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Behavioral and Hematological in Kacang Goats with Different Levels of Feed


Research Article

Behavioral and Hematological in Kacang Goats with Different Levels of Feed

Rafika Febriani Putri1, Chairdin Dwi Nugraha2, Ari Ardiantoro3, Irida Novianti1, Irisa Trianti4, Wike Andre Septian1, Ahmad Furqon5, Kuswati Kuswati1, Nashi Widodo6, Suyadi Suyadi1*

1Faculty of Animal Science, University of Brawijaya, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, Indonesia; 2Research Center for Animal Husbandry, National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia (BRIN), Bogor16911, Indonesia;

3Laboratory of Animal Biotechnology, University of Brawijaya, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, Indonesia; 4Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, Indonesia; 5Research Center for Applied Zoology, National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia (BRIN), Bogor 16911, Indonesia; 6Department of Biology, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Brawijaya, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, Indonesia.

Abstract | Restricted feeding or below the total livestock requirement is known to trigger stress. The aim of this research is to evaluating various feeding levels can effect on the body weight, goat behavior, and how these changes are reflected in blood parameters. In the context of this study, specific behavioral and hematological parameters might be indicators of stress in Kacang goats. 15 male Kacang goats aged 12-19 months were used in this research. The 4% feed level group had the highest average body weight. The 2% level group showed the lowest average body weight results among all groups. The group of goats given the 2% feed level (Group I) lay down more, and their drinking frequency increased compared to other groups of goats (P<0.05). Feeding levels provided significant improvements (P<0.05) in MCV and PLT parameters. Low feed consumption caused a decrease in MCH in Kacang goats, but it was not significant (P>0.05). In conclusion, when evaluated in terms of animal welfare, the results of the current study may indicate that Kacang goats had a high ability to manage restricted feeding.

Keywords | Kacang goat, Stress, Nutritional stress, Restricted feeding, Diet, Body weight

Received | March 26, 2024; Accepted | May 17, 2024; Published | September 03, 2024

*Correspondence | Suyadi Suyadi, Faculty of Animal Science, University of Brawijaya, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145 – Indonesia; E-mail:

Citation | Putri, R.F., Nugraha, C.D., Ardiantoro, A., Novianti, I., Trianti, I., Septian, W.A., Furqon, A., Kuswati, K., Widodo, N., Suyadi, S. (2024). Behavioral and hematological in Kacang goats with different levels of feed. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., 12(10):2022-2028.


ISSN (Online) | 2307-8316

Copyright: 2024 by the authors. Licensee ResearchersLinks Ltd, England, UK.

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Small ruminants, i.e., goats, play an important role in providing food and fulfilling the demand for meat in Indonesia. The Kacang goat is a local goat from Indonesia. They have high adaptability to local natural conditions and can produce well on degraded lands (Murtika et al., 2022). Kacang goats can use low-quality feed (Hatta et al., 2020; Furqon et al., 2023) and have a carcass percentage ranging from 43-44% (Hatta et al., 2018). The existence of the Kacang goat, which is in great demand by farmers, makes this goat a potential effort to increase domestic meat production (Suyadi et al., 2020).

Various factors, including genetics and the environment, influence Kacang goats’ productivity. Environmental factors such as feeding management have an essential role in improving the performance of Kacang goats. One of the problems often experienced by farmers is the availability of feed. Extreme climate change causes limited forage availability and low quality. Psychological states such as fear or anxiety in livestock can activate physiological responses. Once an animal perceives a threat, it develops behavioral, autonomic, endocrine, or immune responses to maintain homeostasis. If livestock cannot withstand stress, the consequences are abnormal biological function and the development of pathology. The stress response is related to the nature and intensity of the trigger and the individual’s tendencies or temperament (Endris et al., 2021).

Restricted feeding or below the total livestock requirement is known to trigger stress. Stress causes livestock performance to decrease and can even cause significant losses due to livestock death (Putri et al., 2022). Curtis et al. (2017) explained that the inability of farmers to identify or recognize environmental and management factors that cause stress in livestock can result in decreased performance and reproductive ability. This causes material losses to farmers.

