the manures in combination with foliar NPK was comparable. The yield attributes showed that ten fruit weight were greater in the soil applied inorganic fertilizer and it was statistically ...

Shamsher Ali1, Zakir Ullah Jan1*, Zahir Shah2, Muhammad Jamal Khan2, Farmanullah Khan2, Inayat ur Rahman3 and Shah Fahad3 

...yard manure and balanced inorganic fertilizer (Nitrogen + Phosphorus) gave significant yield production in terms of grain and biological yield in clay soil 

Muhammad Babar Khawar1, Muddasir Hassan Abbasi2*, Zillay Mariam1, Nadeem Sheikh1,2*
...chemicals of organic and inorganic nature which can house a variety of pathogens. As it drains it pollutes the groundwater table and if used for irrigation purpose represents a major health risk not only to humans but also to local flora and fauna. The purpose of current research work was to analyze the toxicity of leachate in Wistar rats. Wistar rats of about 250g were selected and divided into three groups namely Control, Group 1 and Group 2. Group 1 was giv...

Madeeha Arshad, Asmatullah, Chaman Ara

Embryotoxic effects of sodium arsenate in Mus musculus

Farkhanda Asad1*, Samina Qamer1, Tayyaba Ali1, Ammara Behzad1 and Tahira Yasmin2 

Aisha Siddiqua1*, Munir Ahmad1 and Nusrat Habib2 

...e time of sowing, use of inorganic fertilizer, change in irrigation, and varietal change. Change in irrigation practice gave rise to the highest yield suggesting that this might be the necessary requirement to sustain wheat growth in Pakistan in future. Farmers are expected to receive significant positive benefits from the adaptation of the combination of strategies. Farmer’s adaptive capacity, farm size, access to credit and sources of information on cl...
Muhammad Ahmad, Zohaib Noor*, Karim Johar Khan, Waqar Younas and Ajmal Hussain
... system by supplementing inorganic and organic fertilizers in the ponds. Fish were stocked at the ratio of 35:40:25 in both the ponds designated as group 1 and group 2. Group 1 pond was stocked with Catla catla (C. catla) a surface feeder, Labeo Rohita (L. rohita) a column feeder and Cirrhinus mrigala (C. mrigala) bottom feeder, respectively, while, in group 2 only (C. catla) was replaced with (Hypophthalmichthys mo...

Zafar Abbas1*, Muhammad Mubashir1, Umair Riaz1, Zeenat Javid1, Muhammad Ashraf1, Saeed ur Rehman1, Muhammad Javid Qamar1, Syed Ali Zulqadar1 and Shahzada Munawar Mehdi2 

...fertilizers (organic and inorganic) on the yield and physiochemical attributes of okra Abelmoschus esculentus a field trial was conducted. For this purpose, organic form of fertilizers like kitchen waste, poultry manure and compost were used while the inorganic sources were NPK fertilizer. This experiment was laid out in the field area of soil and water testing laboratory for research, Bahawalpur in growing seasons from July...

Samina Qamer1, Farkhanda Asad1*, Amna Faiz1, Robina Arshad1, Zunaira Shaheen1 and Tahira Yasmin2 

...s to find the effects of inorganic chromium and organic chromium on feed digestibility and muscle composition of (Labeo rohita fish). Six treatment groups were prepared with one control group (each with two replicates), three groups supplemented with inorganic chromium chloride hexa hydrate (CrCl36H2O by 0.3, 0.5 and 0.6mg/kg) and three groups supplemented with organic chromium picolinate (Cr-Pic-0.3, 0.5 and 0.6mg/kg) were ...

Mehwish Kiran1, Muhammad Saleem Jilani1, Kashif Waseem1*, Muhammad Sohail Khan1, Fazal Haq2, Muhammad Amjad Nadim3, Ghazanfar Ullah3 and Salma Shaheen

Nadia Saeed1, Mian Sayed Khan2, Habib Ahmad3, Muzafar Shah4*
.../i> species. Carbofuran (inorganic) and poultry manure (organic) in recommended amounts were used for management and results showed that both were effective against phytonematodes. Value of P for the effect of Carbofuran in Mansehra and Abbottabad was 0.0001 and 0.0001 whereas for poultry manure it was 0.0001 and 0.0009 respectively.
Monica Paula Marin1, Elena Narcisa Pogurschi1*, Iuliana Marin2 and Carmen Georgeta Nicolae1

