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Mukhtarullah1, Jawad Ali2 and Mohammad Akmal1* dry weather i.e. late rainfall and/or eventuality of the previous crop of the cropping system could result higher wheat production from the variety Pak-2013 instead of growth the existing local (Khattakwal). Higher grain yield for future food security with growing population is important to be harvested with replacing the existing low yielding varieties by any of the improved available wheat varieties (e.g. Lalma, Chakwal-50, and Pak.-2013) in Karak area wh...

Fida Mohammad, O.S. Abdalla, Sheraz Ahmed, Fakharuddin and S. Rajaram

...rate and distribution of rainfall during the cropping season were the main contributing factors in the varied performance across years, however, the grain yield of synthetic derived wheat lines across different environments was not significantly disturbed within each year and hence, are suitable for areas of prolonged drought. Some lines of synthetic derived wheat especially those carrying blood from T. tauschii germplasm were equivalent in performance to supe...
Syed Ishfaq Ali Shah1,*, Tassawar Hussain Malik2, Imran Rafi Khan1 and Zahid Hussain
...nd minimum temperatures, rainfall and wind velocity were negative and non-significantly correlated while, % relative humidity (%R.H) was found non-significantly and positively correlated both with USDA accessions and local varieties. On overall basis, during the course of the season, lowest number of jassid/leaf was recorded on USG-12-8 (1.7) followed by USG-12-44 (3.2) and USG-12-24 (3.3) while, number of whiteflies/leaf on USG-14-2460 (11.6) followed by USG-...

Usman Shakoor1*, Mudassar Rashid1, Abdul Saboor2, Nabila Khurshid1, Zuhair Husnain2 and Abdul Rehman2

...021. Increase in overall rainfall will also benefits Maize crop production. Maize production will increase by 2% by the year 2030 from the base year i.e. 1980. Water availability in the crop growth periods and fertilizer application (today or in the future) will certainly increase production. This scenario demands devising adaptation strategies for farmers to be made available, this should be the key policy intervention of the government to cater with the clim...

Wajid Hasan1 and C. P. Singh2

Relationship between the population of mustard aphid,Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach) and weather parameters on different cultivars of Indian mustard ( Brassica juncea L.)
... and minimum temperature,rainfall, wind velocity, evaporation and positive with afternoon and morning relative humidity. The values of coefficient of determination (R ) were high (0.92 to 0.99), indicated that the population of L. erysimi governed significantly with the weather parameters. It concluded that the temperature (max. 18.7 and min. 5.0 C), relative humidity (morning 91.5 and afternoon 50.5 percent), rainfall (000....

M. D. Maji, N.K.Das, S. Chatterjee, A. Ghosh and A.K. Bajpai

Forecasting models of bacterial leaf spot disease of mulberry for Birbhum district of West Bengal
..., min relative humidity, rainfall and number of rainy days. Step down multiple regression analysis revealed that the forecasting of BLS could best be done from min temp, minimum relative humidity and number of rainy days.


Sitansu Pan and N. K. Mishra

Epidemiological studies on some diseases of guava (Psidium guajava L.) as temperature, total rainfall, number of rainy days and relative humidity on the development of diseases like canker (Pestalotia psidii), anthracnose and die back (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides), stem canker and dry fruit rot (Botryodiplodia theobromae) and Phytophtora fruit rot (Phytophthora nicotianae var parasitica) of guava were analysed for predictive purpose from regression equations. The simple correlation coefficient matrix showed significantly po...

P. Barma and S. Jha

Biology, seasonal activity of fruit fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae Coq.) on pointed gourd (Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.) and weather relations

S. Patra, V.W. Dhote, SK F. Alam, B.C. Das, M.L. Chatterjee and A. Samanta

Population dynamics of major insect pests and their natural enemies on cabbage under new alluvial zone of West Bengal
...e. Relative humidity and rainfall had negative influence on pests and natural enemies during the study period. 


Dinesh Kachhawa and Sahidur Rahman

Factors influencing incidence of red spider mite of tea, Oligonychus coffeae (Nietner) in Assam
...relative humidity, total rainfall and bright sunshine hours were collected for the entire period of study from the Department of Agrometeorology, AAU, Jorhat.The incidence of red spider mite, Oligonychus coffeae on tea leaves was maximum during month of April to May-June and September-October (2011). The minimum number of mites was recorded from July- August and November (2011) to February (2012). The data taken from 1st week of April, 2011 to last week of Mar...

Khurram Shahzad and Mohammad Akmal*

...nts. Because of changing rainfall patterns due to changes in the weather conditions and/or climatic change responses observed in the world, the split application of N is beneficial to the crops in terms to avoid N-mobility in the soil and improve its use efficiency for crops. This study, therefore, aimed to identify split applicarion of N rates and timings for wheat performance in recent weather condiction. Experiment was conducted at Agronomy Research Farm, T...
Muhammad Hannan Ahmed1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1,*, Abu Bakar M. Raza1, M. Afzal1, A. Khaliq1, Yasir Iftikhar2 and Hafiz Muhammad Aatif3
...e, relative humidity and rainfall) also play vital role in the population dynamics of sucking insect pest complex like jassid, aphid, thrips and mites. The present study was conducted on six cotton cultivars (3 Bt and 3 non-Bt) to monitor the population dynamics of thrips in relation to abiotic climatic factors. Interaction effect was found significant in Bt varieties but not for non-Bt cultivars. Average thrips population per leaf ...

Hassan Hashim Ghalib, Syed Attaullah Shah*, Abbas Ullan Jan and Ghaffar Ali 

...mpact of temperature and rainfall on wheat growers’ net-return in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province of Pakistan. Data for this purpose are collected from 255 wheat growers, selected from Southern, Central and Northern climatic zones of KP. Results from descriptive statistical analysis demonstrate that net-return per acre from wheat crop is highest in the Central zone because of conducive agro-climatic conditions. The estimated Cross-sectional Ricardian Mo...

Attaullah Ansari* and Nasreen Memon 

...eover relative humidity, rainfall and cloudiness were also negatively correlated with hoverfly population but their correlation was not significant. Habitat wise variation in average population size, species richness, evenness and diversity index were also calculated. The highest and lowest degrees of population size, richness and evenness and diversity were recorded in agriculture crops and fodder crops, respectively. 


Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Anwar Saeed Khan and Said Alam 

...ecrease in the amount of rainfall but the timing of rainfall is also changed. The study demonstrated mixed type of results about the awareness level of the respondents in relation to climate change. The only adaptation strategy opted by farmers in the study area is change in crop calendar. 

Tasleem Akhtar*, Muhammad Asif Aziz, Muhammad Naeem, Muhammad Sheraz Ahmedand Imran Bodlah relative humidity and rainfall had significantly negative correlation (r= -0.759; P= 0.0041 **, r= -0.715; P= 0.0089 **).

Bashir Ahmad1*, Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Hayad Zada2, Shahid Sattar1, Toheed Iqbal3, Saddam Hussain1 and Muhammad Saeed4 

...e, relative humidity and rainfall on population of Plutella xylostella (L.) in Cauliflower, Brassica oleracea crop at District Haripur of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Field studies results showed that the population of P. xylostella gradually increased from mid of July where the population was 2.1 and 2.0 larvae and pupae per plant in the year 2012 and 2013 respectively. The population increased in September to highest number of larvae and pupae per plant (8.25 and 8.4...

Sidra Majeed, Shahid Ahmad*, Asif Ali Bhatti** and Ghazanfar Abbas***

...o 0.29 kgm-3 of seasonal rainfall. The correlation between seasonal rainfall and water productivity is very high (0.93). There is a strong correlation between seasonal rainfall and yield of barani wheat. The yield of barani wheat grown using chemical fertilizers varied from 0.41 to 3.21 t ha-1 represents an eight-fold variation in the wheat yield of last 10 years (1998-08). There were almo...

