Dietary Protein Level in the Practical Diet of Yellowfin Seabream, Acanthopagrus arabicus, Juveniles for Optimum Growth Performance, Survival and Carcass Composition
Dietary Protein Level in the Practical Diet of Yellowfin Seabream, Acanthopagrus arabicus, Juveniles for Optimum Growth Performance, Survival and Carcass Composition
Naveed Ahmad1,*, P.J.A. Siddiqui1, Amjad Ali1, Khan Mir Khan2, Rafaqat Masroor3, Noor ul Akbar4, Muhammad Amin5 and Mohammad Attaullah6
Second order polynomial regression between specific growth rate (SGR %/d) and dietary protein levels shows that A. arabicus requires 42% crude protein in the diet for optimum growth.