There are various stress responses in livestock, i.e., behavioral responses, neuro-endocrine, and molecular responses. The response depends on the livestock’s choices when facing danger (Thamo et al., 2017; Mika et al., 2012). The levels of feed restriction should be considered to avoid any negative effects on livestock development. Adequate feed quantity can improve livestock performance. Research on the effect of nutrition, breeding, and reproduction on production has become a focus that is often observed, but behavioral and physiological factors are often overlooked (Gomes et al., 2020).

Many factors affect livestock behavior during rearing, including feed restrictions. Restricting feed in quantity and frequency can cause behavioral changes, resulting in agitation, aggression, and lower feed intake, which can interfere with performance. Livestock adjusts to the environment by changing its behavior to adapt well. This study focused on evaluating various feeding levels on the behavior and hematology of Kacang goats. The aim of this research is to evaluating various feeding levels can effect on the body weight, goat behavior, and how these changes are reflected in blood parameters. In the context of this study, specific behavioral and hematological parameters might be indicators of stress in Kacang goats.



The experiment was carried out at the experimental livestock farm of the Faculty of Animal Sciences, while laboratory research at the Laboratory of Animal Biotechnology, Faculty of Animal Science, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia. The total experiment was carried out from September 2021 – December 2022. The average annual ambient temperature ranges between 15 °C and 36 °C.


The study was conducted on 15 male Kacang goats aged 12-19 months. The average initial weight of goats was 19.6 ± 2.8 kg. The goats were housed in well-ventilated pens made of asbestos roofs and bamboo fences open at the sides. Goats were kept separately using individual pens. Goats were given feed consisting of 60% forage and 40% concentrate. The body temperature of all experimental goats was recorded using a rectal thermometer (OneMed, Indonesia) at 08.00 and 14.00 WIB. The animals had ad libitum access to clean water.

Technical Details

The total rearing phase was conducted using an experimental method for 90 days. Kacang goats undergo an adaptation stage for the first 30 days. There were two rearing phases: the full feeding phase and the feed restriction phase. The full feeding phase was carried out from day 0 to day 30. In this phase, all goats were feed the same quality. The feed restriction phase was carried out from day 31 to day 90. In the feed restriction phase, the ratio of the amount of feed given was 40% forage and 60% concentrate.

Male goats were randomly divided into three groups, each consisting of 5 heads of goat. Each group was treated with a different amount of feed. GI (n = 5, total feeding 2% of body weight); GII (n = 5, total feeding 3% of body weight; GIII (n = 5, total feeding 4% of body weight). The total feeding is based on dry matter calculations. Table 1 describes the nutrient content of the diet. Feeding was carried out in the morning at 07.00 AM and in the afternoon at 04.00 PM. Kacang goats were weighed every two weeks during the experiment.


Table 1. The composition and the nutrient content of the diet.


Total (%)













Copra meal






Cassava flour












Palm Kernel meal












Mineral premix











DM = Dry matter; CP = Crude protein


Parameters studied

Behavioral Parameters

Behavioral responses like standing time (minutes), lying down (minutes), frequency of drinking (no. of time), frequency of defecation (no. of time), and frequency of urination (no. of time) were observed and recorded for all groups for 2 hours (10.00 - 12.00 AM). at two-week intervals. Observation of behavioral parameters was carried out every two weeks to avoid excessive contact with the livestock in this study, which could cause stress effects. Previous research conducted by Shilja et al. (2016) on the behavioral response of Osmanabadi goats was also carried out at 2 week intervals. Observations were made from a distance of 1 meter. Two observers made observations to avoid bias.

Hematological Parameters

Blood was taken from the jugular vein. 3 ml of blood was taken with a 5 ml syringe and immediately put into the tube without EDTA anticoagulant. Then, the tube was put into an icebox containing ice gel for laboratory analysis. Blood sampling was carried out simultaneously at two-week intervals from the three groups at 02.00 PM.

