Genetic Diversity Evaluation of Two Loach Fishes and their Artificial Hybrid Population Based on 19 Polymorphic Microsatellite Loci
Genetic Diversity Evaluation of Two Loach Fishes and their Artificial Hybrid Population Based on 19 Polymorphic Microsatellite Loci
Yanping Li, Fei Xu, Yongming Wang*, Yunyun Lv, Jinrong Shi, Biwen Xie, Wenyao Cai and Dian Liu
UPGMA clustering tree based on Nei’s genetic distance among four groups of two loach fishes and their artificial hybrid population. The values above the branch represented branch length.
Results of Bayesian analysis (structure) of the two loaches and their hybrids offspring based on 19 microsatellite loci. (a) Delta K values from structure analysis; (b) Structure clustering analysis with K=2.