Molecular Identification of IBDV from Naturally Infected Chicken Flocks
Molecular Identification of IBDV from Naturally Infected Chicken Flocks
Aly M. Ghetas1*, Dalia M. Sedeek1, Hanaa S. Fedawy1, M.A. Bosila1, Asmaa M. Maatouq1, Hoda M. Mekky1, Kh. M. Elbayoumi1,2, Mohamed M. Amer3
Pathological finding from chickens suffering from infectious bursal disease. A: chicken shows enlarged bursa covered by gelatinous transudate (b) and severe nephrosis (n). B: chicken shows hemorrhage on thigh muscle (h). C: chicken shows hemorrhagic bursa (h).
Bursa tissue sections of naturally IBDV infected chicken stained by H and E. Severe depletion of the lymphoid follicle germinal center (B) deposition of interfollicular connective tissues (Fig. 1B), depletion of the lymphoid follicle tissue (C and D) accompanied with deposition of interfollicular connective tissues (C and D), and hypertrophy of the epithelial lining making finger like projection (C).
Amplified VP2 gene of IBDV. Lane L = 100 bp marker; Lane P = Positive control. Lanes 1 and 2 = Examined samples; Lane N = Negative control.
Phylogenetic tree based on partial VP2 gene sequencing of IBDV. The tree was constructed using the maximum-likelihood method with 1000 bootstrap replicates using MEGA 7 software. Black dots refer to our isolated (MW925051 and MW925052).
Percentage of nucleotide identities for the VP2 genes of 2 IBDV strains named MW925051 and MW925052 as compared with 25 sequences published in Genbank.
Amino acid substitution in VP2 hyper variable region of the IBD strains MW925051 and MW925052 in comparison to vaccine strains.
Amino acid substitution in VP2 hyper variable region of the IBD strains MW925051 and MW925052 in comparison to vaccine strains.