The hematological values observed included the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, Mean Corpuscular Volume/MCV (the average volume value of one erythrocyte), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin/MCH (the average weight value of hemoglobin in one erythrocyte) and Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration/MCHC (average concentration of hemoglobin in one erythrocyte). The haematological parameters were observed using Haematology Analyzer (Veterinary Haematology Analyzer Mindray BC2800Vet series).


Body Weight

The body weight of Kacang goat was presented in Figure 1. The adaptation stage was carried out in the first 30 days with the same amount and feed quality. For the next 60 days, they were given different feed levels. The different feed levels resulted in different average body weights in each group. The body weight differed significantly (P<0.05) between the GI, GII, and GIII groups. The 4% feed level (GIII) had the highest average body weight (22.36 ± 2.40 kg). The 2% feed level (GI) showed the lowest average body weight (15.79 ± 1.44 kg) among all groups.


Behavioral Responses

The group of goats given the 2% feed level (GI) generally had more lying time, and the frequency of drinking increased compared to other groups of goats (P<0.05). Goats in GIII spent more time standing, and the frequency of defecating increased compared to goats in GI and GII (P<0.05). Meanwhile, there was no difference in urine frequency between groups of goats. (Table 2).

Hematological Parameters

The blood profile numbers of Kacang Goats are described in Table 3. The different feed levels significantly increased (P<0.05) in MCV and PLT parameters. The number of MCV and PLT indicated that restricted feeding impacted the goats. Restricted feeding also increased the number of hemoglobin, leukocytes, and MCHC, but this increase was not significant (P>0.05) in Kacang goats. Low feed consumption caused a decrease in MCH in Kacang goats, but it was not significant (P>0.05).

In goats, Sarmin et al. (2020) reported that the overall average Hemoglobin concentration ranged from 7.50 - 12.70 g/dl, confirmed in the textbook by Byers and Kramer (2010). Normal hemoglobin parameters are 9.00-15.00 g/dL. The feed level did not cause a difference in hemoglobin number, but metabolic energy production from feed energy supplementation is sufficient for these animals.


Table 2. Effect of different level of feed on the behavioral responses in goat.


Standing time


Lying time


Drinking frequency

(no. of time)

Defecating frequency

(no. of time)

Urination frequency

(no. of time)


19,65 ± 7,464a

38,05 ± 10,485c

3,15 ± 0,813b

0,45 ± 0,510a

1,00 ± 0,459


29,40 ± 10,028b

30,75 ± 10,073b

2,55 ± 0,826a

0,65 ± 0,671a

1,25 ± 0,786


44,90 ± 6.206c

15,10 ± 6,206a

2,85 ± 0,745ab

1,50 ± 0,889b

1,45 ± 0,759


a-b Values within a colum with different superscripts differ significantly at P<0.05


Table 3. Hemoglobin parameters of kacang goat at various feeding levels.









11,08 ± 0,78

11,13 ± 0,87

11,24 ± 0,80



32,40 ± 1,65

32,83 ± 2,69

31,82 ± 2,06



2,68 ± 0,57

2,64 ± 0,60

2,84 ± 0,39



15,86 ± 2,32

16,13 ± 2,39

16,71 ± 1,09



92,58 ± 10,79a

97,33 ± 4,19b

98,78 ± 2,97ba



40,96 ± 2,85

39,78 ± 3,51

39,20 ± 4,57



39,04 ± 2,76

39,76 ± 1,93

40,29 ± 2,38



186,50 ± 14,98a

195,00 ± 9,43b

194,20 ± 12,09ab



39,75 ± 2,47

39,85 ± 3,56

39,60 ± 3,30



26,02 ± 6,59

27,16 ± 10,03

22,86 ± 7,54



2,56 ± 0,62

2,64 ± 0,62

2,63 ± 0,54



3,31 ± 0,85

3,96 ± 1,49

3,56 ± 1,07


MCV = Mean Corpuscular Volume; MCH = Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin; MCHC = Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration; PLT = Platelet Count

a-b Values within a colum with different superscripts differ significantly at P<0.05


The erythrocyte level in this study was lower than in Kacang goats, which showed a value of 3.4 106/mm3. White blood cell levels in the three groups of goats were classified as normal and stable. This trend occurs at three feeding levels: 2%, 3%, and 4%. However, the 2% feed level had the lowest number of leukocytes. This number was in accordance with male Kacang goats in the study (Muayad et al., 2018) of 16.7 103/mm3.

The number of MCV, MCH, and MCHC can determine and classify anemia (Al-Bulushi et al., 2017). The study’s MCV parameter of the goats was an average of 96.23 fL. The MCH parameters for goats in the study were an average of 39.98 pg. Meanwhile, the average MCHC parameter was 39.69%. According to (Sarmin et al., 2020), this third parameter is within normal limits, at 87.20-105.80 fL for MCV, 26.90-49.70 pg for MCH, and 33.00-48.30% for MCHC. The number of MCV in Kacang goats was higher than that of Omani goats and lower than that of Kano Brown goats, which come from the Sultanate of Oman. Also, the number of MCH and MCHC of Kacang goats was higher than for Omani and Kano Brown goats (Al-Bulushi et al., 2017).

The study’s average parameters for Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, and Eosinophils in Kacang goats were 39.73%, 25.35%, 2.61%, and 3.61%, respectively. The number of neutrophils and lymphocytes in this study was lower than in research (Muayad et al., 2018), but the number of monocytes and eosinophils was higher.


Several factors, including feed, management, and genetics, generally determine goat productivity. The optimal combination of these three factors has a positive effect on increasing goat performance. The feed factor is a component that plays an important role and has a significant economic impact, so it influences whether or not the maintenance process is optimal. In addition, the feed costs incurred by farmers to meet the needs of ruminant livestock reach 80% of total production costs (Joshi et al., 2018).

Indonesia, as a tropical region, has two seasons. During the dry season, it is difficult for farmers to get forage, so livestock lack feed. The feed quality could be better during the rainy season. The limited feed given to Kacang goats can indicate stress that can trigger economic losses. Ismail et al. (2008) state that Energy will be stored when there is excess feed. However, their body system will utilize energy economically and efficiently when there is limited feed. Animals need a balanced diet containing essential nutrients, fluids, minerals, and vitamins for optimal health. Adequate nutrition can support their growth, development, reproduction, and immune system function that they need to fight infections (Harvatine, 2023). Every animal needs sufficient, appropriate feed provided at the right time. Their dietary needs vary depending on their species. The quality of the feed is crucial, as low-quality feed lacks essential nutrients necessary for health, potentially leading to illness (Celi et al. 2017).

In this study, goats given small amounts of feed had the lowest body weight (GI). This proved that livestock, be it goats, need sufficient energy to grow and develop well. According to Spencer (2018), energy is the most common limiting factor in small ruminant nutrition. Lack of energy due to limited feed will result in decreased production, reproductive failure, increased mortality, and susceptibility to disease and parasites.

In this study, it is expected that providing different levels of feed will provide a clear description of the influence of nutrition on goat stress levels. Indications of stress are detected through behavioral and haematologic blood parameters. When livestock face environmental stress or challenges, the stress response is an essential physiological change for self-protection and adaptation to new conditions (Miranda-de la Lama et al., 2013). Many environmental or individual factors can influence the stress response of livestock and the level of change in physiological variables due to stressors (Ekiz et al., 2020).

Various factors can influence goat behavior. Giger-Reverdin (2014) believes that changes in livestock behavior can be caused by differences in concentrate levels in the feed. Changes in behavior can also be caused by several factors, such as feed restrictions, feeding systems, and contact with livestock of the opposite sex. This will determine the level of energy expenditure for maintenance and storage to adapt to its environment. Limited quantity and frequency can cause changes in behavior that can trigger agitation, aggression, and lower feed consumption, which can disrupt the performance of the goat’s body (Gomes et al., 2020).

