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Biological Response of Quinoa Plants to Various Nitrogen Levels and Priming Techniques


Research Article

Biological Response of Quinoa Plants to Various Nitrogen Levels and Priming Techniques

Asma Hassan*, Zuhair Hasnain, Muhmmad Asadullah, Syed Saqlain Hussain and Muhammad Abbas Anees

Department of Agronomy, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Abstract | Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Wild) is a pseudo cereal, drought-resistant, and medicinally value able with a superior nutritional profile as compared to common cereals. It’s obligatory to obtain the maximum yield of quinoa under rain-fed conditions with a well-adjusted quantity of nutrients. To evaluate nitrogen (N) levels viz 55 kg ha-1, 65 kg ha-1, 75 kg ha-1, 85 kg ha-1, and 95 kg ha-1 and seed priming techniques water soaking, K2HPO4, K2SO4, and CaSO4 (2%) seeds for half-day used to find out effects on yield of quinoa. The maximum plant height (66.133cm) and the number of branches (5.667) were with N 95 kg ha-1. Leaf area plant-1 from 0 to N85 kg ha-1 was increased gradually but later on, decreased. Gradually the Dry matter formation increase with an increase in N level, but above 85 kg ha-1 dry matter formation was regressively declined. The highest dry matter accumulation and harvest index 66.6g plant-1 17.31% respectively were calculated with N 85 kg ha-1. The highest crop growth rate (13.7 gm-2 day-1) was achieved with N 85 kg ha-1. The highest 1000-grain weight (5.6 g) was measured with 85 kg ha-1. The maximum grain yield (9.43g plant-1) was also recorded in N 85 kg ha-1. Total biomass increased with N 85 kg ha-1 but decreased up to 85 kg ha-1. Seed priming with K2SO4, 2% have harvest index (%), crop growth rate (g m-2 day-1), 1000 grain weight, and grain yield were relatively closer to the results of seeds primed with K2HPO4, 2% solution soaking of seed for 12 hours. Nitrogen 85 kg ha-1 and priming of seeds with CaSO4, were best for the growth and yield parameters in rain-fed agro ecological conditions.

Received | January 31, 2022; Accepted | June 27, 2022; Published | October 19, 2022

*Correspondence | Asma Hassan, Department of Agronomy, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan; Email:

Citation | Hassan, A., Z. Hasnain, M. Asadullah, S.S. Hussain and M.A. Anees. 2022. Biological response of quinoa plants to various nitrogen levels and priming techniques. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 38(4): 1510-1518.


Keywords | Quinoa, Nitrogen, Priming, Growth, Yield

Copyright: 2022 by the authors. Licensee ResearchersLinks Ltd, England, UK.

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Classified selection of crops leads to food security issue, especially in the rained area due to unavailability of quality inputs and environmental constraints. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Wild) plant species, which is found in the Andean zone where its seeds were cultivated in Peru is hospitable to various types of soil and climates (Angeli et al., 2020). Quinoa, known to be a good example of a functional food designed has an increased quantity of health-promoting photochemical also gave physiological properties to make a strong contribution to human nutrition (Navrus et al., 2016). Quinoa contains phytohormones, which have human nutrition advantages over other plant foods (Filho et al., 2017).

Quinoa is considered to have significant resistance to drought and different climatic factors that influence crop yields under severe conditions. Quinoa escaping from drought mainly through early maturation is an important feature of drought risk that may be close to the end of the terminal drought (Dua et al., 2021). In region of Bolivian Altiplano, regular quinoa yield was 0.6 Mg ha-1 with highly stubby production because of narrow assets of water in that zone. Nitrogen with different levels also grants a certain degree of drought tolerance (Luo and Luo, 2017; Alvar et al., 2019). The N level of 75 kg N per hectare has been proved as the best level of nitrogen supplement for its growth and development to maximize economical yield (Garcia et al., 2020). However, (Cadenas et al., 2021) quinoa has a strong response to the application of nitrogen fertilizer, and the grain yield will not decline with the increase in rate of nitrogen fertilizer. Seed yield and protein content of the seeds can be increased by nitrogen application. Soil treatment with N at the rate of 75 kg N per hectare increased levels, promoting both growth and yield parameters. An increase in biomass, harvest index, and economic yield was observed (Kakabouki et al., 2021).

Priming technique is an emerging technology adopted for prompt, vigorous and undeviating growth to attain better quality and yield. Seed kept hydrated under hygienic condition until emergence of seed started. It is effective and low hydration technique local farmer can adopt easily without investment to gain good crop yield. Priming technique helpful to develop healthy seeding in different crops which lead to good crop yield. According to the nature of crop seed different priming techniques used.

Soluble content of protein can be restored by priming, disregarding their germination capability. In addition, the seed vigor and protein solubility increase through pre-germination by priming (Derbali et al., 2010). When the incubation temperature rises to 35oC, the seed moisture content and germination rate are faster than 25 oC. As the temperature is reduced to 15 oC, the germination rate of the seed-priming technology is significantly reduced. At these temperatures, primer seeds absorb more quickly than unprimed seeds Exposure of plants to salt levels of 10 dSm-1 results in a slight reduction in nitrate reductase activity. This may be because the steps of nitrogen metabolism are disturbed in the presence of salt, which leads to a decline in the growth rate of the plant (Meloni et al., 2004). Seed priming with salicylic acid reduces the adverse effects of salt and increases nitrate reductase activity (Kaur et al., 2022). Quinoa lies in the minor grown crop in the zone, characteristically cultivated in the few rainfed region. Rainfed areas are currently under focused in production for improvement of pseudocereals. Yet, it has not been explored which degree N fertilization and seed priming enhance quinoa plant production. The experiment was designed to hypothesize that priming and nitrogen treatment will promote the growth and yield of quinoa in the arid region of Pakistan is to establish the optimum nitrogen level and to establish the best seed priming techniques for obtaining a maximum yield of quinoa under rained regions. 

Materials and Methods

Seed priming technique was carried out in the laboratory of Agronomy, department of PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi (33°38N, 73°05E) 2017-18. Seed pre-treatment was followed according (Afzal et al., 2006). Quinoa seed was procured from Soil Salinity Research Institute (SSRI), Pindi Bhattian. Ten seeds of quinoa per pot were sown on first fortnight of October 2018. Soil was collected from fields in PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, by random sampling. Soil texture was loam (20 % clay, 35 % silt and 70 % sand) and soil pH was 7.78 determined by pH meter (Model 3505, Jenway UK) (Thomas, 1996). Weather record also taken (Figure 1). Seeds were soaked in water solutions of dipotassium phosphate (K2HPO4), potassium sulphate (K2SO4), calcium sulphate (CaSO4) were also used with concentration of 2% for 12 hours. Twenty-four pots size of (height 22.5cm, base diameter 274cm and 28cm top diameter) have soil weighted of 12 kg were organised. Phosphorus (P2O5) and potassium (k2SO4) were applied at the rate of 60 and 50 Kg ha -1. The treatments were as no nitrogen (control), nitrogen 55 kg ha-1, nitrogen 65 kg ha-1, nitrogen 75 kg ha-1, nitrogen 85 kg ha-1, nitrogen 95 kg ha-1. In the first week of April quinoa was harvested. The crop was tangled into bundles and was kept under sun to remove moisture. The dried bundles were weighted with the help of digital balance. The crop was threshed manually with the help of sticks. The produce of each pot was weighted. Different parameters data regularly taken during experiment including plant height, number of branches per plant, leaf area per plant, dry matter accumulation (g plant-1), harvest index, growth rate, 1000 grain weight (g), Grain yield (g pot-1), total biomass (g pot-1), grain yield (kg ha-1).


Statistical analyses

Analyses of variance tested by Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with by using replicated data. The software statistics ver. 8.1 used and LSD (Least Significant Difference) applied to compare the means of all the parameters to evaluate the significance at 5% level of significance).

Results and Discussion

Plant height (cm)

The maximum plant height 66.133 cm was obtained from nitrogen 95 kg/ha followed by N 85kg ha-1 attain 60.083cm plant height. However, N 75kg ha-1 was significantly different from N 65kg ha-1and N 55kg ha-1 (Table 1). While the lowest plant height 36.1cm was observed in control. In present study, quinoa plant height significantly increased through enhancing the nitrogen rate up to 95 kg ha-1. The mean CaSO4, 2% solution soaking of seed for 12 hours treatment was found to be highest 61.837cm in seed priming techniques. While K2HPO4, 2% solution soaking of seed for 12 hours produced comparatively lower results 54.052 cm than P3T3. Water soaking of seeds for 12 hours produced non-significant results (42.497 cm) followed by K2SO4, 2% Solution soaking of seed for 12 hours which produced the plants heights of 47.693.

