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Effect of Yeast and Curcuma Supplementation in Palm Kernel Cake Local Feed on Jawarandu Goats’ Performance

Effect of Yeast and Curcuma Supplementation in Palm Kernel Cake Local Feed on Jawarandu Goats’ Performance

Tintin Rostini1*, Irwan Zakir1, Danang Biyatmoko2 

1Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture UNISKA, Jl. Adyaksa No.2 Kayutangi Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia; 2Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture ULM, Jl. A. Yani Km 36 Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.

*Correspondence | Tintin Rostini, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture UNISKA, Jl. Adyaksa No.2 Kayutangi Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia; Email: [email protected] 


This study aims to evaluate the effect of yeast and Curcuma supplementation in feed on the performance of Jawarandu goats. In this study were used total of 20 goats Jawarandu, 1.-1,5 years old, weighing about 13,46±1.55kg. were divided into four treatments consisting of TR0 (basal ration of palm waste-based local feed without Curcuma and yeast), TR1 (basal diet with 0.5% yeast), TR2 (basal diet with 2% Curcuma flour) and TR3 (basal diet with 0.5% yeast and 2% Curcuma flour). Meanwhile, the variables measured include consumption, dry matter digestibility, organic matter, crude protein, NDF, ADF, daily body weight gain, feed conversion, and blood metabolism. Furthermore, the data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance while differences between treatments were further analyzed with Duncan’s test. The results showed that yeast + curcuma (TR3) supplementation had a significant performance by increasing consumption, dry matter digestibility, organic matter, crude protein, as well as neutral detergent (NDF), and acidic detergent fiber (ADF), average daily body weight gain, feed conversion, and blood metabolic profile (total protein, glucose, cholesterol, Ca and P). A mixture of yeast and curcuma supplementation from local feed-based rations significantly improved the performance of the Jawarandu Goat. concluded that the use of 0.5% yeast and 2% temulawak was the best in goat ration supplementation. Based on the results, it was concluded that the use of yeast ang curcuma supplements improves the performance of goat production.

Keywords | Jawarandu Goat, Digestibility, Daily gain, Performance 

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Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., Vol. 13, Iss. 3,


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