Mass Culturing of Mycetophagous Nematode Aphelenchus avenae (Nematoda: Aphelenchidae) in vitro System by Feeding on Pathogenic Fungus
Mass Culturing of Mycetophagous Nematode Aphelenchus avenae (Nematoda: Aphelenchidae) in vitro System by Feeding on Pathogenic Fungus
Salma Javed and Samreen Khan*
A and B. Isolation of Aspergillus niger from banana leaves; C. Pure culture of Fusarium oxysporum; D. Pure culture of Aspergillus niger; E and F. Interaction between fungus and nematodes; G. Fungal spores; H. Bunch of nematodes along with eggs; I. Mass culture of A. avenae after grew on F. oxysporum; J. Various embryogenetic stages of A. avenae.
Increasing in population of A. avenae on F. oxysporum with no growth on Aspergillus niger during three weeks incubation period.
Exponential growth of A. avenae on F. oxysporum grew on PDA after three weeks incubation period.
A. Pure culture of F. oxysporum in test tube; B-C. Change in appearance and lessening of F. oxysporum after inoculation of A. avenae; D-E. Consuming fungus as well PDA medium by A. avenae.
Culturing of A. avenae in a pot using brinjal plant.