Quinoa plant height increased with increasing nitrogen content, due to the role of nitrogen in stimulating metabolic activity, contributing to an increase in metabolite content, leading to internode elongation and increased plant height, while nitrogen level increased (Ebrahimikia et al., 2020).

Number of branches plant-1

Maximum number of branches 5.66cm were observed with N 95 kgha-1 followed by N 85 kgha-1. While N 75 kgha-1, (4.33) was statistically at par with, N 65 kgha-1 and significantly different from N 55 kgha-1 (Table 2). Seeds primed with CaSO4 2% Solution soaking of seed for 12 hours produced significantly higher results with 9.698 branches per plant. No significant differences were found in water soaking of seeds for 12 hours and K2SO4, 2% solution soaking of seed for 12 hours as 3.316 and 4.777, respectively among branches per plant followed by K2HPO4, 2% Solution soaking of seed for 12 hours which produced 6.543 number of branches per plant.

Lowest number of branches was produced by the plants treated without nitrogen. Number of branches increased within the increase of nitrogen dose. These results are in agreement with the findings of (Biswas et al., 2021).


Table 1: Plant Height (cm) as influenced by the different N level and seed priming techniques on Quinoa crops.

Nitrogen levels

Plant height (cm)

Nitrogen (Control)

30.00 a


33.521 ab


36.10 F

Nitrogen 55 kg ha-1



36.211 c

50.67 g

40.83 E

Nitrogen 65 kg ha-1

40.76 de



60.67 lm

50.47 D

Nitrogen 75kg ha-1

44.80 ef

58.50 kl

50.700 g

67.98 o

55.50 C

Nitrogen 85kg ha-1

51.29 gh




60.08 B

Nitrogen 95kg ha-1

54.36 ij

69.69 op


77.98 r

66.13 A


42.49 D

54.05 B

47.69 C

61.83 A

Means with different letters indicate significant difference at P< 0.05 according to Tukey HSD test.


Table 2: Number of Branches Plant-1as influenced by the different N level and seed priming techniques on Quinoa crops.

Nitrogen levels

Number of branches plant-1

Nitrogen (Control)

0.256 a

0.753 fg

0.445 c

1.213 hij

2.666 D

Nitrogen 55 kg ha-1

0.340 b

0.851 fgh

0.505 cd

1.304 hij

3.000 D

Nitrogen 65 kg ha-1

0.394 bc

1.053 hi

0.589 cde

1.631 jk

3.666 CD

Nitrogen 75kg ha-1

0.676 def

0.976 ghi

0.965 ghi

1.716 jk

4.333 BC

Nitrogen 85kg ha-1

0.741 def

1.385 ij

1.050 hi

1.824 jkl

5.000 AB

Nitrogen 95kg ha-1

0.909 gh

1.525 ijk

1.223 hij

2.010 kl

5.666 A


3.316 CD

6.543 B

4.777 C

9.698 A

Means with different letters indicate significant difference at P< 0.05 according to Tukey HSD test.


Table 3: Leaf areaPlant-1(cm2) as influenced by the different N level and seed priming techniques on Quinoa crops.

Nitrogen levels

Leaf area plant-1(cm2)

Nitrogen (Control)

4.496 a

8.183 de

5.652 abc

9.879 fg

7.053 D

Nitrogen 55 kg ha-1

5.934 bc

8.855 ef

6.585 bcd

10.384 fgh

7.940 C

Nitrogen 65 kg ha-1

6.364 bcd

10.586 fgh

7.953 cde

12.563 hi

9.367 B

Nitrogen 75kg ha-1

8.673 def

13.811 ij

10.935 fgh

14.713 jk

12.033 A

Nitrogen 85kg ha-1

8.545 def

14.333 ijk

11.640 ghi

15.082 jkl

12.400 A

Nitrogen 95kg ha-1

5.279 ab

8.925 ef

7.276 cd

11.010 gh

8.123 C


6.549 D

10.782 AB

8.340 C

12.272 A

Means with different letters indicate significant difference at P< 0.05 according to Tukey HSD test.


Leaf area plant-1(cm2)

Maximum leaf area plant-1(12.400 cm2) was measured with N 85 kgha-1 followed by N 75kgha-1, (12.033 cm2). While N 65 kgha-1 was significantly different from N 55 kgha-1. Smallest leaf area plant-1 7.0533cm2 was observed in control followed by N 95 kgha-1. Present study shows that there is significant increase in leaf area plant-1(cm2) from control to N85kgha-1 but later on decreased (Table 3).

Results of seeds primed with K2HPO4, 2% Solution soaking of seed for 12 hours and CaSO4, were found to be non-significant among them by giving the leaf area plant-110.782 and 12.272 cm2, respectively. Non primed seeds water soaked seeds for 12 hours produced lowest leaf area plant-1followed by K2SO4, 2% solution soaking of seed for 12 hours and showed the results of 6.549 and 8.340 cm2, respectively.

Dry matter accumulation (g plant-1)

Analyzed data of dry matter accumulation showed the significant effect on different treatment. Highest dry matter accumulation (66.6 g plant-1) was with N 85 kgha-1 followed by N 75 kgha-1, (61.033 g plant-1) with N 75 kgha-1. While 65 kgha-1, (55.367 g plant-1) with N 65 kgha-1was significantly different from N 55kgha-1. However lowest dry matter accumulation (44.1 g plant-1) was observed with control followed by N 95 kgha-1 (Table 4). Gradually increase in dry matter with increase of nitrogen level up to 85 kg ha-1 but above this limit decreases the dry matter accumulation 95 kg ha-1. Due to significant role of dry matter a significantly highest results were found in CaSO4, 2% Solution soaking of seed for 12 hours and showed 59.859 g dry matter accumulation per plant while priming with K2HPO4, and K2SO4, 2% produced subsequently decreasing results as 56.141, 52.102 and 48.256 g in respect to dray matter accumulation, respectively.

Ali et al. (2020) found that increased in dry matter accumulation at 80 to 120 kg ha-1. Nitrogen application on quinoa increased the crop growth rate and quality of the plants ultimately accumulation of dry matter.

Harvest index (%)

Different nitrogen level significantly affected the harvest index (Table 5). The highest harvest index (17.317%) was found with nitrogen 85 kgha-1, followed by its different combinations. The lowest HI (12.420%) was recorded in control which was at par with nitrogen 95 kgha-1. The production of any crop


Table 4: Dry matter accumulation (g plant-1) as influenced by the different N level and seed priming techniques on Quinoa crops.

Nitrogen levels

Dry matter accumulation (g plant-1)

Nitrogen (Control)

39.496 a

45.183 cd

41.842 abc

49.879 ef

44.100 F

Nitrogen 55 kg ha-1

43.595 bc

53.795 g

46.855 d

57.104 i

50.337 D

Nitrogen 65 kg ha-1

48.953 e

57.586 i

53.364 g

61.563 kl

55.367 C

Nitrogen 75 kg ha-1

55.673 h

62.713 l

59.935 j

65.811 m

61.033 B

Nitrogen 85 kg ha-1

61.545 kl

67.723 n

65.345 m

71.785 o

66.600 A

Nitrogen 95 kg ha-1

40.273 ab

49.848 ef

45.270 cd

53.010 g

47.100 E

48.256 D

56.141 B

52.102 C

59.859 A

Means with different letters indicate significant difference at P< 0.05 according to Tukey HSD test.


Table 5: Harvest index (%) as influenced by the different N level and seed priming techniques on Quinoa crops.

Nitrogen levels

Harvest index (%)

Nitrogen (Control)

8.595 a

14.363 ef

11.640 c

15.082 fg

12.420 E

Nitrogen 55 kg ha-1

9.695 b

15.465 fg

12.631 cd

17.570 i

13.840 D

Nitrogen 65 kg ha-1

10.405 bc

16.240 h

13.313 de

18.533 ij

14.623 C

Nitrogen 75kg ha-1

12.795 d

17.854 ij

14.776 f

20.586 k

16.503 B

Nitrogen 85kg ha-1

13.459 de

15.574 fg

17.703 i

22.533 l

17.317 A

Nitrogen 95kg ha-1

11.640 c

9.597 b

14.500 f

15.062 fg

12.700 E


11.098 C

14.849 B

14.094 B

18.228 A

Means with different letters indicate significant difference at P< 0.05 according to Tukey HSD test.


not only determined by its photosynthesis rate also on the segregating of assimilates into seeds, measured through harvest index. With respect to harvesting index primed seed with K2HPO4 and K2SO4, 2% solution soaking of seed for 12 hours produced statistically non-significant with each other and produced 14.849 and 14.094 % harvesting index. While seed primed with CaSO4, 2% Solution soaking of seed for 12 hours) had significantly highest HI as 18.228 % and controlled was found to be non-significant with 11.098 % harvest index.

Akram et al. (2021) harvest index enhanced through increasing nitrogen from 0 to 100 kg N ha-1 but it start to decreased at 120 kg N ha-1. The increases in harvest index with increasing nitrogen levels on quinoa are because of the N role in motivating metabolic activity which finally increased yield and its components.

Crop growth rate (g m-2 day-1)

Application of different nitrogen levels significantly affected the crop growth rate (Table 6). Highest value for crop growth rate (13.7 g m-2 day-1) was N 85 kgha-1) followed by, N 75 kgha-1 with 12.2 g m-2 day-1 CGR value. While treatment N2, (10.3 g m-2 day-1) with N 65 kgha-1 was significantly different from N 55 kgha-1). The lowest CGR (8.133 gm-2day-1) was with control, was statistically at par with N 95kgha-1, (8.4333g m-2 day-1) treated with nitrogen 95 kgha-1. Crop growth rate determines the crop strength. Plants primed with K2HPO4, and K2SO4, 2% Solution soaking of seed for 12 hours were found to be statistically nonsignificant by producing 10.751 and 9.494g m-2 day-1. While CaSO4, 2% Solution soaking of seed for 12 hours was highly significant with crop growth rate of 14.098g m-2 day-1. As in control seed was soaked only in water for 12 hours so results were found with lowest crop growth rate of 7.056 m-2 day-1.

CGR is directly linked to the daily crop performance, and the nutrients use efficiency (Wang et al., 2020).

1000 grain weight (g)

Analyzed data regarding to 100-garin weight (g) showed significant influence of different treatments (Table 7). The highest 1000-grain weight (5.6 g) was measured with N 85 kgha-1), followed by 75kgha-1, (5.1333g) with nitrogen 75 kgha-1. While N2, (4.5333 g) with nitrogen 65 kgha-1 was significantly different from N1, N 55kgha-1). The lowest 1000-grain weight (2.9667g) was calculated control followed by N 95kgha-1). Results of our present study show that different nitrogen has effect 1000 grain weight (g). Similar results were reported by Basra et al. (2014) who stated that 1000 grain weight of quinoa crop was not affected through N application from 0 to 120 kg ha-1.

Seed priming did not produce significant results with respect to 1000 grain weight water soaked of seeds for a day, K2HPO4, 2% solution soaking of seed for a day and P2T2 (K2SO4, 2% solution soaking of seed for a day were found statistically nonsignificant with 2.545, 4.729 and 3.305 g demonstration of results, respectively. Only CaSO4, 2% solution soaking of seed for a day highest results toward 1000 grain weight with 6.398 g.

Grain yield (g plant-1)

Data regarding grain yield was presented in (Table 8). Maximum grain yield (9.4333 g plant-1) was recorded in N4, treated with nitrogen 85 kgha-1followed by N3(8.4667g plant-1) applied with nitrogen 75 kgha-1 which was statistically significantly from N2, (7.3667 g plant-1) and N1, (6.636g plant-1). While the lowest grain yield, (5.9333 g plant-1) was produced with control. These results are in agreement with Almadini et al. (2019) who reported that with increasing the nitrogen rate increased the grain yield. Afrin (2018) also reported that grain yield plant-1 in quinoa improved gradually (1 g to 10 g plant-1) with increasing N rate up to 360 kg N ha-1. Reasons might be the difference in quinoa genotypes regarding maturation period and agro-ecological situations.


Table 6: Crop Growth Rate (g m-2 day-1) as influenced by the different N level and seed priming techniques on Quinoa crops.

Nitrogen levels

Crop growth rate (g m-2 day-1)

Nitrogen (Control)

5.207 a

9.205 def

6.610 bc

11.510 efg

8.133 E

Nitrogen 55 kg ha-1

6.706 bc

10.915 ef

7.161 cd

12.549 fg

9.333 D

Nitrogen 65 kg ha-1

6.811 bcd

12.331 fg

8.049 cd

14.010 ghi

10.300 C

Nitrogen 75 kg ha-1

8.545 de

13.533 gh

11.640 efg

15.082 hi

12.200 B

Nitrogen 85 kg ha-1

9.405 def

12.181 fg

15.131 hi

18.082 j

13.700 A

Nitrogen 95 kg ha-1

5.659 ab

6.341 b

8.375 cde

13.357 gh

8.433 E


7.056 C

10.751 B

9.494 BC

14.098 A

Means with different letters indicate significant difference at P< 0.05 according to Tukey HSD test.


Table 7: 1000 grain weight (g)as influenced by the different N level and seed priming techniques on Quinoa crops.

Nitrogen levels

1000 grain weight (g)

No Nitrogen (Control)

1.206 a

3.314 bc

2.048 ab

5.301 ef

2.9667 CD

Nitrogen 55 kg ha-1

2.340 ab

4.251 de

3.371 bc

6.304 fg

4.0667 B

Nitrogen 65 kg ha-1

2.840 bc

4.953 ef

3.731 cd

6.607 gh

4.5333 B

Nitrogen 75 kg ha-1

3.236 bc

5.946 fg

4.005 de

7.344 h

5.1333 A

Nitrogen 85 kg ha-1

3.741 cd

6.385 fg

4.450 de

7.824 hi

5.6000 A

Nitrogen 95 kg ha-1

1.909 a

3.525 cd

2.223 ab

5.010 ef

3.1667 C


2.545 CD

4.729 BC

3.305 BCD

6.398 A

Means with different letters indicate significant difference at P< 0.05 according to Tukey HSD Test.


Table 8: Grain yield (g plant-1) as influenced by the different N level and seed priming techniques on Quinoa crop.

Nitrogen levels

Grain yield (g plant-1)

No Nitrogen (Control)

3.788 ab

6.435 de

4.685 bc

8.824 fg

5.933 E

Nitrogen 55 kg ha-1

3.836 ab

7.183 ef

5.650 cd

9.879 gh

6.637 D

Nitrogen 65 kg ha-1

4.334 abc

8.055 fg

6.535 de

10.544 hi

7.367 C

Nitrogen 75 kg ha-1

5.651 cd

6.341 de

8.545 fg

13.329 kl

8.467 B

Nitrogen 85 kg ha-1

6.586 de

11.015 ij

7.161 ef

12.969 k

9.433 A

Nitrogen 95 kg ha-1

3.149 a

7.225 ef

5.553 cd

9.006 gh

6.233 DE


4.557 D

7.709 B

6.355 BC

10.759 A

Means with different letters indicate significant difference at P< 0.05 according to Tukey HSD test.


Table 9: Total biomass (g pot-1)as influenced by the different N level and seed priming techniques on Quinoa crops.

Nitrogen levels

Total biomass (g pot-1)

No Nitrogen (Control)

44.401 a

54.423 de

49.181 b

60.796 gh

52.200 E

Nitrogen 55 kg ha-1

51.184 c

62.295 hi

56.855 f

68.655 lm

59.747 D

Nitrogen 65 kg ha-1

58.953 fg

67.586 kl

63.264 ij

71.569 n

65.343 C

Nitrogen 75 kg ha-1

64.673 ijk

72.679 no

69.135 lm

75.111 p

70.400 B

Nitrogen 85 kg ha-1

61.545 h

67.723 kl

65.345 jk

71.785 n

74.433 A

Nitrogen 95 kg ha-1

53.873 d

61.788 h

57.276 fg

66.010 jk

59.737 D


55.772 D

64.416 B

60.176 C

68.988 A

Means with different letters indicate significant difference at P< 0.05 according to Tukey HSD test.


Table 10: Grain yield (kg ha-1) as influenced by the different N level and seed priming techniques on Quinoa crops.