Stanley Uchenna Onwudike* and Vivian Chizoba Edoziem 

...s in soil properties and inorganic phosphorus forms within the rhizosphere of three annual crops, viz groundnut (Arachis hypogea), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) on a loamy sand, typic haplustult soil. The work was sited at the research farm of the University during 2016 planting season and the region lies within the latitude of 5° 38¹N and longitude 6° 97¹ E. At 10 weeks after planting, both the rhizosphere soil ...
Asad Ali Khaskheli1*, Gulfam Ali Mughal1, Muhammad Ibrahim Khaskheli2, Gul Bahar Khaskheli3, Allah Jurio Khaskheli2 and Arshad Ali Khaskheli1
...r, total organic matter, inorganic/mineral matter (ash), ether extract, crude protein, crude fiber, nitrogen free extract and total carbohydrate contents) were included. Comprehensive survey indicated year round availability of 19 different vegetations at study areas whereby dry matter contents in Calligonum polygonoides (93.63%) recorded significantly high, and in Trifolium alexandrinum it was low, while moisture content appeared vice versa to d...

Peer Sikandar Shah1, Ghulam Nabi1, Maqsood Khan*1,2, Saddam Hussain1 and Jawad Ali Jan1

...n plot while organic and inorganic regimes (i.e. Control, NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium), FYM (Farmyard manure), FYM (half) + NPK (half), FYM (full) + NPK (half), FYM (full) + NPK (full) and FYM (half) + NPK (full) were allotted to sub plots . The results obtained from the experiment indicated that both cultivars and regimes have significant variations on growth and yield parameters of sponge gourd. In case of cultivars, minimum days to emergence (11...
Bin Huo1 and Xiaoyun Shen1,2,3*
...P<0.01). Serum inorganic phosphorus contents of affected Tibetan gazelles were about half of those in healthy animals. Oral supplementation of disodium hydrogen phosphate in affected Tibetan gazelles successfully treated the illness. This study demonstrated that the ailment of the Tibetan gazelle was mainly caused by the phosphorus deficiency in forage.

Abid Khan*, Mukhtar Alam and Yousaf Jamal 

...nts in soil are organic, inorganic and bio-fertilizers. The current experiments were conducted on “Effect of bio-priming, organic and inorganic nitrogen sources and beneficial microorganisms on growth and biochemical traits of wheat” for two years at Agricultural Research Station Buner, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The experiments were laid out using three factors factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD...

Saba Iqbal1*, Muhammad Luqman1, Hafiz Muhammad Nasrullah1, Asmat Ullah1 and Hafiz Muhammad Akram2

Response of Cotton to Application of Organic and Inorganic Source of Nutrients in Semi-Arid Climate
...plication of organic and inorganic source of nutrients can uplift the economics of existing cotton based production systems by improving soil health and reducing the cost of inorganic nutrients per unit area. This study was executed to quantify the best possible combination of integrated nutrients application for cotton crop. The effect of different combination of mineral/inorganic nitroge...
Sinan Uzundumlu1, Yesim Buyukates1,*, Murat Yigit2, Musa Bulut2,  Rıdvan Kaan Gurses1 and Barbaros Celikkol3
...olids, chlorophyll-a and inorganic nutrients such as NO2+NO3, NH4, PO4 and SiO2 were observed between May 2014 and September 2014 in the study area. The observed results were compared with acceptable limits pronounced in international organizations such as EPA and FAO, and national organizations such as WPCR and RTMAF as well as the previous studies conducted in the region. According to the results, a decrease in dis...

Murtaza1, Syed Attaullah Shah1*, Shahid Ali1, Amjad Ali1 and Asia Baig2

Economic Analysis of Maize Production in Central Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
... irrigation, organic and inorganic fertilizers application. The model predicted mean technical efficiency of 85% with a maximum possible of 97%. This indicates that 12% increase in yield is possible with the existing production technology. Results for the Stochastic Frontier Model-2 identified head’s formal education, farming experience and level of involvement in agriculture and combined family structure as important factors significantly reducing ineff...

