Effect of Bio-Chemical Properties of Various Grains on the Quality Rearing of Factious Host, Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) and its Subsequent Effect on Trichogramma chilonis in Vitro
Effect of Bio-Chemical Properties of Various Grains on the Quality Rearing of Factious Host, Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) and its Subsequent Effect on Trichogramma chilonis in Vitro
Arbab Zubair Ahmad1, Farman Ullah1, Hayat Badshah2, Muhammad Shehzad Khan1* and Bashir Ahmad1
Mean (±SE) number of (a) grains and (b) adults emerged per 50 grams sample of different selected cereals.
Mean (±SE) developmental time (days) of S. cerealella on selected cereal grains in (a) no choice test and (b) choice test under controlled laboratory conditions at ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar.
Mean (±SE) percent male and female T. chilonis developed in eggs of S. cerealella reared on selected cereal grains in (a) no choice test and (b) choice rest under controlled laboratory conditions at ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar.