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Anatomical Study of the Eyeball Arterial Blood Supply in the Adult Donkey (Equus asinus)

Anatomical Study of the Eyeball Arterial Blood Supply in the Adult Donkey (Equus asinus)

Meray Nabil Ramsis

Figure 1:

Experimental design showing the sequence of the arterial blood supply of donkey’s eye.

Figure 2:
(A to O) All anatomical Figures with distinctive descriptions.
A. The main arterial supply of the eyeball (Lateral view of Right eye). UE. upper eye lid, LE.lower eye lid, LG. lacrimal gland, LR. lateral rectus, VR. ventral rectus M., IO. infra-orbital canal, F. peri-orbital fat, PT. pterygoideus M., GP. Guttural pouch. SP. Styloid process of hyoid,1. Maxillary A, 2. External ophthalmic A, 24. Malar A., 26. Artery of ptergoideus M., 27. Infra orbital A., 28. External carotid A., 29. Maxillary nerve, B. Branches of the external ophthalmic artery (Dorsolateral view). LG. lacrimal gland, LR. lateral rectus, OP. Optic Nerve, F. peri-orbital fat, S. sclera, RO. Retractor oculi M., 1. Maxillary A, 2. External ophthalmic A., 3. Anastomosing branch, 4. Internal ophthalmic A., 5. Supra-orbital A. 7. Dorsal posterior ciliary A., 8. Lacrimal A., 8’ Lateral superior palpebral A. 8’ Lateral inferior palpebral A’. 9. Muscular branch of LR muscle, 10. External ethmoidal A 11. Dorsal oblique muscular branch, 15. Long posterior ciliary A., 16. Muscular branches 30. Anastomosing branch between 7 & 8, C. Course of external ophthalmic artery (Dorsal view). LG: lacrimal gland, LR: lateral rectus, OP. Optic Nerve, DR Dorsal rectus., LP. Levator palpebral M., DO. Dorsal oblique M., 1. Maxillary A, 2. External ophthalmic A 3. Anastomosing branch, 5. Supra-orbital A. 7. Dorsal posterior ciliary A., 8. Lacrimal A., 8’ Lateral superior palpebral A, 10. External ethmoidal A 11. Dorsal oblique muscular branch 16. Muscular branches 30. Anastomosing branch between 7 & 8, 32. Anterior ethmoidal A. 33. posterior ethmoidal A. D. Distribution of the malar artery (Ventro-Medial view). LR: lateral rectus, OP. Optic Nerve, VR. Ventral rectus M., MR Medial rectus, VO. Ventral oblique M.,2. External ophthalmic A., 16. Muscular branches, 24. Malar A., 24’. Medial inferior palpebral A. 24’’ Medial superior palpebral A., 25. Anastomosis 24’’ with lateral one. E. Distribution of the lacrimal artery (Lateral view). LG. lacrimal gland, LR. lateral rectus, OP. Optic Nerve, DR Dorsal rectus M., LP. Levator palpebral M., 1. Maxillary A, 2. External ophthalmic A., 3. Anastomosing branch, 4. Internal ophthalmic A., 8. Lacrimal A., 8’ Lateral superior palpebral A. 8’ Lateral inferior palpebral A’. 9. Muscular branch of LR muscle, 15. Long posterior ciliary A., 30. Anastomosing branch between 7 & 8. F. Origin and distribution of medial and lateral long ciliary artery (Ventromedial view). MR. Medial rectus M., OP. Optic Nerve, VR. Ventral rectus M., S. sclera, 2. External ophthalmic A., 3. Anastomosing branch, 4. Internal ophthalmic A., 12. Medial long posterior ciliary A., 13. Ventral anterior ciliary A., 14. Short posterior ciliary A., 15. Lateral Long posterior ciliary A., 16. Muscular branches 17. Central retinal A., 18. Chordio-retinal A. G. Origin of infraorbital artery (Ventral view). VR. ventral rectus M., IO. infra-orbital canal, DO. Dorsal oblique M, MR Medial rectus M, F. peri-orbital fat, PT. pterygoideus M, FS. Frontal sinus, 24. Malar A., 24’. Medial inferior palpebral A. 24’’ Medial superior palpebral A.,27. Infra orbital A. H. Muscular branches that supply ocular muscles (Ventral view)., DO. Dorsal oblique M, MR Medial rectus M, F. peri-orbital fat, OP. Optic Nerve, LR. lateral rectus, 2. External ophthalmic A., 3. Anastomosing branch, 4. Internal ophthalmic A., 12. Medial long posterior ciliary A., 13. Ventral anterior ciliary A., 15. Long posterior ciliary A.,16. Muscular branches 17. Central retinal A.,18. Chordio-retinal A