Amar Iqbal Saqib1, Khalil Ahmed1*, Abdul Rasul Naseem1, Ghulam Qadir1, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1, Muhammad Khalid2, Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich3 and Muhammad Arif

...-align: justify;">Use of inorganic and organic amendments is a very effective approach to enhance crop productivity and restoring the deteriorated properties of salt-affected soils. For addressing this objective, a study was undertaken to investigate the ameliorative effect of humic acid (HA) with gypsum on rice-wheat crops under saline-sodic condition (ECe = 4.71 dS m-1, SAR = 31.82, pHs = 9.10). Different combinations of gypsum and humic acid tested were: T1...

Abid Khan*, Mukhtar Alam, Yousaf Jamal and Hidayat Ullah

Appraisal of Yield and Yield Components of Wheat with Integrated Management of Nitrogen Sources organic while Urea as inorganic sources of nitrogen. Treatments were N1 (Control), N2 (all added N from Urea), N3 (all added N from FYM), N4 (all added N from PM), N5 (½ of added N from Urea + ½ from FYM), N6 (½ of added N from Urea + ½ from PM) and N7 (½ of added N from FYM + ½ from PM). Nitrogen @ 120 kg ha-1 was computed according to lab analysis from each combination except N1 and incorporated once after final s...

Mushtaq Ahmad Khan*, Abdul Basir and Beena Saeed

Biochar Improves Phenological and Physiological Attributes of Wheat in Soil Amended with Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen Sources
...ability from organic and inorganic N sources via biochar (0, 10, 20 and 30 tons ha-1) under four levels of N (0, 90, 120 and 150 kg ha-1) during Fall 2015-16 and 2016-17. The required N was met from urea, poultry manure (PM) and farmyard manure (FYM). Application of 20 and/or 30 t BC ha-1 significantly delayed booting, anthesis, physiological maturity in wheat, and resulted in higher leaf area (LA), leaf area index (LAI), plant height, number of tillers and sp...
Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1*, Nadia Mangrio1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Zia-ul-Hassan Shah2, Ghulam Sughra Mangrio3, Nihaluddin Mari4, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1 and Shazia Parveen Tunio5
...ght: normal;">The use of inorganic fertilizers in Pakistan is imbalanced and inappropriate. It is very important to use proper doses of balanced fertilizers to exploit the maximum yield potential of cane crop. This study focused on hypothesis that application of suitable planting methods and NPK level play a major role in improving sugarcane yield and quality. Experiment was performed under field conditions at Sugarcane Research Institute, Tandojam, Sindh, Pak...

Raza Ullah Khan1*, Ahmad Khan1, Mohammad Zameer Khan1, Fayyaz Hussain1, Zafar Islam2 and Muhammad Asad Hameed2 along with commercial inorganic fertilizers. Though findings in this study showed KOH as cost effective extractant vis a vis NaOH. However, further characterization could not confirm it. The presence of hydrophobic and hydrophilic nature of sites could be utilized to develop slow release plant nutrients based on humic substances.


Muhammad Sarfraz1*, Muhammad Amjad Qureshi2, Muhammad Arshad Ullah3, Shahzada Munawar Mehdi4, Abdul Rasool Naseem1, Sarfraz Hussain1, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1 and Muhammad Rizwan1

...rties were improved with inorganic and organic amendments. Field studies were conducted at Kot Murad (district Hafizabad) to evaluate the different management practices for saline water in salt affected soils. Results suggested that the canal water with soil GR produced the maximum yields of rice and wheat trailed by the application of saline water with GR of soil and irrigation water. Soil analysis at harvest showed that soil was improved with canal water wit...

Ghulam Muhiyuddin Kaloi1* and Mehrunisa Memon

...d 20%) and four rates of inorganic fertilizers (0, 1/3rd, 2/3rd and full) besides additional control (full recommended NPK). A total of 12 irrigations of wastewater were applied after two months of planting up to harvest of sugarcane (CPF-237). Application of 10% wastewater did not show any adverse effect on sugarcane quality and soil health rather improved juice quality and soil fertility. It gave maximum sugar recovery (12.27%) and sugar yield (11.25 t ha-1)...

Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro1*, Nadeem Sadiq1, Javed Ahmed Abro1, Amanullah1, Fateh Muhammad2, Maqbool Ahmed3, Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed Shah3 and Qasid Hussain4

...applied with organic and inorganic mineral fertilizer application for six months. The results showed that in comparison to control, plants fertilized with T2 (N 50g/plant), T3 (P 25g/plant), T4 (K 25g/plant), T5 (NPK 50:25:25/plant), T6 (Biochar 2:2) and T7 (FYM 2:2) had significant results. The studied parameters which was height of plant, leaves per plant, branches per plants and girth of stem. As regards to soil analysis for nutrients concentration, it is c...

