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Morphological, Histological and Histochemical Comparative Investigations of the Liver in Young Homing Pigeon (Columba Livia Domestica) and Cattle Egret (Bubulcus Ibis)

Morphological, Histological and Histochemical Comparative Investigations of the Liver in Young Homing Pigeon (Columba Livia Domestica) and Cattle Egret (Bubulcus Ibis)

Sozan A.A. Ismaeil1*, Hassan Emam2 

1Department of Histology and Cytology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig, Egypt; 2Department of Anatomy and Embriology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig, Egypt.

*Correspondence | Sozan A.A. Ismaeil, Department of Histology and Cytology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig, Egypt; Email: [email protected] 

Figure 1

Dissected abdominal cavity of pigeon showing the relation and position of liver :- 1- right lobe of Liver 2- left lobe of Liver, 3- Gizzard and 4- Heart. 

Figure 2

Photomacrograph of the liver of pigeon parietal view showing: 1- Right lobe 2- left lobe. 

Figure 3

Photomacrograph of the liver of pigeon visceral view showing: 1- Right lobe 2- left lobe. No gall bladder. 

Figure 4

Dissected abdominal cavity of pigeon with reflected liver showing:- 1- right lobe of Liver, 2- left lobe of Liver, 3- proventriculous, 4- Gizzard, 5- Heart, 6- Duodenum, 7- Pancreas and common hepatic duct( green arrow) with no gall bladder. 

Figure 5

Dissected abdominal cavity of Ibis showing the relation and position of liver :- 1- right lobe of Liver, 2- left lobe of Liver, 3- Heart, 4- Gizzard and 5- Duodenum. 

Figure 6

Photomacrograph of the liver of Ibis parietal view showing: 1- Right lobe 2- left lobe. 

Figure 7

Photomacrograph of the liver of Ibis visceral view showing: 1- Right lobe 2- left lobe and 3- gall bladder. 

Figure 8

Dissected abdominal cavity of Ibis with reflected liver showing:- 1- right lobe of Liver, 2- left lobe of Liver, 3- gall bladder, 4- Heart, 5- proventriculous, 6- Gizzard, 7- Duodenum and 8- Pancreas. Common bile duct (blue arrow). 

Figure 9

Photomicrograph of the pigeon’s liver showing the thin capsule (arrow). 

Figure 10

Photomicrograph of the pigeon’s liver showing the thin capsule (arrow) and the peripheral dark acidophilic zone (Pz) in-between wide blood sinusoids (S). 

Figure 11

Photomicrograph of the pigeon ‘s liver showing vacuoles (V) and the central pale acidophilic zone (Cz) in-between narrow sinusoids (S). 

Figure 12

Photomicrograph of the pigeon ‘s liver showing many vacuoles in different size (V), lymphatic tissue (arrow) and narrow sinusoids (S). 

Figure 13

Photomicrograph of the pigeon ‘s liver showing dark red areas in hepatocytes (arrow) 

Figure 14

Photomicrograph of the pigeon ‘s liver showing round irregular pale red area (La) around portal area (arrow); which consists of one branch of portal vein , one branch of hepatic artery, 1-2 bile ducts and may be lymphatic tissue.  

Figure 15

Photomicrograph of the pigeon ‘s liver showing portal area which consists of one branch of hepatic vein (HV) , one branch of hepatic artery (HA), 1-2 bile ducts and may be (arrow). 

Figure 16

Photomicrograph of the pigeon ‘s liver showing lymphatic tissue (arrow) around bile duct (BD). 

Figure 17

Photomicrograph of the pigeon ‘s liver showing large spaces in different size and shape (LS) between hepatocytes.  

Figure 18

High magnification of rectangular area in (Fig. 17) showing large spaces in different size and shape (LS) between hepatocytes. 

Figure 19

Photomicrograph of the Cattle Egret ‘s (Ibis) liver showing gall bladder ( arrow) 

Figure 20

Photomicrograph of the Cattle Egret ‘s (Ibis) liver showing thick capsule (arrow) 

Figure 21

Photomicrograph of the Cattle Egret ‘s (Ibis) liver showing the peripheral dark red zone (Pz), wide sinusoids (S) lined by kupffer’s cell and nucleated RBCs, thick capsule (arrow) and haemopoietic tissue( Ht). 

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., Vol. 13, Iss. 1, pp. 1-216


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