 Sarfraz Ahmad, Shaista Koukab, Nayyar Razzaq, Muhammad Islam, Aneel Rose*, and Muhammad Aslam**

...production under natural rainfall was recorded 812 and 252 kgha-1 respectively, at one flush. Matricaria recutita survived under the cold and drought conditions of highlands of Balochistan. Matricaria recutita has also shown regeneration potential on marginal lands. Commercial scale production of M. recutita is possible in highlands of Balochistan. However, further studies are required to evaluate different genotypes/varieties, essential oil contents at variou...

 Muhammad Azeem Khan*, Abid Hussain, Irfan Mehmood and Sonila Hassan **

...ns between mean seasonal rainfall, area and production of major crops were moderately positive and statistically significant (except for wheat crop at Attock). This means that an increase in rainfall contribute positively towards area under major crops and their production and vice-versa. Farmers perceived a major change in climate at Kohat and a minor change at Attock over time. They reported unsustainability in production ...

 Hassnain Shah, Muhammad Azeem Khan, Umar Farooq, Nadeem Akmal*, Shahid Munir and Bashir Hussain**

POTENTIAL FOR INVESTMENT IN INDIGENOUS TECHNOLOGIES: A CASE OF LOW COST SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION STRUCTURES IN RAINFED POTHWAR, PAKISTAN arid climate, erratic rainfall and undulating topography makes land productivity very low and the livelihood of rural people even hard. Soil and water conservation under such an environment could provide the foundation for agricultural and natural resource development. To develop appropriate technologies for increasing land productivity through soil and water conservation, applied research has been carried out during 2001-07 in the rainfed Pothwar area. Low...

 Safdar Ali, Sahiba, M. Azim Malik, Fayyaz-ul-Hassan and M. Ansar*

...di, Pakistan. The annual rainfall at the experimental site during 2009 was 685.9 mm. The -1 experimental soil was of loamy texture having E.C. of 0.48 dscm , pH 7.7, -1 organic matter 0.65%, saturation 30%, available phosphorus 5.7 mg kg -1 and available potassium 78 mg kg . Maize cv. Sargodha-2002 was sown in randomized complete block design (factorial) and was fertilized with four -1 each nitrogen @ 0, 60, 120 and 180 kg ha and phosphorus 0, 30, 60 and 90 -1...

 Saima Rani*, Hassnain Shah*, Umar Farooq** and Bushra Rehman**

...itions and sowing season rainfall positively influence the production of gram and mung. Technological factors by the time trend had given positive impact on the yield and production. Demand analysis revealed that own price elasticity of demand was inelastic and less than one for both pulses. This implied the supply and demand gap of pulses in the country. Thus decline in pulses consumption could be attributed to disproportionate increase in pulses price that w...

 Hassnain Shah*, Nadeem Akmal*, Waqas Farooq*, Muhammad Azeem Khan* and Shahid Munir**

...n cost saved from single rainfall at the demonstration site. One of the important implications drawn in this regard was the need of a shift from site development to skill development. The same was derived as an important recommendation during assessment and evaluation of different demonstration and dissemination activities being conducted under Watershed Project. This shift could catalyze the technology adoption. 


 Usman Shakoor*, Abdul Saboor*, Irfan Baig*, Anila Afzal** and Abdul Rahman***

...ed that much increase in rainfall and mean temperature in long run will negatively affect rice production in future. It is therefore important to follow adequate policy action to safeguard crop productions from disastrous effects. Development of varieties resistant to high temperatures as well as droughts will definitely enhance resilience of rice crop in Pakistan. 


 Ummad-ud-Din Umar*, Muhammad Aslam Khan**, *Ateeq-urRehman*, Abdul Hannan***, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi*, Azhar Ali Khan****, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar****

...s, relative humidity and rainfall were employed as independent variables while PLRV disease incidence served as the response variable. Stepwise regression analysis was performed to select potentially useful predictor variables for model development. In stepwise regression analysis minimum temperature, relative humidity and rainfall emerged as the main contributing environmental variables for disease development. The model pe...

Muhammad Waqar Yasin*, Mobushir Riaz Khan and Muhammad Amin 

...the effect of changes in rainfall and temperature of Punjab, Pakistan on the production of five major crops viz. wheat (triticum), maize (zea mayes), cotton (gossypium), sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) and gram (Cicer arietinum). Firstly, changes in mean temperature and rainfall from 1951 to 2015 were assessed at district level. Secondly, the changes in crop performance were computed through remote sensing and crop reporti...

Aftab Khan, Shahid Ali, Syed Attaullah Shah and Muhammad Fayaz 

...>Rainfall and rainfall square has insignificant effect on net revenue of maize growers. Zone wise analysis of forecasting effects of temperature shows that increase in temperature by 1 °C in 2040-2050 and by 2 °C in 2060-2080 will significantly increase net revenue of maize growers in Northern and Eastern zones, but insignificantly in Central zone. An increase in temperature by 1 °C in 2040-2050 and by 2 °C in 2060-2080 will decrease...

Anish Shrestha* and Samata Baral 

...mate change as change in rainfall pattern, rainfall duration, onset of the monsoon, and changes from summer and winter etc. Some farmers realized the change in climate and its impact on their usual farming practices. But, majority of farmers (57.88%) are still unaware about climate change and how to deal with it. Among total respondent, only 15% of them stated that their source of awareness about climate change was extension...
Ejaz Mahmood Ahmad Qureshi1,*, Amtul Bari Tabinda2, Seemal Vehra3 and Atif Yaqub4
... while with humidity and rainfall; these were significant in only early rainy and early post rainy seasons. It was concluded that higher MIR in mosquitoes indicated increased infectivity in them.

Zubina Hameed1, Muhammad Azim Malik1, Safdar Ali1*, Muhammad Ansar1, Farina Shaheen1, Ijaz Ahmad2 and Khisrao Kalim3 

...arming and dependence on rainfall, people are reluctant to do expenses on chemical control of weeds in wheat. Similarly, due to lack of awareness, they use wheat weeds as animal fodder and the hand weeding affects crop stand and its tillering which ultimately reduces the wheat yield of the pothwar region. So, chemical control of weeds was hypothesized to be the best solution for winter weeds of rainfed wheat’s weeds and for this purpose, a field study wa...

Khush Bukhat Zahid1*, Ghaffar Ali2, Samina Sabir1 and Mohammad Fayaz2 

...-to-year fluctuations in rainfall and temperature in relation to agricultural productivity for the period 1981-2009. For estimation purposes, the production function technique is used to evaluate the relationship between climate and yield variability. The results show that higher amount of rainfall has a negative and significant impact on the production of all crops including wheat, rice and maize. It may be because unexpect...

Muhammad Salman Wazir and Mohammad Akmal 

...the expected increase in rainfall of the changing climate in KP which is expected at the time of the wheat crop at anthesis, three N splits application i.e. NS2 and NS3 are the best options over NS1 for wheat crop in KP. Further, to adding that it minimized lodging resistant of intercrop over sole wheat and that wheat intercrop with fababean has a potential to harvest quality grains with sustainable soil management at wheat – maize cropping system <...