Altaf Mahmood1*, Muhammad Athar Khan2, Saima Parveen3, Tanveer Hussain4 and Ayesha Azad5

...globin concentration and inorganic phosphorous level of serum whereas significantly (p < 0.05) decreased mean corpuscular haemoglobin, red cell distribution width, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, total white cell count, monocytes and lymphocytes. The level of serum calcium and granulocytes exhibited non significant (p > 0.05) difference. It was concluded that gossypol exposure induces anaemia, microsytosis and hypophosphetaemia.


Mutassim Abdelrahman1, Ibrahim Alhidary1, Majdi Bahaddi1,2, Mohsen Alobre1,3, Riyadh Aljumaah1 and Rifat Ullah Khan4, *

...stigation. Moreover, the inorganic percentage in liver was significantly higher for lambs supplemented with zeolite when compared with control. This gives an indication that zeolite causes a great effect on mineral absorption, utilization, and accumulation in the liver. Furthermore, zeolite supplementation causes modification in the tested minerals’ absorption and metabolism, which clear from the high correlation between the tested minerals in the differ...

Ali Ahmad1*, Zubair Aslam1, Korkmaz Bellitürk2, Ehsan Ullah1, Ali Raza1 and Muhammad Asif3

Noor-us-Sabah1*, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Tayyab Boota1, Muhammad Luqman2, Ghulam Sarwar1, Amir Aziz1 and Ameer Hamza1 T1 as control, T2 as inorganic fertilizers in recommended dose NPK (150: 100: 110 kg ha-1), T3 as FYM (10 t ha-1) in addition to chemical NPK application, T4 as poultry manure (10 t ha-1) also named as compost-I in addition to chemical NPK application and T5 as press mud or compost II (10 t ha-1) in addition to recommended chemical NPK application. The results had demonstrated that all the organic and chemical fertilizers increased plant growth and quality...

Uzma Hameed1*, Aneela Liaqat1, Muhammad Asjad Khan2, Ikram-Ul-Haq1 and Maham Aslam1

...s. In this context, both inorganic and organic nitrogen sources, were evaluated. Optimal enzyme production was obtained with diluent supplemented with NaNO3 (0.25%) and peptone (0.25%) as inorganic and organic sources, respectively. Among the different metal ions evaluated, Ca2+ gave the maximum activity of alpha-amylase (25.4± 0.73 U/ml).


Zaheer Ahmed Lashari1, Muhammad Saleem Sarki1, Saleem Maseeh Bhatti1, Muhammad Sachal Khokhar1 and Zohaib ur Rehman Bughio2*

...d their integration with inorganic fertilizer on growth and yield of onion (Allium cepa L.). The treatments were: T1=Control (No NPK and/or Compost), T2=Recommended NPK (120-60-60 kg ha-1), T3=Compost 1 (15 tons ha-1), T4=Compost 2 (15 tons ha-1), T5 Compost 3 (15 tons ha-1), T6=Compost 1 (10 tons ha-1) +1/2 NPK, T7=Compost 2 (10 tons ha-1) +1/2 NPK, and T8 Compost 3 (10 tons ha-1)+1/2 NPK. Results showed that in various composts, the ranges of different param...

Lei Zeng1,2,3,4, Pimao Chen1,2,3,4, Zhenzhao Tang1,3,4, Jie Yu1,2,3,4 and Guobao Chen1,2,3,4*

...sparency (Tra) and total inorganic nitrogen (TIN). The findings in this paper are significant for the protection and restoration of crustaceans resourcs along coastal water, given the rapid establish of AR around the world.


A. S. A. Saad1, M. B. Al-Kadi1, A. A. A. Deeabes2 and A. M. El-Kholy2

...vity of some organic and inorganic compounds, as well as fosthiazate as a standard nematicide for their hatching inhibitory and juvenile mortality potential and to ascertain their role as organic amendments for the management of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) affecting okra plants in vitro as well as in vivo conditions. Five concentrations of all chemicals were prepared. Data of in vitro studies showed a marked nematicidal and nematode hatching inh...