I. Origin of artery of third eyelid (Medial view). F. peri-orbital fat, RO. Retractor oculi M., S. sclera, 16. Muscular branches,19. Anastomosis 24’ with lateral one, 24. Malar A., 24’. Medial inferior palpebral A. 24’’ Medial superior palpebral A. 25. Anastomosis 24’’ with lateral one, 31. Artery of third eye lid. J. Distribution of supraorbital artery (Dorso-medial view). LG. lacrimal gland, MR Medial rectus, DR Dorsal rectus, OP. Optic Nerve, DO. Dorsal oblique M, RO. Retractor oculi M., S. sclera, 2. External ophthalmic A., 3. Anastomosing branch, 4. Internal ophthalmic A., 5. Supra-orbital A., 5’. Superficial branch of 5, 5’’.Deep branch of 5, 6. Dorsal anterior ciliary artery, 7. Dorsal posterior ciliary A., 8. Lacrimal A ., 10. External ethmoidal A .,12. Medial long posterior ciliary A., 16. Muscular branches. K. Origin the dorsal anterior ciliary artery. (Dorsal view). DO. Dorsal oblique M, MR Medial rectus, LR. lateral rectus, RO. Retractor oculi M., 2. External ophthalmic A., 3. Anastomosing branch, 4. Internal ophthalmic A., 5. Supra-orbital A., 5’. Superficial branch of 5, 5’’.Deep branch of 5, 6. Dorsal anterior ciliary artery, 7. Dorsal posterior ciliary A., 8. Lacrimal A . ’. 9. Muscular branch of LR muscle, 10. External ethmoidal A,16. Muscular branches, 30. Anastomosing branch between 7 & 8, L. Origin of the posterior ciliary arteries (Posterior view). DO. Dorsal oblique M, MR Medial rectus,LR. lateral rectus, OP. Optic Nerve, VR. ventral rectus M., DR Dorsal rectus, S. sclera, 2. External ophthalmic A., 3. Anastomosing branch, 4. Internal ophthalmic A., 5. Supra-orbital A., 5’. Superficial branch of 5, 5’’.Deep branch of 5, 6. Dorsal anterior ciliary artery, 7. Dorsal posterior ciliary A., 10. External ethmoidal A 11. Dorsal oblique muscular branch, 12. Medial long posterior ciliary A., 13. Ventral anterior ciliary A., 14. Short posterior ciliary A., 15. Long posterior ciliary A. M Anastomosis lateral superior palpebral artery with medial one (Anterior view). UE. upper eye lid, S. sclera,). DO. Dorsal oblique M, RO. Retractor oculi M, LR. lateral rectus, F. peri-orbital fat, C. cornea, 8. Lacrimal A., 8’ Lateral superior palpebral A. 8’ Lateral inferior palpebral A’. 9. Muscular branch of LR muscle, 19. Anastomosis 24’ with lateral one. N. origin of central retinal artery and ventral posterior ciliary artery (Posterior view). UE. upper eye lid, LE. lower eye lid, S. sclera, RO. Retractor oculi M, OP. Optic Nerve, 2. External ophthalmic A., 3. Anastomosing branch, 4. Internal ophthalmic A., 12. Medial long posterior ciliary A., 13. Ventral anterior ciliary A., 14. Short posterior ciliary A., 15. Long posterior ciliary A., 16. Muscular branches, 17. Central retinal A.,18. Chordio-retinal A., 20. Ventral posterior ciliary A. O. Dorsal anterior and posterior ciliary artery (Dorsal view). S. sclera, RO. Retractor oculi M, DO. Dorsal oblique M, DR Dorsal rectus, MR Medial rectus, LR. lateral rectus, OP. Optic Nerve, 2. External ophthalmic A., 3. Anastomosing branch, 4. Internal ophthalmic A, 5. Supra-orbital A., 5’. Superficial branch of 5, 5’’.Deep branch of 5, 6. Dorsal anterior ciliary artery, 7. Dorsal posterior ciliary A 8. Lacrimal A.9. Muscular branch of LR muscle., 10. External ethmoidal A 11. Dorsal oblique muscular branch.
Figure 3:

Radiograph showing the origin of the external ophthalmic artery, A. Ventro-dorsal view, B. Lateral view, FS. Frontal sinus, M. Mandible, O. orbit, B. cranial cavity, 1. Common carotid A., 2. Occipital A., 3. External carotid A. 4. Maxillary A., 5. Inferior alveolar A., 6. Caudal deep temporal A., 7. Lingo-facial A., 8. Inferior labial A., 9. Internal carotid A., 10. Infra-orbital A., 11. Malar A., 12. Superficial temporal A., 13. Transverse facial A., 14. Caudal auricular A.

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., Vol. 13, Iss. 3,


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