Raza Ullah1* and Jamal Shah

... temperature, changes in rainfall patterns, floods, droughts and heavy rains etc. Farmers adopt available risk coping tools to minimize the impacts of such risks at farm level however, these adoptions require farmers to incur cost or forgo part of the potential benefits from agricultural production. These costs (explicit or implicit) are referred to as the cost of risk management. Previous studies on risk management in agriculture however have ignored such cos...
Kamran Zakaria1*, Noreen Munawar1 and Shafqat Ejaz2
...akistan by examining the rainfall frequencies with the help of global wavelet power spectra. Records from 52 rain gauges were studied and the outcomes of the whole power spectra exhibited a low annual frequency all over the basin; whereas additional frequencies are present with major significance that indicate changes in the rainfall system. While, the calculated global wavelet power spectra showed variable frequencies, they...
Fakhra Soomro1,*, Riffat Sultana2 and Muhammad Saeed Wagan2
... July just after monsoon rainfall, whereas, S. savignyi immature emerges earlier than S. rubescens rubescens and increases their density rapidly in open grounds and rocky areas. Immature stages were found exclusively geophiles in nature and usually giving two generation in a year but occasionally third generation of diapauses eggs of S. savignyi hatched in winter. A comparative key for immature stages of both species was constructed. Almos...

Umar Hayat1, Khalid Khan2, Saima Liaqat3* and Balach Rasheed

... effects of variation in rainfall on economic growth in different provinces of Pakistan. Results show that low rains over the period of time have adversely affected the production, employment, and supply chain of crops. Furthermore, to avoid the adverse effects of climate change in the future, it is suggested to plant more trees and arrange different types of awareness campaign through print media and electronic media. It is also recommended to conserve water ...
Mujahid Niaz Akhtar* and Amjad Farooq
...egative correlation with rainfall and evening relative humidity while negative significant with minimum temperature. Linear regression equation is used to predict bollworm population to minimize economic losses. 

Zeshan Siraj1*, Amjad Farooq1 and Zahid Mehmood2 

...e, relative humidity and rainfall) on different cultivars of Bt. cotton from May-November 2011 -May-November 2013 at cotton research institute, Multan, Pakistan, Jassids appeared in 21st Standard Meteorological Week(SMW)and attain its peak in 36th SMW. Maximum and minimum mean population of jassids (4.19±0.16 and 0.03±0.13 per leaf) was observed in September and November 2011, respectively. Maximum and minimum population of jassids (2.43±0...

Muhammad Waqas, Shahid Ali*, Syed Attaullah Shah and Ghaffar Ali 

... in response to seasonal rainfall were 0.60 and 0.34, respectively. It is recommended that government needs to devise appropriate policies about unirrigated land and use different methods to make it arable for wheat production. Government also needs to make large reservoirs in unirrigated areas in order to store rainfall water for irrigation of unirrigated land for higher wheat production.


Naveed Afsar* and Muhammad Idrees in the long-term mean rainfall over the past decades. The study recommends that farmers should be trained well to more appropriately tackle the menace of climate change, extension workers should be made sure to visit the farmers in their fields on regular basis, and Government should promote information technology in order to properly disseminate the climate change knowledge. 

Muhammad Ramzan1, Unsar Naeem-Ullah1*, Muhammad Ishtiaq1, Ghulam Murtaza2, Mirza Abdul Qayyum1 and Faisal Manzoor1
...emperature, humidity and rainfall on two cotton genotypes; Bt (MNH-992) and Non-Bt (Cyto-124). The four natural enemies i.e. ladybird beetle, green lace wing, syrphid fly and spider were studied. The population of the natural enemies remained active throughout the studied period. The population of green lace wing and ladybird beetle were maximum in June to September, respectively. The study showed that green lace wing and ladybird beetle s...

Sameera Arshad1*, Arshad Mahmood Malik2 and Iftikhar Hussain3 

... (r=0.422, p=0.000), and rainfall (r = 0.242, p = 0.017).Information drawn by this study could be incorporated into bird control practices at the airfield. Management efforts could be intensified during periods of high bird activity.  

Abdul Majeed1*, Muhammad Anwar-ul-Haq2, Abid Niaz3, Abid Mahmood4, Naeem Ahmad1 and Hafiz Muhammad Walyat Ali Khan1
...Increase in temperature, rainfall fluctuations and poor quality water under present climatic conditions has drastic effect on plant physiology and growth. The current research experiment was performed to screen salt tolerant wheat varieties grown in hydroponic and soil medium on the basis of plant photosynthetic rate, potassium (K+) and sodium (Na+) contents. Twenty wheat genotypes/varieties were grown in hydroponic culture, having differ...

Arjumand Nizami1, Jawad Ali2 and Muhammad Zulfiqar

... data on temperature and rainfall change from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region of North-West Pakistan to illustrate that climate change is no longer theoretical. It is real and becoming self-evident. Climate assessment 1981-2010 and future scenario 2010-2040 for KP noted little shifts in the annual average rainfall. However seasonal shifts are rather significant. In all the districts, spring and summer rains are showing an increasi...

Muhammad Asim1*, Asghari Bano2, Sikander Khan Tanveer3 and Muhammad Umair Aslam

...conditions, particularly rainfall induced moisture availability. Hence, the best match between sowing time and the environment prevailed at that time emerged as an important yield determining factor. Overall, grain yield varied between 2.5-4.9 t/ha in these genotypes, between 2.7-4.8 t/h over years and between 2.0-5.1 t/ha across sowing windows. Therefore, greater variation was observed with change in sowing time followed by genotypes. This management strategy...
Nadeem Munawar1,2*, Tariq Mahmood2, Paula Rivadeneira1, Ali Akhter2 and Saqib Mehmood2
...complexity, temperature, rainfall, crop productivity, predation, trampling and grazing, surrounding landscape, and succession of the natural wild vegetation. Livestock grazing, cutting, harvesting (for fuel wood and animal feed) and burning of field boundary vegetation are common practices that affect rodents and their habitat. During crop season, local farmers in the Pothwar agro-ecosystem in Pakistan do not manage wild vegetation on the field edges, and that...

Mudassar Rashid1, Zuhair Husnain2, Usman Shakoor1* and Muhammad Iftikhar ul Husnain in temperature, heavy rainfall, precipitation, floods and drought etc. This paper has empirically examined the effect of climatic variations on cotton productivity in Pakistan. In order to evaluate the climate change, three climatic variables (rainfall, max. temp and min temp) and three non-climatic variables (technology, fertilizer and area) had been used for analysis. Historical climate data from 1981-2015, was collecte...

 Mahmood Alam Khan, Afzal Munir, Muahmmad Shahzad Khattak, Daulat Khan, Muhammad Ajmal

...nd water recharge due to rainfall on yearly basis of Peshawar district Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. Groundwater recharge was estimated by subtracting runoff from the rainfall. The Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) method was used to estimate the runoff produced from rainfall events. As per the data provided by Pakistan Metrological Department, Peshawar, average an...

 Mahmood Alam Khan1*, Afzal Munir1, Muhammad Shahzad Khattak1, Daulat Khan1, Muhammad Ajmal1

...nd water recharge due to rainfall on yearly basis of
Peshawar district Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. Groundwater recharge was estimated by subtracting
runoff from the rainfall. The Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) method was used to estimate the
runoff produced from rainfall events. As per the data provided by Pakistan Metrologi...

Muhammad Usama Hameed*, Zulfiqar Ali Gurmani, Sajjad Khan and Allah Bakhsh 

...rid areas having minimum rainfall up to 300 mm, highly lodging-resistant, late-maturing i.e. stay green till mid May, having up to 12 % crude protein and having green fodder potential up to 100 tones ha-1. PARC-Oat was approved by Variety Evaluation Committee (VEC) in March 2018. 