Abdul Hadi Wasil1,2*, Jasmin Arif Shah1, Nur Bahiah Mohamed Haris1, Sardar M. Hashimi3 and Khal Mohammad Ahmadzai4

...ndicators of organic and inorganic fertilizer use, as well as insights for policymakers to better consider the sustainable application of organic fertilizer and its adoption among farmers in order to achieve sustainable development.


Kainat Bibi1*, Sajjad Khan1, Zulfiqar Ali Gurmani1, Fahad Karim Awan1 and Sajid Ali2 

...omparison of organic and inorganic wheat production was designed to study the field performance and quality of wheat grown under two regimes. The experiment was carried out at National Tea and High Value Crops Research Institute (NTHRI) Shinkiari, Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan in 2019. Seven wheat cultivars (Atta Habib, Faisalabad, ASS, Punjab 2011, Lasani, NARC-11 and Pakistan-13) were sown using randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three rep...

A.E. Ismail and M. M. Mohamed

...mbinination with urea as inorganic fertilizer, were tested for their action against root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne arenaria infesting sugar beet and plant growth, yield and total soluble sugars (TSS %) under new reclaimed sandy loam field. Results indicated that all treatments at their rates significantly (p≤ 0.05 and / or 0.01) reduced females, galls and egg-mass numbers as compared to un-amended plants. All rates of Ch M treatment gave best results in pr...
Akram Ali Baloch1*, Adeel Ahmad2, Kaleem U. Kakar3, Sara Naudhani1, Samiullah Khan1, Agha Muhammad Raza3, Imrana Niaz Sultan1, Humaira Zahid4, Saadullah3 and Shakeela Daud1*
...raction was performed by inorganic method. DNA was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and subsequently sequenced to confirm any genetic variability in the affected individuals of the families. As a result, two different missense mutations (c.830C>A resulting p.Ala277Glu and c.332C>T resulting p.Pro111Leu) in affected individuals in two of the families were identified. The nonexistence of mutations in EPM2B in the other two families could be due to pr...
Mohamed I. El-Katcha1, Mosaad A. Soltan1, Seham M. El-Kassas2*, Mahmoud M. Arafa3, El-Sayed R. Kawarei 3, Karima M. El-Naggar1*
...f dietary replacement of inorganic copper (CuO) with its organic or nano source on productive performance, egg quality and blood biochemical constituents of layers. Three hundred, 55 weeks old of Isa Brown hens were randomly allotted into 5 groups. First group received CuO at 8 mg/kg diet, while the second and third group supplemented with the organic form of Cu (copper polysaccharide complex) at 8 and 4 mg/kg diet, respectively. Fourth and fifth group receive...

Shafqat Ullah1, Asad Ullah2*, Imad Khan2, Rafiq Ullah1, Raheela Taj3, Fatima Syed3, Shumaila Gul4, Faiza Khan5, Ibad Ullah Jan6, Muneeb Islam7 and Sumaira8 explore the impact of inorganic selenium (sodium selenite). Day old chicks were kept in a control environment. At day 7, five groups were made with four replicas in each group based on the diet being offered. Group A, the positive control group fed with normal basal diet group B was termed as negative control group offered basal diet + dexamethasone and group C, D and E was offered 0.2mg/kg, 0.3mg/kg, and 0.4mg/kg of basal diet, respectively. The trial last...

Siddique Ahmad1*, Basit Ullah1, Sajid Ali2, Ali Zaid1, Zeeshan Ahmad3, Muhammad Usaid1, Muhammad Zeeshan1 and Saif Ullah3

...jor sources are organic, inorganic and bio-fertilizers. Supplementation of beneficial microbes with organic and inorganic fertilizers is a feasible technology to improve wheat productivity. A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the impact of organic sources (OS) and inorganic N fertilizer (Urea) along with the application of bio-aab (beneficial microbes) on the wheat crop at the Agr...

Afshan1, Asad Ullah2*, Imad Khan2, Rafiq Ullah1, Tahira Tayyab1, Fatima Syed3, Raheela Taj3, Shumaila Gul4, Faiza Khan5, Ibad Ullah Jan6, Syed Weqas Ali7 and Assad Ullah8 

...eck the effect of orally inorganic selenium on the redox status and thyroid hormones of broilers under dexamethasone induce stress. Day old 100 chicks were purchased from trading hatchery and divided randomly into five different groups having four replicates (n=5) in each group. Broiler chickens feed with starter and finishing commercial corn based basal diet with different concentration of selenium powder. Basal diet (BD) was fed to Group A, which kept as neg...