Nitrogen levels

Grain yield (kg ha-1)

Nitrogen (Control)

784.05 a

990.36 bc

931.65 b


987.11 F

Nitrogen 55 kg ha-1

1273.71 d

1995.46 fg

1691.26 e


1855.20 E

Nitrogen 65 kg ha-1

1726.48 e

2635.34 ij

2131.33 fg

3019.98 k

2378. 28 C

Nitrogen 75 kg ha-1

2034.87 fg

2721.47 j

2425.61 hi

3215.28 lm

2599. 31 B

Nitrogen 85 kg ha-1

2101.69 fg

2770.85 j

2416.04 hi


2675. 26 A

Nitrogen 95 kg ha-1

1248.71 d

2575.58 ij

2259.75 g

3362.92 lm

2361.74 CD


1528.25 D



2785.57 A

Means with different letters indicate significant difference at P< 0.05 according to Tukey HSD test.


Seeds primed with K2HPO4, 2% Solution soaking of seed for a day and K2SO4, 2% Solution soaking of seed for 12 hours were found non-significant as the results showed 7.709 and 6.355 g grain yield per plant, respectively. While seeds primed with P3T3 (CaSO4, 2% Solution soaking of seed for a day produced highest weight of grain yield per plant with 10.759 g. In water soaked seeds for 12 hours was found statistically at par from by producing grain yield of 4.557 g grain per plant.

Total biomass (g pot-1)

Results indicated that N 85 kgha-1produced maximum biomass (74.433 g pot-1). It was significantly different from N5with nitrogen 95 kgha-1 (59.737g pot-1). While nitrogen 75 kgha-1 (70.400 g pot-1) with was statistically different from N 65 kgha-1 and N 55 kgha-1. However, the lowest biomass (52.2 g pot-1) was measured with N0, (control). Total biomass is a yield component in quinoa and significant variation in this parameter might be involved significant yield decrease in quinoa (Table 9).

Lowest total biomass was found when seed was primed by water for 12 hours control showed 55.772 g biomass per pot. Results of K2HPO4, 2% Solution soaking of seed for 12 hours showed that 64.416 g biomass was produced and K2SO4, 2% Solution soaking of seed for 12 hours produced 60.176 g total biomass which is lowest from. Total biomass was found to be highly significant in CaSO4, 2% Solution soaking of seed for 12 hours which weighed 68.988 g biomass per pot.

Shoman (2018) reported that increasing the nitrogen level values sharing the same letters don’t have significant difference increased the total biomass of quinoa crop from 7% to 27% under diverse tillage oprations.

Grain yield (kg ha-1)

Maximum grain yield (2675. 266 kg ha-1) was recorded in 95 kgha-1, treated with nitrogen 85 kgha-1followed by N3 (2599. 312kg ha-1) applied with nitrogen 75 kgha-1which was statistically significantly from N2, (2378. 285kg ha-1) and N5, (2361.741kg ha-1). While the lowest grain yield, (987. 117kg ha-1) was produced with control these results agree with Schulte et al. (2005) increasing the nitrogen rate increased the grain yield. Seeds primed with K2HPO4, K2SO4, 2% solution soaking of seed for a day were found non-significant as the results showed 2281.514 and 1975.94 5kg grain per hectare, respectively. While seeds primed with CaSO4, 2% Solution soaking of seed for a day) produced highest weight of grain yield with 2785 kg ha-1. Water soaking of seeds for a day was found statistically at par from CaSO4 by producing grain yield of 1528 kg ha-1.

Grain yield plant-1 in quinoa improved gradually with increasing N rate up to 360 kg N ha-1 Shoman (2018). Reasons might be the difference in quinoa genotypes regarding maturation period and agro-ecological situations.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Nitrogen application of 85 kg N ha-1 supplementation and priming of seeds with CaSO4 was proved to be best level for quinoa growth and development under agro ecological conditions of dry land.

Novelty Statement

Need of time scale to explore which degree nitrogen fertilization and seed priming enhance quinoa plant production in dry land.

Author’s Contribution

Asma Hassan: Prepared research plan and worked for overall management.

Zuhair Hasnain: Prepared first draft.

Muhmmad Asadullah: Provided technical input.

Syed Saqlain Hussain: Applied statistical analyses. Muhammad Abbas Anees: Improved the language.

Conflict of interest

The authors have declared no conflict of interest.


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