Adnan Arshad1*, Huma Qamar2, Ristina Siti-Sundari3, Zhang Yue1, Muhammad Zubair2, Muhammad Ali Raza4, Muhammad Habib-ur-Rehman5 and Lizhen Zhang1*

Phenotypic Plasticity of Spineless Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Cultivars in Response to Exogenous Application of Salicylic Acid under Rainfed Climate Conditions
...emperatures, and erratic rainfall are common factors affecting crop productions in rainfed areas worldwide. This research intended to identify spineless Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) performance in acclimating changing climate, as safflower has gained prominence as an oilseed industry due to its hardiness in nature. A two-factor factorial experiment using completely randomized block design (RCBD) followed by five spineless safflower cultivars and five co...
Ateeq Ahmad1, Umar Hayat2, Shahid Ali2*, Hazrat Bilal3, Naveed Ali2, Khan Mir Khan4 and Khalid Khan4
Descriptive Analysis of Water Resources in Pakistan: A Perspective of Climate Change
...r resources and shift in rainfall trend in Pakistan focusing on agriculture sector. Data on rainfall and temperature was taken from (PMD) Pakistan Metrological Department for the period of 1980-2011. The data was analyzed through descriptive statistical tolls and Arc GIS 9.8. Result suggests that climate change has severe implications on variation in temperature and rainfall of Pakistan. T...

Asif Ali Abro1* and Iqbal Ahmed Panhwar2

Impact of Various Factors on Crop Diversification Towards High Value Crops in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis by using THI
... the effects of climate, rainfall was adopted in the model and showed a negative and significant relationship with crop diversification. It was found that development of infrastructure received a low priority in rural areas and it is recommended that cold storage in relevant areas, vibrant roads net work and consistency in power supply for cold storage should be developed on priorities basis that will help to minimize the post harvesting losses. The judicious ...

Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Atiq Ur Rahman and Anwar Saeed Khan

Assessment of Irrigation Development in the Small Dams Command Area: A Case Study of Palai Dam, District Charsadda
... and mostly dependent on rainfall for irrigation. The development and management of water resources are of extreme importance for the sustainable development of agriculture specifically in rain-fed areas. Palai dam is a small irrigation dam, constructed on River Jindi, some 40 km north of Charsadda town. The present study is an attempt to evaluate the impact of the Palai dam on the irrigation system of selected villages of tehsil Tangi. The study is based on a...

Chibuzo Uzoma Izuogu1*, Robert Ugochukwu Onyeneke1, Loveday Chukwudi Njoku1, Gillian Chidozie Azuamairo1 and Mary Chikerenma Atasie2


Repositioning Nigeria’s Agricultural Extension System Towards Building Climate Change Resilience
... environment. Changes in rainfall pattern have made it cumbersome for effective implementation of extension advice in real time. Training needs of extension workers for climate change resilience among others include the need to bridge digital divide, implementation of strategies for a better interface with development partners and optimization of the use indigenous mitigation strategies for climate change. The review recommends that essential strategies that m...
Umair Faheem1*, Qaisar Abbas1, Saghir Ahmad2, Ghayour Ahmad2, Abdul Karim2and Mussurat Hussain1
...lative humidity (RH) and rainfall (RF) on population fluctuation or dynamics of the A. biguttula biguttula. It was found that there is a direct relationship between A. biguttula biguttula population and temperature. While, no significant correlation of A. biguttula biguttula population with the RH except two years (2014 and 2016) where, it has shown positive correlation. RF mostly has significantly positive correlation with A. biguttula...
Nowsher Yousaf1*, Bushra Khan1, Dennis Flanagan2 and Ishaq Ahmad Mian3
...pacity, soil texture and rainfall on soil erosion occurring under various land use land cover (LULC) in the study area. Soil erosion was monitored through erosion pipes over the period from 2016 to 2017 in three different vegetation density zones i.e. dense forest, moderate forest and agriculture land. Results showed that the amount of rainfall, soil texture and soil infiltration capacity were important factors affecting soi...
Muhammad Hamayoon Khan*, Niaz Hussain Khuhro, Muhammad Awais, Muhammad Usman Asif and Raza Muhammad
...tive humidity (R.H.) and rainfall were found to have a negative correlation with B. zonata abundance. Correlation analysis of B. dorsalis catches with respect to meteorological data revealed a significantly positive correlation of monthly captured flies with all the climatic factors such as maximum temperature, minimum temperature, R.H. and sunshine duration except the mean monthly rainfall.
Ijaz Haider1*, Muhammad Akhtar1, Ali Noman2 and Muhammad Qasim3
...e, relative humidity and rainfall on the adult population of these pests was also studied. The population of these pests was monitored on the light trap from March to November from 2000 to 2014 in rice wheat cropping system. Yellow stem borer (YB), white stem borer (WB) and pink stem borer (PB) first appeared on the light trap in March when average temperature was 18°C. YB and WB had first peak population in mid-April at temperatures 30-33°C while seco...
Muhammad Tahir Waseem1, Abdul Majid Khan1*, Abdul Ghaffar2, Ayesha Iqbal1 and Rana Manzoor Ahmad1,3
...itation source or amount rainfall through time. We suspect that grasslands expanded at the expense of forests towards the latest Miocene while environment became drier and warmer. These analyses also reveal that hipparionines shifted from C3 browsing to mixed C3/C4 and to C4diet at the end of Miocene.
Grace Okongor, Chukwudi Njoku*, Pauline Essoka and Joel Efiong
...text-align: justify;">), rainfall volume (p = 0.393), temperature (p = 0.235) and relative humidity (
Chen Tongde1, Fakher Abbas1, Jiao Juying1, Shahzada Sohail Ijaz2*, An Shoshan1, Muhammad Ansar3, Qaiser Hussain2, Mah-Noor Azad2 andAyaz Ahmad2 erosion was caused by rainfall and runoff on excavated slopes, dump slopes, roadside slopes and brick factories. Due to overgrazing, gravity erosion and gully erosion also occurred in some natural hillsides. The range of soil erosion of the 15 investigation units was about 5.14~133.89 t ha-1 year-1. The soil erosion in Pothohar Plateau mainly occurred in construction land. The soil erosion caused by development and construction project...
Dara Jaff1,2* and Michael C. Jarvis
...e with wide variation in rainfall from year to year. Vigorous vegetative growth is needed for yield when drought terminates growth early, but this character can lead to lodging in years with above average rainfall. Barley cultivars and landraces bred adapted to these conditions have thinner straw than higher-yielding cultivars adapted to more favourable growing conditions and may lodge in a different way. Using straw dimensi...
Saira Batool1, Safdar Ali Shirazi1 and Syed Amer Mahmood2*
...mputed soil erodibility, rainfall erodibilty, topographic-length-slope, crop management and conservation factor reveal interesting results and are in accordance with the local estimations that agree with each other well. The output maps indicate that the approximated total possible soil loss annually of about 92.6 million tons is equivalent to the calculated sediments of 148 tons/ha. Chakwal watershed is acutely facing severe erosion due to its soil characteri...

Md. Ariful Islam, Md. Badol Ashraf and Md. Mahmudul Alam*

...rgical affections. Heavy rainfall and high humidity have made this region a vulnerable place for the prevalence of surgical affections in calves. This study has correlated between different variables and the prevalence of surgical affections in Mymensingh district. Variables like sex, breed and season have found to be influenced the abundance of surgical diseases in the study area. The outcome of this study will add to the existing knowledge on the effects of ...

Muhammad Fiyyaz1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Muhammad Aftab2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Sarfraz Hussain3, Ayesha Zafar1, Imran Shehzad1 and Aneela Riaz4

...high temperature and low rainfall. Different sources of organic matters such as farm yard manure, poultry waste, rice husk etc. can increase productiveness of soil. Combined usage of poultry waste material and chemical fertilizer improved maize growth and health of soil. This experiment comprised of 11 treatments applied under completely randomized design like, T1 = chemical fertilizers at recommended rate, T2 = chemical fertilizers at half recommended rate, T...