Roheela Yasmeen1,3* , Faheem Hafeez1 , Umme Ammara1 , Rubab Younas1 , Sibtain Ahmad2 , Zulfiqar Ali3, Zaheer Ahmad Nasir4 

...r of various organic and inorganic emissions. The current study was designed to see the release of different metals from the poultry farms. Air samples both from indoor and outdoor along with the litter and feed samples of ten poultry houses were collected from the outskirts of Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. Poultry farms were varied in feed and grouped into three categories: Group A (using Feed A), Group B (using Feed B) and Group C (using Feed C). All collected s...

Irfan Ullah1, Asad Ullah2*, Tahira Tayyeb1, Rafiq Ullah1, Muhammad Hanif1, Faiza Khan3, Imad Khan2, Raheela Taj4, Fatima Syed4, Shumaila Gul5, Muhammad Sadeeq6, Muneeb Islam7, Arsalan Khan8 and Khudija Ghani9

... to detect the effect of inorganic selenium on the liver enzymes, kidney function and changes in biochemical parameters of broiler chicken under dexamethasone (DEX) induced stress. The day old, two hundred (n=200) chicks were bought from commercial hatchery and randomly divided into five groups with eight replicas(n=5) in each group. Broiler chickens were fed with starter and finishing commercial corn based basal diet (BD) with different doses of

Muhammad Adnan1*, Muhammad Nauman Khan2,3, Barkat Ullah2, Faisal Zaman2, Alevcan Kaplan4, Hubert O. Dossou-Yovo5, Sajid Ali Khan Bangash6, Sana Wahab7, Mehreen Ghazal8 and Muhammad Hassan Sarfraz9

...ts such as the stress of inorganic boric acid. In the experiment, the pots were filled with sandy loam soil (1 kg). The pots were pre-treated with boron as boric acid (H3BO3) only once before sowing, at the doses of 0 mg/kg (control), 3 mg/kg, 6 mg/kg, 9 mg/kg, 12 mg/kg, 15 mg/kg and 18 mg/kg soil. The different concentrations of Boron (B) were prepared separately by taking a respective amount of boric acid. Pots without supplemented B constituted the control....

Salman Ali1*, Muhammad Arif1, Mehran Ali1, Muhammad Afzaal2, Gohar Saeed32, Muhammad Bilal4, Fazal Munsif1 and Sajjad Zaheer1

...s of biochar and organic-inorganic P sources on density, fresh and dry weight of weeds in maize during 2016. Experiment was executed using randomized complete block design and treatments included biochar (0 and 10 tonnes ha-1) and three sources of P; FYM, PM and one DAP. Phosphorus at the rate of 100 kg ha-1 was applied in such a way that each plot received 50, 75 and 100% P from PM or FYM and the rest from DAP. Biochar and P sources significantly affected den...
NOUMAN SALEEM,MUHAMMAD ARIF,ABDUL BASIR,Mushtaq Ahmad Khan,Zahid Hussain,Mukhtar Alam,Hidayat Ullah,MUHAMMAD ADNAN

Mohamed A. Abu El-Hamd1*, Abd El-Salam M. Metwally2, Mohamed I. Bassiouni2, Mohamed M. Hegazy2, Mohamed A. El-Gendy1 and Mohammed A. El-Magd3

...elated organic (OTM) and inorganic trace minerals (ITM) on the digestibility coefficient, nutritive values, reproductive performance, and milk yield of Friesian cows. Cows (n=50) were divided into 5 groups; cows in the first group (control, G1) were given an untreated diet, whereas diets in G2 were supplemented with 100% ITM, G3 were received 50% ITM and 50% OTM, G4 were received 25% ITM and 75% OTM, and G5 were supplied with 100% OTM. G5 and G4 digested DM mo...

