Reproductive Behavior and Hormone Metabolite Profiles in Captive Breeding Female Sumatran Slow Lorises (Nycticebus hilleri)
Luthfiralda Sjahfirdi1*, Lisa Nurfalah1, Deanvi Fahira Wisnuputri1, Entang Iskandar2
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia; 2Primate Research Center (PSSP), IPB University, Indonesia.
*Correspondence | Luthfiralda Sjahfirdi, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia; E-mail:
Figure 1:
Proportion of nocturnal behaviors (travel, resting, auto grooming, feeding, reproductive, social, and unseen behaviors) in female slow lorises in cage no. 2 (K2) and in cage no. 5 (K5) during study.
Figure 3:
Pattern of female Sumatran slow loris behavior in cage no.5 (K5) observed daily from 17:00 to 05:00 WIB during study.
Figure 4:
Standard curve of Estrone Conjugate (E1C) at 450-nm optical density (OD). Description: X axes = Concentration and Y axes = Absorbance.
Figure 5:
Estrone Conjugare (E1C) hormone profiles of the female sumatran slow loris in cage no. 2 (K2) and in cage no.5 (K5) in captivity (pg/g) during study. Note: Black circles (O) indicate E1C peaks. Description: X axes = days and Y axes = E1C level (pg/g).
Figure 6:
Standard curve of Pregnaneolone Glucuronide (PdG) at 450-nm optical density (OD). Description: X axes = Concentration and Y axes = Absorbance.
Figure 7:
Pregnenolone Glucuronide (PdG) hormone profiles of the female sumatran slow loris in cage no.2 (K2) and in cage no.5 (K5) in captivity (pg/g). Note: Black circles indicate PdG peaks. Description: X axes = days and Y axes = PdG level (pg/g).
Figure 2:
Pattern of female sumatran slow loris behavior in cage no.2 (K2) observed daily from 17:00 to 05:00 WIB during study.