Amar Iqbal Saqib, Khalil Ahmed*, Muhammad Khalid Bhatti, Ghulam Qadir, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz, Muhammad Ashfaq Anjum, Abdul Rasul Naseem, Aftab Ahmad Sheikh and Belqees Akhter due to unpredictable rainfall changes and farming community is compelled to use underground brackish water. Therefore, a lysimetric study was undertaken to remediate hazardous effects of brackish water on rice-wheat crops through practicable and economical methods in two different textured soils. Treatments were: (A) Types of soils. 1) sandy loam, 2) clay loam, (B) Remedial strategies, 1). canal water, 2) saline-sodic tube well water (continuous), 3) three...

Nusrat Habib

...emperature rise, erratic rainfall, and land sliding were the main climatic hazards perceived by women. During the risks, the most vulnerable people were women and children. Women’s household activities burden doubled during the disaster days comparing with their male member’s counterparts. Women contribute significantly to adaptation and resilience to climatic extremes. The drivers of their resilience are hard work and diversity of livelihood resou...

Aiman Amur1*, Nasreen Memon1, Pervaiz Khan2 and Fozia Gull3

...ature (r=0.587, r=0.81), rainfall (r=0.194, r=0.43), Humidity (r=0.064, r=0.21) and wind velocity (r=0.773, r=0.58), respectively. This relationship of abiotic factors clearly shows that pest emergence increase with peak season of host and ecology of field. This research work indicated about pest alarming occurrence time, correlation of environmental factors and suggesting future pest management strategies for controlling Pest.

Muhammad Usman Asif*, Raza Muhammad, Waseem Akbar, Mubasshir Sohail, Muhammad Awais and Javed Asgher Tariq

Sanjeela Sabahat1*, Juliya Abbasi2, Mushtaq Ahmad1, Saima Mumtaz1, Taj Naseeb Khan1, Sudheer Tariq1 and Muhammad Imran1

...ction in Pakistan. Heavy rainfall, along with hailstorms causes damage at the fruit initiation stage. Moreover, the rainfall also lead to the leaching down of the essential micronutrients in strawberry farms. In this study we have tested the foliar application of four micronutrients, iron, zinc, copper and boron, at different concentrations under tunnel conditions on strawberry cv. Chandler at Horticultural Research Institut...

Tamoor Ali1*, Muhammad Hamid Bashir1, Bilal Saeed Khan1, Abdul Ghaffar2, Danish Riaz3, Muhammad Zia ul Haq1, Shoaib Nawaz1, Aneeb Ali1, Iftikhar ul Hassan1, Ikram Ul Haq4, Muhammad Khuram Shahzad1, Usama Saleem5 and Tamsila Nazir2

...ips, whitefly and jassid rainfall, relative humidity and sunlight exposure had negative effects.The moisture having negative response with the whitefly and intermediate with the thrips population while with the jassid it exhibited positive correlation. Sucking pests also had an influence on the yield factor.


Asif Sadam1*, Rahmat Ullah Khan1, Sajid Mahmood1 and Juma Gul2

... species. The pattern of rainfall is changing and frequency of extreme events increasing due to urbanization and rapidly increasing average global temperature. These changes are having observable impacts on biodiversity at species level and ecosystem level, in terms of distribution, composition and function. Mardan district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has different habitats; it represents a useful ecological model to identify the effect of habitat heterogeneity on b...

Chukwudi Njoku1*, Inyang Etim-Inyang2, Prince-Charles Itu1 and Arinze Uzoezie1

...riables (temperature and rainfall intensity). The criteria and threshold for siting Tilapia cage culture were adopted from previous studies and processes such as classification, buffering, interpolation, slope analyses, single and multiple Structured Query Languages (SQL). The analyses divulged 23 river sites that are suitable for setting up Tilapia cage culture in the State, all covering a total of 18.44 square kilometers (4.49 percent) of the water bodies in...

Honnakerappa S. Ballari1 and Shashikant S. Udikeri2*

...ayapur population, a low rainfall area. The cross resistance was significant amongst similar groups and negative in a selective pattern. Quinolphos, lambda cyhalothrin and profenphos with high r = -8 to -9 appeared to be choice for rotation a resistance management strategy.


Judith Kiptoo1*, Daniel Mutisya2, Paul Ndegwa1, Ruth Amata3, Lucy Irungu4 and Rotich Godfrey5

...sults showed that modest rainfall amounts favoured high density populations of PPNs on citrus roots where soil types of Rackers in Baringo and Luvisols, Ferralsols and Cambisols in Machakos County were dominant. Tylenchulus, Meloidogyne and Helicotylenchus species were most abundant in Kitale, Taita-Taveta, Kilifi and Kwale. The results presented here show how possible population density of PPNs in varied soil class types, rainfall

Nurul Isnaini*, Akhmad Kurniawan, Muhammad Nur Ihsan, Dedes Amertaningtyas, Artharini Irsyammawati, Faizal Andri explore the effect of rainfall on cow and calf performance raised under oil palm and cattle integrated farming system. Indonesian local cows (n=200) and Brahman crossbred bulls (n=10) were raised under oil palm and cattle integrated farming system. Data were collected for cow and calf performance from two consequent calvings that were distributed into two groups according to the rainy days and rainfall ...

Khurram Sheraz* and Taj Ali Khan

...mperature (oC) and total rainfall (mm) for the different stations lying in the upper Indus River basin of Pakistan. The observed time series were categorized into monthly, seasonal, seasonally-based, and annual time series for investigating trends. The analysis showed that winters have experienced significant warming over the study area except for stations Nowshera and Parachinar while summers are experiencing decreasing temperature trends.

Shahid Hameed Khan Khalil1*, Abdus Subhan3, Ghani Akbar1, Muhammad Asif1, Zafar Islam1, Adnan Shakeel1 and Fawad Anwar2 

...e less than 150mm annual rainfall.


Aiman Amur1*, Nasreen Memon1, Khalida Unar2 and Roshan Jamali3

..., r= 0.77 respectively), rainfall (r = -0. 45, r= 0.82 respectively), Humidity (r=- 0.37, r = - 0.024, respectively) and wind velocity (r=-0.62, r= -0.419, respectively). Current status of fruit flies shows that all the factors of ecology, directly are indirectly impact on the progress physically and reproductively enhance the growth of Bactrocera dorsalis. These ecological correlations play key role in development of pest.


Muhammad Umair1,2, Muhammad Naeem1, Asad Jamil3 and Muhammad Younas2,4*

...High temperature and low rainfall lead to accumulation of salt on the soil surface. Moreover, the low organic matter status of soils further worsens the soil conditions. All these factors have severely reduced soil productivity. There is need for some sustainable management practices for rehabilitation of degraded soils in arid zones. Application of organic matter under these conditions can restore the soil productivity. So, use of biochar for soil restoration...

Muhammad Sohail1* , Zubair Ali1, Hamidullah1, Yasir Amin1, Mehwish Malik1, Said Sajjad Ali Shah2 

...y terrain, where 1195 mm rainfall observed throughout the year. The animals of the LES Jaba are sent for grazing on the pasture with naturally grown at evening stall feeding is also practiced. It was observed from the data obtained that in sheep mixed infections were very common (30.4%) followed by Strongylus (21.6%), Eimeria spps. (15.5%) and Haemonchus (2.5%). Likewise, mixed infections were also high but slightly lower in goats (25.5%) as compared to sheep ...

Muhammad Yaseen1, Muhammad Luqman1*, Sheer Abbas2, Usman Saleem1, Abdul-Gafar Ahmed3 and Muhammad Salman Aslam1

...emperature and irregular rainfalls. It is also observed and categorized the sources through information are collected by farmers about changing in climate conditions. In this study, local adaption practices and strategies, private and government institutional support and efforts, national adaption policies and strategies are also surveyed at different scale.