Dwi Putri Nurmala1, Tri Eko Susilorini1, Osfar Sjofjan2*, Danung Nur Adli2

...o be more effective than inorganic selenium after a post hoc analysis between selenium sources and parameters. In conclusion, supplementing with selenium, especially from organic sources, can improve some of the antioxidant status in dairy goats.
Keywords | Blood profiles, Dairy goat, Glutathione peroxidase, Meta-analysis, Selenium

Muhammad Iqbal1*, Saba Iqbal1, Asmat Ullah2, Arbab Jahangeer1, Naveed Akhtar3, Tahira Tabassum3, Ali Zohaib3, Naveed Ramzan3

...yses between organic and inorganic mulches and mechanistic understanding of salt reduction in the rhizosphere are limited, impeding tailored mulching strategies for enhanced cotton production sustainability in saline environments. This two years field study (2019 and 2020) explored the influence of various mulching treatments on cotton productivity in saline conditions. Experimental treatments were control (conventional), plastic mulch (PM), wheat straw mulch ...

Fasih Ullah Haider1,2, Sardar Alam Cheema1and Muhammad Farooq1,3

...the use of herbicides or inorganic chemicals against weeds is also developing resistance in weeds to herbicides. Despite that herbicides are also affecting the environment especially human health. Pesticides not only damage the human health but also pollute the air, soil, water and becoming part of food chain. One of the options to minimize weed infestation is intercropping of cover crops between cash crops to reduce the weed suppression. Cover crops are the p...

Efe Peterson Irikefe-Ekeke1, Oghenebrorhie Obakanurhe1*, Adimabua Mike Moemeka1, UfuomaGodstime Sorhue2, Ifeoma Jane Onwumelu1, Ifo Alex Amata2 levels of organic and inorganic chromium supplementations was conducted. One hundred and twenty-six composite breeds of weaned rabbits of both sexes were randomly divided into seven groups. This was replicated thrice with six rabbits per replicate and was assigned to 7 diets in a completely randomized arrangement. The diets involved three levels of organic chromium (0.02, 0.04 and 0.06g/kg diet) and three inorganic chromi...

Abdul Nabi Jatt1*, Abdul Sattar Qureshi2 and Abdul Sami Dahri1

...osed of both organic and inorganic detritus and living organisms including phytoplankton, zooplankton and bacteria, and perform a critical role in moving materials from upper levels to deep Ocean. Intriguingly, findings of AHL signaling molecules in marine snow aggregates and associated microbial cells have been attributed to play a crucial role in dissociation of these large carbon rich particles with a profound impact on marine food webs along with biogeoche...

Sofia Azirar*, Abdelghafour El Hamzaoui*, Mouloud Lamtai, Mohamed Yassine El Brouzi, Aboubaker El Hessni, Abdelhalem Mesfioui

Mujeebur Rahman1, Muhammad Ilyas2*, Arshad Ullah3, Rooh Ullah4 and Sanam Zarif2

...he impact of biochar and inorganic fertilizers on soil physico-chemical properties in a maize field. The experiment followed a two-factor randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Factor A comprised three biochar levels: control, 5 t ha-¹, and 10 t ha-¹. Factor B included two application rates of inorganic fertilizers i.e., Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium (NPK): 100% and 50% of the recomme...

Sebnem Bukavaz

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 185-189
...hysiological response of inorganic (Pi-PO4) deficiency; which has an increased effect on rhamnolipid production in P. aeruginosa, with respect to virulence and biofilm- related proteins. The proteins were obtained through extracellular and cytoplasmic proteomic analysis using non-rhamnolipid produced P. aeruginosa ΔrhlA strains (constructed for this study by deleting the rhlA gene from wild type PAO1, Nottingham Collection strain using the method of alle...


Alaa Fathalla Mohammed

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(1): 641-652
...ium nitrate (KNO3) as an inorganic nitrogen source presented the highest chitinase production by B. subtilis SBMP4, whereas yeast extract demonstrated significant chitinase production by S. liquefaciens ATCC 27592.


Bipasha Mazumder1, Khadija-Tut-Tahira2, Khondoker Moazzem Hossain1, Gautam Kumar Deb2,3*, Md. Ashadul Alam3, S. M. Jahangir Hossain4

...nd examine the effect of inorganic zinc and vitamin C in this condition. For this study, the primary fibroblast cells of the Murrah Cross were used and identified by FSP1 and FN_1 primers. The pretreated cultured cells with zinc and vitamin C were kept at 42°C for three hours, as buffaloes in tropical areas experience such temperatures in the summer. The culture cells were subsequently allowed to recuperate at 37°C and collected at various time points ...

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., Vol. 13, Iss. 3,


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