This research showed that livestock groups with more feed restriction (GI) tend to have less standing time. This is because they store more energy, thus avoiding activities that can release excess energy. However, different things were found in Giger-Reverdin’s research (2014). Observations that have been made showed that animals given feed restriction contemplate less and spend less time lying down, spending most of their time standing and behaving in stereotyped ways. Females contemplate less and spend more time standing and performing agonistic and stereotyped activities than males, which harms the welfare and development of these animals.

Maurmann (2021) stated that apart from functional tests, behavioral measurements can be used to evaluate the effect of the feeding system on animal health and welfare. One aspect that is very important for ruminant animals is lying behavior. The lying time for Kacang goats in this study was significantly different. Goats that consume less feed (GI) spend most of their time lying down compared to other groups of goats (GII and GIII). This could be an adaptive mechanism of the GI of Kacang goats, because the GI experiences feed restrictions, so that they did not have enough energy to carry out other activities that require a lot of energy (Shilja et al., 2016). Behavioral changes in farm animals may be caused by various challenges, such as the inability to express normal behavior caused by the farm environment, disease, or injury (Matthews et al., 2017). Previous research on the native Graúna, Blue, and Moxotó goat breeds in the same environment provided significant differences in lying, standing, and eating behavior (Silva et al., 2014).

Many white blood cells are known to help with disease resistance (Pradhan, 2016). This decrease in leukocyte cells may be caused by the production of free radicals, which damage white blood cells and surrounding cells (Abdalla et al., 2014). Environmental factors also have a significant influence on goats, as mentioned above.

There are few specific effects between feed restriction and blood profile characteristics in Kacang goats. Thus, according to the number of feed restrictions, it causes the same changes in energy requirements in all treatment groups. Feed restriction only affected MCV and PLT values. MCV shows the average size of each red blood cell (Pizetti et al., 2021). The MCV value is a parameter that helps determine and classify anemia (Jain, 1986). In this study, the MCV value of GI was the lowest compared to other groups so that GI may be associated with iron deficiency, bleeding, anemia, or certain vitamin deficiencies (Al Bulushi et al., 2017). A high MCV value indicates a higher oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood (Daramola et al., 2005). MCH and MCHC are valuable indices of the capacity of the bone marrow to produce red blood cells (Barger, 2003).

PLT is essential in preventing blood loss and significantly contributes to thrombosis, inflammation, and neoplasia (Okonkwo et al., 2011). Thrombocytopenia (severe decrease in PLT) is associated with bleeding tendencies, whereas thrombocytosis (increased PLT) can occur after bleeding, surgery, or bone fracture (Arfuso et al., 2016). However, the PLT value of Kacang goats in this study was in the normal range of 160 – 490 ×103 /µL (Arfuso et al., 2016). The percentage of lymphocytes is a critical element of immune production in livestock (Dhuha et al., 2021). In this study, the highest lymphocyte value for Kacang goats was in group II, which means that group II had the highest immune system compared to the others.


The results from the study indicated that Kacang goats are adaptable. Body weight is greatly affected when Kacang goat is given a different feed level. There was a change in all behavior (except urination frequency) under the influence of nutrition, which is thought to store energy. Several blood parameters especially MCV and PLT, also showed changes during the treatment of different feed levels, indicating that Kacang goats exhibit adaptation mechanisms in their bodies. In conclusion, the GI GIII goat group was the best, with a high body weight and normal blood hematology.


The authors are more grateful to LPPM Universitas Brawijaya through the “Hibah Penelitian Pemula (HPP)” for providing the research funding to complete this study.


RFP collecting data, doing the research, preparing manuscript CDN collecting data, preparing manuscript AA data analysis IN preparing manuscript IT preparing manuscript WAS preparing manuscript AF preparing manuscript KK supervision, review the manuscript; NW supervision, review the manuscript SS conceptualization, Supervision, review the manuscript, correspondence.

Ethics Approval

The protocol of this study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Animal Care and Use Committee University of Brawijaya (Authorisation number: 031-KEP-UB-2024).

Conflict of Interest

The authors confirm that there is no conflict of interest in the manuscript.


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