Bismillah Khan1*, Muhammad Mehran Anjum1,2*, Maaz Ullah1, Izharullah1, Aftab Ahmad3 and Jawad Akbar1

...ture and distribution of rainfall due to which the incidence of new weeds occurs which cause a serious threat to our main crops. A study was carried out on “Evaluation of weeds density for local and Chinese lines in northern Pakistan under different sowing intervals” during winter season 2020-2021. The experimental design was used randomized complete block (RCB) with split plot arrangement replicated thrice. Treatments were consisted of sowing date...

Imtiaz Khan1*, Bashir Ahmad1, Ahmad ur Rahman Saljoqi1, Shah Alam Khan1, Javed Khan3 and Muhammad Azim Khan2

...emperature, humidity and rainfall). The correlation between leaf length and leaf width with P. perpusilla (eggs clusters and nymphs/adults) was significantly positive, the correlation of P. perpusilla (eggs clusters and nymphs/adults) with cane length was non-significant but positive while negative non-significant correlation was found between P. perpusilla (eggs clusters and nymphs/adults) population and cane diameter. The population of P. perpusilla on sugar...

Ahmad Noor and Malik Muhammad Shafi*

... the community needs and rainfall was only recharge method. Boreholes pumping technique was used mostly for irrigation. The Logit model investigated the impact of climate change was responsible for 73 percent variation in groundwater level. These climate factors included precipitation (Rainfall), temperature, humidity and delayed seasons. Rain patterns such as decrease in rainfalls with lo...

Salman Ahmad1*, Muhammad Asim1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed2, Muhammad Atiq3, Yasir Ali4, Hafiz Bashir Ahmad5, Malik Abdul Rehman6 and Naeem Akhtar7

...minimum temperatures and rainfall also showed positive and significant correlation with CG, while relative humidity showed not significant correlation with CG. During current study, maximum temperature, minimum temperature and rainfall explained maximum, i.e., 79, 76 and 83% variability in ACP population, respectively. The incidence of CG was observed higher (45%) in Faisalabad while lower (21.67%) in Multan. Similarly, yiel...

Farooq Jan1*, Abdur Rauf1, Ikramullah Khan1, Muhammad Yasin2, Muhammad Qayash3, Hazrat Wali1, Muhammad Luqman1, Fayaz Asad4 and Muhammad Khalid5

...perature, wind speed and rainfall are the factors that influence pollen of Broussonetia papyrifera only during the spring seasons and the Dandelion, Cannabis sativa and Eucalyptus globulus pollen grains are influence throughout the year. As a result, the total pollen counts in the atmosphere increased due to Broussonetia papyrifera throughout the year.


Umana Niazi, Muhammad Mushtaq*, Mehwish Kanwal and Momina Raheem

...number of factors, like, rainfall uncertainties, low yielding varieties, diseases, insect and rodent pests etc. (Okello et al., 2010; Parshad, 1999).


Shaista Ilyas1, Safdar Ali1, Amer Habib1, Misbah Ali1,2, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan3*, Yasir Iftikhar3, Muhammad Usman Ghani4,5 and Muhammad Umair1

...humidity, wind speed and rainfall. The results revealed that there was negative correlation between maximum temperature and disease development. It could be concluded that the application of nutrients alone and in combination caused significant reduction in disease severity and enhanced the plant growth. 


Khalid Hussain1*, Tanvir Hussain2 and Muhammad Inamullah Khan3

...d the year 2000 C.E, the rainfall ratio was found to be on the decline, whereas the tem perature was on the rise; this phenomenon triggered fast radial growth. Moreover, increase in the diameter of the vessels was observed in the species more probably as a result of rise in mean annual temperature and decline in the precipitation in the area. 


Nurul Fajeriana1*, Akhmad Ali1 and Retno Puspa Rini2

...opsoil is washed away by rainfall, it becomes evident that agricultural productivity declines. In areas with steep slopes, loss of topsoil is associated with water flowing downhill. Based on these factors, the study was conducted to compare and analyze soil tillage and contour-oriented planting models with the aim of minimizing erosion and surface runoff. This research was carried out on land with a 23% slope and featured three treatments, i.e., N0 (plots with...

Muhammad Qazzafi Khan1, Iqtidar Hussain1, Ejaz Ahmad Khan1, Sara Zafar2*, Zuhair Hasnain3* and Moneeza Abbas4

... often depends on winter rainfall which may delays its planting in the season. Between November 10 and December 20, there were five planting dates that were spaced 10 days apart in a 3 replications of a split-plot layout in a randomised complete block design. The impact of planting dates on types and advance lines was examined using both main plots and sub plots. On days to maturity, the data were kept, spike length, grains/spike, 1000-grain weight and yield. ...

LAILA SHAHZAD*1, ARIFA TAHIR2 & FAIZA SHARIF3 year. The mean annual rainfall of thirty years was recorded as 1471.27 mm with a decreasing trend of 0.9484 annually. Descriptive analysis showed that 83.5% and 40.5% of respondents observed change in temperature and increase in annual rainfall respectively. Local residents of the area were more vulnerable to climate change and natural hazards due to their poor socio-economic conditions and previous disasters history. In ...

Ndubuisi Chinedu Adikuru1*, Paul Inyang2, Abraham Agwu Ngwuta1, Chinyere Prisca Anyanwu1 and Rosemond Adaohuru Alagba1

...ia emanates from altered rainfall pattern caused by climate variability and change. Selected maize (Zea mays) varieties developed for drought tolerance were evaluated over two years to identify those which could be included in the strategy for adapting to climate variability and change in the rainforest agroecology of Nigeria. The treatments were ten (10) maize varieties (eight drought tolerant varieties, an improved hybrid adapted to the location and a landra...

Naveed Akhtar, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir*, Azizullah, Aamir Ali

...erature and negative for rainfall and humidity. This work is the first to characterize coccinellids biodiversity from Pakistan’s maize crops. The research will aid in employing the ladybeetles as bio-control agents for effective Integrated Pest Management (IPM) of maize growing zones in Pakistan and across the globe.  
Novelty Statement | In this study, the biodiversity, seasonal abund...

Salim Saifullah, Muhammad Ilyas, Bashir Ullah and Sanam Zarif Satti*

...ncluding temperature and rainfall patterns, which directly influence plant growth and metabolism. Rosehips are used in the production of a variety of sweets and beverages, including syrup, marmalade, jellies, and jams. Therefore, high vitamin C content as well as TDW and TSS characteristics for rosehips are desired and preferable.

Muhammad Ilyas1 *, Sanam Zarif Satti2 , Bashir Ullah3 and Salim Saif Ullah4
...altitude and more annual rainfall in Mansehra, which increase the organic matter content, resulting in reduced soil pH and bulk density as well as increased moisture-holding capacity of the soil.

Keywords: Soil Charateristics, Peshawar, Mansehra....
Tanvir Hussain and G. M. Nasir availability of rainfall has been found favoring the growth of this tree species....
Sarfraz Ahmad, Sarwat N. Mirza and Muhammad Islam
... evaluated under natural rainfall regimes to assess its potential of germination and establishment under drill and broadcast seeding treatments for range improvement in highland Balochistan. Seeds of S. vermiculata germinated in both treatments with higher germination percentage in drill seeding. Apparently, no differences were observed for seedling survival and seedling establishment between drill and broadcast methods. The seedlings of S.vermiculat...
Sardar Muhammad Rafique and Saliheen Khan
...eceives less than 250 mm rainfall per annum About 20 percent area is semi-arid where rainfall varies between 250-400 mm per annum In these zones temperature rises steeply during summer and drops sharply in winter giving rise to great variations in diurnal temperature Subsequently the arid and semi-arid parts of the country are characterized by low precipitation, extreme temperatures and low humidity These conditions are inho...
M. Said and Tahir Hussain
... limiting factors of low rainfall and scanty ground water supply the economy of this region has been and will continue to be primarily pastoral. Improvements of forage supply for livestock from the grazing lands is an obvious necessity. A range and pasture improvement scheme has been started at Maslakh near Quetta as a pilot project to evolve techniques of range and pasture improvement in this region. The project extends over an area of 115,040 acres.
...nd semi-arid conditions (rainfall between 300-900 mm per annum) exotic species like Prosopis chilensis, P. alba and P. pallida exhibited 1 and half to 3 times better growth than P. cineraria indicating the scope of improvement of exotic Prosopis species on marginal and low nutrient lands in the country including saline and waterlogged areas. Large scale planting of these species is therefore, recommended in the country....
K. M. Siddiqui
...lows the distribution of rainfall. However, temperature also affects it to some extent. The total number of bamboo species worldwide is 1250, out of which Asia has 900 species. Almost all countries of Asia have either natural forests or man-made plantations of bamboo. In Asia the widespread distribution of some bamboo species parallel man's past migration. Bamboo may also have traveled along the several ancient maritime spice routes between China,...
Javed Afzal, Abdul Sattar Alvi and Sarwat Naz Mirza
...h fickle and unreliable rainfall, skeletal soil which induces high rate of albedo, and desiccating winds which all in combination, adversely affect the plant built-up. Adding to the woes, whatever meager plant cover is available that is also depleting rapidly. The depletion is being caused mainly by an absolute lack of grazing management by the flock owners and by the extraction of shrubs and bushes for fuel. Valuable grasses like Washta/Hadden (
K. M. Siddiqui and Saliheen Khan
...equivalent to 750 mm of rainfall) to support grasses, scrub and coniferous forest.

The population of Northern Areas was estimated at 800,000 in 1993. Most people live in small villages and towns in the valleys and lower foothills. Cultivated and orchard land is nearly all irrigated. Recently, Forestry Sector Master Plan used satellite imagery to determine land use in this area (FSMP, 1993). Its data are reproduced below. Since, 4.7 million ha we...

Abdur Rauf Khan, Farrukh Siyar Hamid and Naseer Ahmad
...soils. The area receives rainfall ranging from 1000 mm to 1200 mm per annum with mean minimum and maximum temperatures of -1°C and 32°C respectively. It has been reported by Kathiravetpillai and Kulasegaram (1986) that tea can best be grown on loam and sandy loam soil with pH of about 5.0. Further, Mann (1935) found that tea could be grown on sites with mean monthly minimum temperature of -5°C to 20°C and maximum of 20°C to 30°C ...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...ster. Simultaneously low rainfall, high temperature and poor edaphic conditions affected the plants adversely. Some studies on spacing were laid out in the country in 1969 but the treatments were not properly replicated and distributed. To find a possible answer to these questions this PL-480 study was started in Change Manga irrigated plantation in February, 1976....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...atypical desert with low rainfall, hot and desiccating winds, sand storms, scarce water and food and of course, the poverty stricken people. Although the need for development of this tract was felt since long but the project could materialize only after 1947 when refugees from across the border created tremendous pressure on the meager land resources of newly created Pakistan. To give to the poor new comers out programme of construction of canals, road...
M.I. Sheikh
...h Daggar Kotli (av. ann. rainfall 250 mm) an experiment was laid out in split plot design to determine the effect of depth of planting on the survival and growth of Acacia aneura. Acacia modesta and Tecoma undulata under barani conditions in July, 1980 using six replications. Twenty five plants of each species were planted in a replication in each depth of planting at 2 x 2 metres spacing. The plants were planted at two depths i.e. 30 cm and 18...
M. I. Shiekh and S. M. Khan
... near Peshawar (Av. Ann. rainfall 350 mm). Since lot of intervening space was available, it was decided to reseed the area with grasses such as Cenchrus ciliaris and Panicum antidotale. The selection of these two grasses was based on the fact that both of these are hardy, high yielders, palatable and nutritious. ...
K.M. Siddiqui, M.I. Sheikh and S. Rehman
...mesic habitat under high rainfall conditions. The saplings raised at 1300m.atitude and under controlled conditions exhibited better growth thus assign in early screening of progenies/clones. The species can be easily propagated asexually and the application of hormone had no significant effect on rooting. The narrow and broad-sense heritability was low emphasizing the importance of uniform site conditions and inclusion of a large number of progenies and...
M.I. Sheikh, B. H. Shah and A. Aleem
...esert) 200mm av. annual rainfall and 45°C av.minimum and 45°C av. max temperature. Pits were prepared having 0.5 meter diameter and 0.2 meter deep. Plants were raised in 30 cm and 15 cm long polythene tubes. Three tree species viz: Acacia aneura, A. tortilis and Tecoma undulata were planted at two depths i.e., 30 and 18 cm in July 1980. After one and half year it was found that in deep planting 64% plants of all species survived and...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...mrud, Peshawar (av. ann. rainfall 350 mm). The soil is sandy loam, with scattered pebbles in the soil horizon as the areas has been an old bed. One year old plants of 3 species viz. Acacia victoriae, Acacia aneura (Australia) and A. tortilis (Sudan) were planted in August 1979. One hand watering was given at the time of planting. 16 plants of each species were planted in one plot at 2 x 2 m, in 5 replications; 80 plants each of the three species,...
Raja Mohammad Ashfaque and Anjum Amin
...0 meters with an average rainfall of about 600 mm. Soil is mainly formed of shale and sandstone with a moderate amount of organic matter suitable for plant growth. Pinus roxburghii forms the major overhead storey with shrubs Myrsine africana, Berberis lycium, Indigofera spp. as understorey. The ground flora is occupied by grasses like Digitaria spp., Agrostis gigantea, Agropyron dentatum, Cymbopogon spp., Eleusine compressa, The...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh, B.H. Shah and A. Aleem
...t, about 78.14% of total rainfall received by the catchment plot. The next better treatments are mudplaster (soil + cowdung). Polythene sheet cover and sodium carbonate spray which produced 10.43 m3, 10.36m3 and 9.99 m3 runoff respectively. While cement plaster, asphalt cover lime concretion cover mechanical stabilization and natural grass cover proved ineffective in increasing the runoff, as these collected only 7.75 m3<...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...itute, Peshawar (average rainfall 300 mm)....
G. M. Khattak Dr. and Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...t. Because of inadequate rainfall and steep slopes, only physical weathering of rocks - mainly conglomerate, limestones, sandstones, shales Mias occurred. And the properties of soils are generally determined by their depth, texture, gravel content, water infiltration and moisture holding capacity, and by topography and drainage. About one third of the area comprises bare rock. Over the rest the soil is shallow, light grey brown, gravelly clay loam with a surfa...
Mohammad Noor
...ditions at Peshawar (av, rainfall 350 mm) in eleven blocks. Festuca arundinacea (R.M. No.70) produced maximum green and air dried forage in April 1978. There was no significant difference of forage production amongst the Medicago spp. and Vicia spp. Forage production of grasses was significantly more as compared to Medicago spp. and Vicia spp. However, Festuca arundinacea (70), Loium perenne (334) and Lolium...
Abdul Aleem
...f the scanty and erratic rainfall is received in spring. Based on 40 years record, the average annual rainfall of Gilgit and Skardu is 130 and 160 mm respectively (App.1). Most of the area is mountainous and is used for grazing. Agriculture is confined to about 10% of the area, in the narrow valleys. Land holdings are very small, about 0.1 to 0.4 ha. The main crops grown are cereals which supply about ...
Mohammad Hanif
...o December 1978) 4828 mm rainfall was received in 348 rainy days. Of this, 3536 mm (73%) occurred in 143 rainstorms and was effective to produce runoff. The capacity of the experimental watershed to reduce runoff and sediment decreased from 1973 to1977 due probably to the siltation of check dams and the destruction of vegetation. It started rising in 1978 due probably to repairs to spillways, and better protection from grazing. ...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...2440 m A.S.L.), av. ann. rainfall 380 mm, average maximum and minimum temperatures 18.3°C and 4.1°C respectively, a study was started in May, 1976 using Cupressus arizonica as the test species. The method involves supply of water direct to the plant roots through sub-surface irrigation. Since there would be no loss of water due to evaporation or seepage, the plants are supplied with a quantity just sufficient for their survival and growth....
M. I. R. Khan
...mate. The average annual rainfall of Abu Dhabi is hardly 40 mm with most of the precipitation falling in winter months. A considerable amount of moisture condenses on the ground and vegetation in the form of dew. The atmospheric humidity is very high especially in the coastal belt throughout the year on account of the close proximity of the Gulf. From May to October temperatures range between 35°C to over 50°C in the middle of the day and they vary b...
Mirza Hakim Khan Dr.
...ropical with mean annual rainfall of about 500 mm mean maximum temperature of about 37°C for June and mean minimum temperature of 0°C got January, with definite but not severe frost period. Three plant communities' viz. Rhazya stricta, Salvadora oleoides, Acaia modesta, Olea cuspidata, Dodonaea viscosa and Cymbopogon jwarancusa, Cenchrus ciliaris, Dodonaea viscose occur. ...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...nt near Peshawar (annual rainfall 300 mm) has shown the superiority of P. deltoides 7-63/51 over P. deltoides, 7-90/60, 7-72/51, 7-69/55, 7-18/62 and P. euramericana cv. 7-214. Since this study was located in the Northern region (Lat. 34.2° N), of the country, it was considered desirable to test most of these and some other clones further south (31.4° N)....
Abeedullah Jan
...emperature and plenty of rainfall provides favourable conditions for afforestation and farming. China was extremely poor before liberation. The country was divided into segments which were held under sway and domination by the colonial powers. The people were addicted to opium, diseases were common, agriculture production was low, floods were too much and too many and famine was almost an annual feature. Natural resources were available but they ...
M. A. Quraishi, A. Khalique, Shahida Perveen and Perveen Akhtar in Baluchistan. The rainfall in this area is extremely low, erratic and climate conditions tend to be extreme during most parts of the year with high insolation, wind velocity and evaporation; and low soil moisture. Under such conditions the natural regeneration of this species is scanty and efforts are being made to plant it.
The aim of the present investigation was to gain information about the water balance factors of this species under na...
G. M. Khattak and Abdul Aleem
...f water at planting. The rainfall during 1975 and 1976 was 439 and 554mm respectively (annual average 377mm). On 5-1-1977 the survival of E. camaldulensis was 97% against 52 for Z. mauritiana and 53 for C. siliqua. The mean height of E. camaldulensis was 5m and mean diameter 5cm....
M.Ismail Chaudhry and Bashir Hussain Shah
...hilly areas with enough rainfall such as Murree, Hazara, Swat, Tribal belt of N.W.F.P. and Azad Kashmir. The poplars are very heavily infested by leaf stitchers and defoliatois in the plains but are quite safe from their attack in hills. Unfortunately hybrid poplars are seriously attacked by poplar stem and root borer, Apriona cinerea Chev. in hilly areas....

Fadia W. Al-Azawi1* , Huda M. Hamid2, Husam Jasim Mohammed1 and Jan Muhammad3

...e forecasts for usage in rainfall scenarios. The study aim to prepare maps to predicate rainfall changes in the twenty-two stations over a wide range of Iraq. Rainfall data for 100 years from 1951-2050 were analyzed and annual rainfall amounts predicated to measure the amount of rainfall in the Region of Interest (ROI)...

Ali Nawaz*, Qazi Bilal Ahmed, Anwar Ali, Nowsherwan Zarif, Faizan Ahmad and Asim Karim 

...ive humidity, and annual rainfall from 1985 to 2022. Data sourced from the PFI Meteorological Observatory reveals significant trends in these variables. The findings indicate an upward trajectory in both maximum and minimum temperatures, with rates of 0.6°C per decade for maximum temperature and 0.4°C per decade for minimum temperature. Conversely, relative humidity displays a declining trend of 2.83% per decade, while annual r...

Auras Muhi Taha*, Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim, Hassanein Abduladeem, Mohammed Qais Yassen, Omaima Khalid Ahmed and Tabark Najim Abdul-Allah

...oration due to decreased rainfall and the use of poor-quality water for irrigation, in addition to increased concentrations of salts that continuously accumulate in the soil without leaching it.


Hassan Ismail Musa1,3*, Latiffah Hassan1, Chandrawathani Panchadcharam2, Zunita Zakaria1, Saleha Abdul Aziz1 

...ence and average monthly rainfall. There was a moderate but non-significant positive correlation (r =0.47, 95% CI, 0.13-0.82, p=0.11) between disease prevalence and average monthly rainy days and weak and non-significant correlation (r =-0.23, 95% CI, 0.71-0.39, p=0.47) with the average monthly wind speed. Animal melioidosis is widespread within Peninsular Malaysia where the disease appears to occur more in the domestic compared to wild animals. The study show...

Muhammad Ahmad1, Safdar Ali1*, Amer Habib1, Muhammad Usman Ghani2,3, Humaira Kalsoom4, Yasir Iftikhar5 and Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan5*

... (temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed) were studied in relation to disease development and different chemicals were tested for disease control. The varieties sown in randomized complete block design (RCBD) for screening purpose and were categorized by using disease rating scale. The recorded data was statistically analyzed using ANOVA and the LSD value (p=0.05) was determined. In varieties screening test, among the 7 varieties selected, none was immune...

Mujahid Ali1*, Malik Muhammad Akram2, Emily Silverman3, Asif Iqbal1, Muhammad Mohsan1, Haseeb Ahsan4

...bal warming, and lack of rainfall are worsening agricultural losses in this arid environment. More awareness is needed in the farming community to focus on water-saving strategies, water budgeting, and using monitoring software to evaluate areas to conserve water. Government policies to equally distribute irrigation water would solve and save the country from this impending crisis. There is a need to improve storage capacity by building dams, reservoirs, and w...

Saiqa Jehan1*, Tahir Sarwar1, Naveedullah1, Shahzad Khan Khattak2 and M. Jamal Khan3 

...nge, which has effect on rainfall and seasonal temperature pattern of the area. Almost all the respondents reported that deforestation is the primary factor contributing to climate change. There is moderate decrease in the frequency of summer and winter rainfall. Number of flood events has risen as summer rainfall intensity has increased and its duration has decreased. Similarly, risk of f...

Faheem Ali* and Amjad Farooq

..., relative humidity, and rainfall) of Multan city was assessed during 2014-2016. In this study, Aedes larvae were collected by using the entomological dipping method and identified in the laboratory. The results showed mean (±SD) temperature, rainfall, and relative humidity during 2014-2016 ranged 12.88-35.43oC, -0.33-87.43mm, and 36.17-72.17%, respectively. Likewise, maximum Aedes larvae were found during the month o...

Muhammad Zamin1*, Fazli Rabbi2, Hamayoon Khan3, Muhammad Zahid1, Raheel Saqib4, Shafi Ullah5 and Muhammad Shakur6

...parameters; temperature, rainfall and snowfall during the last six decades in the temperate zone of Pakistan, whereby the primary data was compared with the metrological data. Based on the metrological data, it was found that the annual average temperature was increased from 13.2 oC (1980) to 15.47 oC (2017) while annual average rainfall was reduced from 131.88 mm/year (1980) to 109.2 mm/year (2017) over the the last 30 year...

Sarhad Journal of Agriculture


Vol.40, Iss. 4, Pages 1102-1532


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